Anyone from the UK?

too much hassle. If you are a lay exec you get no payment, only any expenses back. Best hand it to a solicitor (and hope they aren't greedy). it's a thankless task, especially if it's a complex estate
What if youre the executor and the sole beneficiary?
What if youre the executor and the sole beneficiary?
it still needs doing "properly", so everything accounted for for Probate and disposed of correctly too.

easier, yes, but still a pain if there are lots of assets. Often easier to get a sols to do the Probate bit and then take over
I was my deceased wife's executor and sole beneficiary. Dead simple to do (excuse the pun).

Any property under probate you can self declare.
I'm neither, just interested really.
it still needs doing "properly", so everything accounted for for Probate and disposed of correctly too.

easier, yes, but still a pain if there are lots of assets. Often easier to get a sols to do the Probate bit and then take over
Still no air con for you people in the UK, I couldn't live without it here! 32 at least during the day and around 24/25 at night!