Anyone from the UK?

Good morning. Lie in today, I have a day off, yay.

There was a good deal of manhugging on both teams, but no tongues, unlike the women's. England's men never play as a team - too much individual arrogance and truly awful haircuts

There were some bad hair, wasn't there.

What shall I do today?


Guess which idiot didn't wake up on time despite having 4 alarms set...

Kiddo late for school.
£15 to stick him in a taxi.

Fucking Monday
That's the difficult bit done, though.

Get in the garden and top up some vitamin D
Meh. Trying to control stress and anxiety. How are you?

Good... the Swifts are still here, but saw some youngsters screaming after the parents the other day, so they will be going soon. Le Tour is great to watch.

Other than that, the usual crushing anxiety and self loathing!

It is bin day though

Fuck all you nay sayers! We've got a 50/50 chance. Why not us? If not? We go again!

Forza Inghilterra, allez les Blanc, come on England!!!
Ah it was a great game, great atmosphere and we played really well, just not as good as this Spanish team that had looked the best in the tourney from the word go!

No shame and heads held high - we go again!