Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot

Bottom line:

An obvious traitor and insurrectionists WILL be on the ballot for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

There were NO EFFECTIVE mechanisms is place to prevent that travesty of justice and common sense from becoming a reality.

Shame on America.

Let anarchy reign.

The corrupt right wing "justices’" decision to go beyond what was required to address the Colorado ruling is a further travesty of justice and common sense.

Shame on them.

Let anarchy reign.

The immunity case is next:

Will it be another nail in the coffin of democracy and justice???


Bottom line:

An obvious traitor and insurrectionists WILL be on the ballot for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

There were NO EFFECTIVE mechanisms is place to prevent that travesty of justice and common sense from becoming a reality.

Shame on America.

Let anarchy reign.

The corrupt right wing "justices’" decision to go beyond what was required to address the Colorado ruling is a further travesty of justice and common sense.

Shame on them.

Let anarchy reign.

The immunity case is next:

Will it be another nail in the coffin of democracy and justice???


There is absolutely a mechanism in place - our election system and our Congress. But they arent required to agree.

Convince enough Americans not to vote for him. Imo that has always been the way forward. The problem is that the loudest voices are the most absurd.
Once again:

The bottom line is, an obvious traitor and adjudicated insurrectionists WILL be on the ballot for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

The congress failed to prevent it and now the Supreme Court has failed to prevent it.

Shame on America.

Let anarchy reign.

Once again:

The bottom line is, an obvious traitor and adjudicated insurrectionists WILL be on the ballot for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

The congress failed to prevent it and now the Supreme Court has failed to prevent it.

Shame on America.

Let anarchy reign.


The reality is that it is up to the voters. Especially now. Literally over 100 million people sat out 2020. More than voted for either candidate.

Americans have been so lethargic and taking things for granted for so long that the weakness of our institutions is a reflection of our citizens' disinterest.

Of by and for the people aren't just words. They require action. Voting and involvement.
The reality is that it is up to the voters. Especially now. Literally over 100 million people sat out 2020. More than voted for either candidate.

Americans have been so lethargic and taking things for granted for so long that the weakness of our institutions is a reflection of our citizens' disinterest.

Of by and for the people aren't just words. They require action. Voting and involvement.
It makes an easy case to show any voter who is considering not voting. Ive had conversations with folks who are cynical and enroll in both sideism and it's easy to lay out differences especially with the Dobbs decision.
The reality is that it is up to the voters. Especially now. Literally over 100 million people sat out 2020. More than voted for either candidate.

Americans have been so lethargic and taking things for granted for so long that the weakness of our institutions is a reflection of our citizens' disinterest.

Of by and for the people aren't just words. They require action. Voting and involvement.

True, but that is giving a free pass to our institutions that they do not deserve.

Our institutions have failed America, and even a repudiation of the corrupt orange traitor through the vote (definitely NOT a given) does not alter that fact.

When the constitution, the congress, and the Supreme Court all fail to protect America from a traitor and an adjudicated insurrectionist having the opportunity to become President of the United States, then America is disgraced.

Shame on America.

Let anarchy reign.

Side note:

I will definitely vote for President Biden in 2024 and hope for the best, but nothing can ever remove the stain of this latest travesty of justice and common sense from America’s history.

America is forever disgraced by this current failure of its institutions to protect itself from a traitor and adjudicated insurrectionist even having the opportunity to become President.



once the Supes don't vote the way the Right likes, they'll go right back to talking shit on them again.

"And that's the double truth, Ruth"​

True, but that is giving a free pass to our institutions that they do not deserve.

Our institutions have failed America, and even a repudiation of the corrupt orange traitor through the vote (definitely NOT a given) does not alter that fact.

When the constitution, the congress, and the Supreme Court all fail to protect America from a traitor and an adjudicated insurrectionist having the opportunity to become President of the United States, then America is disgraced.

Shame on America.

Let anarchy reign.

Side note:

I will definitely vote for President Biden in 2024 and hope for the best, but nothing can ever remove the stain of this latest travesty of justice and common sense from America’s history.

America is forever disgraced by this current failure of our institutions to protect itself from a traitor and adjudicated insurrectionist even having the opportunity to become President.




I'm not giving a free pass to them. I'm point blank saying they are weakened as a direct result of citizen disinterest.
I'm not giving a free pass to them. I'm point blank saying they are weakened as a direct result of citizen disinterest.

I’m being very specific about this one instance. (and a few other recent decisions / failures).

I do not disagree with your larger premise.

I'm not giving a free pass to them. I'm point blank saying they are weakened as a direct result of citizen disinterest.
Those of us engaged full time have understood this for a while., though I even underestimated on the Dobbs decision.
The Colorado Supreme court for one. The plaintiff's in that case for another. Illinois for a 3rd. Maine (IIRC) for a 4th. The list goes on.

We told you so. You refused to listen to reason and now have had your noses shoved into your own shit.
It’s fucking hilarious to read some of the posts from the early days of this thread. Some of the whining that’s been posted since the news came out is pretty funny too.
*Public service announcement*

Only a traitor would celebrate an obvious traitor, and an adjudicated insurrectionist, being allowed to be on the ballot for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

That is all.

You know why we're gloating?

Because you idjits deserve every bit of it.



lol, I also said it would be overturned....somehow this isn't the big win you thought it would be carbon water boy...
In a statement tonight, Laurence Tribe made a fascinating observation:
The six "strict constructionists" on the Supreme Court suddenly and effortlessly became "living breathing document" afficionados with the Colorado decision. They manufactured out of thin air a requirement for the majority of Congress to determine "insurrection", despite almost half of Congress being "in" on the insurrection plot.

Essentially, the "living breathing document" contingent nullified an amendment to the United States Constitution today.
In a statement tonight, Laurence Tribe made a fascinating observation:
The six "strict constructionists" on the Supreme Court suddenly and effortlessly became "living breathing document" afficionados with the Colorado decision. They manufactured out of thin air a requirement for the majority of Congress to determine "insurrection", despite almost half of Congress being "in" on the insurrection plot.

Essentially, the "living breathing document" contingent nullified an amendment to the United States Constitution today.

The cowardly way the ENTIRE court basically punted the PRIMARY issue could be expected, but the extra step by the corrupt right wing "justices” to insulate the corrupt orange traitor, the traitorous members of congress, and themselves from future accountability is beyond the pale.


