Anyone from the UK?

cheers all, for the good wishes - she didn't get quite what she needed, so anxious times in the Wand3r houehold.
It'll be fine, but its easy for me to say, and not for her to believe right now!
Oh I hope she's ok. I remember doing shit at my A Levels and believing it was the end of the whole world but there are always other paths and other options
cheers all, for the good wishes - she didn't get quite what she needed, so anxious times in the Wand3r houehold.
It'll be fine, but its easy for me to say, and not for her to believe right now!
Thanks for letting us know, and sorry for the results not being what was hoped for. Hard times being a young one, but it’ll all be good 😘
cheers all, for the good wishes - she didn't get quite what she needed, so anxious times in the Wand3r houehold.
It'll be fine, but its easy for me to say, and not for her to believe right now!
My cousin is in the same position so have been chatting to them today.
I know of many people who didn't get what they expected but it will be fine. Sometimes not doing your first choice of subjects works out for the best. I know it's easy to say but difficult to get to across to somebody in that position.
It's so difficult to get the youngsters to believe it, isn't it... until all of a sudden they're our age, and realising you were right!

Hope she feels better about it soon 👍
That's a kind and insightful thing to say. I was a swat for GCSE's but scraped my A's. I was aghast when I realised that after first year at Uni no one ever ever asks about your exam results: you just have Maths, Physics, Chemistry... I work with people who graduated in the forces because they wanted to study while they did stuff like firing guns... weapons.
Evening all. Have I missed anything interesting/funny/informative/ scandalous/salacious/?... anything at all really?
Emperor I’m here to serve your needs…anything you require my lord xx
In all the vastness of my empire, there are countless wonders, yet none shine as brightly as you do at this moment. The burdens of leadership are heavy, but in your presence, they seem to lighten, if only for a while.
In all the vastness of my empire, there are countless wonders, yet none shine as brightly as you do at this moment. The burdens of leadership are heavy, but in your presence, they seem to lighten, if only for a while.
For that small amount of time…let me take care of your needs, help ease away the aches and pains, massage your aching body with mine. You need rest my lord…I can provide you with the comfort you desire x