Another Unqualified Judge Orders Trump Off The Ballot In Illinois

The above is 100% ignorant bullshit. The decision by the SCOTUS expected this week will prove me right.
If SCOTUS overrules the lower courts, the judges in the lower courts are still valid judges whose rulings have legality.

And it certainly doesn't make a judge unqualified for their position. You saying otherwise is the ignorant argument.
Have you had a consultation with hisarpy? Are you a lawyer too? How do you know what the judge has or hasn’t read?
No, he is a licensed attorney. In the course of my business I have become a student of the law with years of practical experience in labor, contractual, and business law. I have an interest as well in federal and SCOTUS jurisprudence.
No, he is a licensed attorney. In the course of my business I have become a student of the law with years of practical experience in labor, contractual, and business law. I have an interest as well in federal and SCOTUS jurisprudence.
Then why are you so fucking bad at all of it?
No, he is a licensed attorney. In the course of my business I have become a student of the law with years of practical experience in labor, contractual, and business law. I have an interest as well in federal and SCOTUS jurisprudence.
Still that doesn’t give you occasion to rule on a judges legitimacy, and what they’ve read or not because you disagree with them.
If SCOTUS overrules the lower courts, the judges in the lower courts are still valid judges whose rulings have legality.

And it certainly doesn't make a judge unqualified for their position. You saying otherwise is the ignorant argument.
This judge is not familiar with the 14th Amendment or its history. It grants her or her state no enforcement authority whatsoever. She has zero authority to adjudicate anyone guilty of insurrection who is not before her in court. She has no authority to do so from afar to anyone who has never been charged or convicted of insurrection and who is not a resident within her jurisdiction. To think otherwise is idiocy, but therein explains your intransigence on the matter.
Still that doesn’t give you occasion to rule on a judges legitimacy, and what they’ve read or not because you disagree with them.
In America, we have a right to speak our minds on matters of law or politics and make our opinions publicly known, especially when there is a mountain of prima facie evidence to support it.
She fails to understand the 14th Amendment gives no enforcement authority to the states whatsoever. It was written to remove power from the states. She cannot use it as a pretext to remove a Presidential candidate from a state ballot. She has no authority to rule a man guilty of a crime that isn't before her court and who has never been charged let alone convicted of insurrection by any other court. It's obvious she's a politically oriented judge unfamiliar with the law
That sounds pretty clear cut to me.
Imagine all the times per day he mutters "nigger" or "wetback" from behind the safety of his CRT monitor.
All you do is "imagine" when there is zero evidence in play. Zero. Your AV indicates half a brain and your thoughts are half-baked as well. So in the interest of informed public discourse, do fuck off.
So you concede that a person well affiliated with the law and interpretation of it can be terrible at it. Like a judge, for example.
I didn't concede shit. That's like comparing Hank Aaron with a toddler who once saw a baseball bat.
All you do is "imagine" when there is zero evidence in play. Zero. Your AV indicates half a brain and your thoughts are half-baked as well. So in the interest of informed public discourse, do fuck off.
My av is actually 2 brains but your small mind can't see that, Jack.
This judge is not familiar with the 14th Amendment or its history. It grants her or her state no enforcement authority whatsoever. She has zero authority to adjudicate anyone guilty of insurrection who is not before her in court. She has no authority to do so from afar to anyone who has never been charged or convicted of insurrection and who is not a resident within her jurisdiction. To think otherwise is idiocy, but therein explains your intransigence on the matter.
Of course she's familiar with the 14th Amendment. She is a judge and has every authority to rule on a case brought before her court.

To think that a judge has no authority to do her job is an expression of your biased bullshit. SCOTUS likely will rule to reverse this, but that does not make her ruling invalid nor does it make her unqualified to rule.
Amazingly, one doesn't expect the number of hoops that have to be negotiated to inform the left of a simple truth.
What I find interesting is how the leftists around here will bow down and worship the judges and judgements passed down by them, invoking their legal authority without question, so long as it targets someone like Trump they personally hate.

Imagine if they held such standards for other legal authorities, like the police. 🤣
Quit trying to interpret what I'm thinking or typing and just read the fucking words on the screen.
So answer the question: are judges, their behavior, interpretations and their judgements infalliable things not to be questioned?
Of course she's familiar with the 14th Amendment. She is a judge and has every authority to rule on a case brought before her court.

To think that a judge has no authority to do her job is an expression of your biased bullshit. SCOTUS likely will rule to reverse this, but that does not make her ruling invalid nor does it make her unqualified to rule.
It's also apparent she hasn't read Section 5 which says:

"The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article."

Not some judge in Illinois.

I think it's likely the SCOTUS will rule that states have no power to remove a presidential candidate from a state ballot.
So answer the question: are judges, their behavior, interpretations and their judgements infalliable things not to be questioned?
Of course they are. No one is infallible.

Please be sure to refer to your thought pattern on this when SCOTUS rules in the favor of a criminal.
It's also apparent she hasn't read Section 5 which says:

"The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article."

Not some judge in Illinois.

I think it's likely the SCOTUS will rule that states have no power to remove a presidential candidate from a state ballot.
I get that you disagree with the ruling and have a different interpretation of the Amendment. That means Jack shit to whether she is qualified to rule on a case brought to her court

The court system is setup to handle legal questions, of which this is one. SCOTUS will rule on it next, and according to the structure of the court, will be the final ruling.

And that ruling won't make hers any less qualified or credible. But she is more qualified and credible to rule than you are... Because youre not a fucking judge.
Isn't that on the table to be decided by the Colorado case already?
Yep, that is the ruling I'm referring to. We should see it this week. That is another reason why the Judge in Illinois should have waited before ruling, but it's obvious she wanted the headlines.
I get that you disagree with the ruling and have a different interpretation of the Amendment. That means Jack shit to whether she is qualified to rule on a case brought to her court

The court system is setup to handle legal questions, of which this is one. SCOTUS will rule on it next, and according to the structure of the court, will be the final ruling.

And that ruling won't make hers any less qualified or credible. But she is more qualified and credible to rule than you are... Because youre not a fucking judge.

She's ruled in ignorance of the law and ignorant of her authority under it. That means to me she's not qualified to be a judge. She's a political judge.
But she is more qualified and credible to rule than you are... Because youre not a fucking judge.
Since when has Rightguide ever claimed to be making rulings or claimed to be a judge?

The strength of his arguments and positions are based upon the merits of them, not his titles.

Hint: that's the same standard he and I apply to people called judges as well.