Anyone from the UK?

For that small amount of time…let me take care of your needs, help ease away the aches and pains, massage your aching body with mine. You need rest my lord…I can provide you with the comfort you desire x
I do not seek to command your heart, but to earn it. To show you that even the greatest of kings can be humbled by the beauty of a single soul.
you can be humbled by a decent biscuit too

*passes around the tin*
Ah, a simple pleasure in a world often filled with complexities. I commend your thoughtfulness. It is these small gestures that remind us of the humanity we protect, the quiet moments of contentment that sustain us through the darkest hours. You have my gratitude
only had to say "thanks"... i'm too tired to listen to too many words
I see the weariness in your eyes, the weight of countless days of work etched into your soul. But know this: your strength is not measured by how many times you fall, but by how many times you rise again, defiant in the face of adversity.
or... how many biscuits i can eat

*munches a digestive*
Do not let fatigue dull your spirit. Remember who you are, and remember what you stand for. The enemies of Oranges would see you falter, would revel in your despair. But you will not give them that satisfaction. You will stand tall, your heart aflame with purpose, your will as unbreakable as my own.
Will you look into them as I serve you? X
My queen, your willingness to serve fills me with deep appreciation. But remember, this bond is not one of servitude alone; it is a partnership built on mutual respect and admiration. Your support and presence are invaluable; together, we will achieve greatness. Your dedication honours me, and I am here to cherish and support you in return.
My queen, your willingness to serve fills me with deep appreciation. But remember, this bond is not one of servitude alone; it is a partnership built on mutual respect and admiration. Your support and presence are invaluable; together, we will achieve greatness. Your dedication honours me, and I am here to cherish and support you in return.
I must serve my king above anything else x
I'm so confused.
I understand that you may feel uncertain now, but know that your confusion is only a temporary shadow. Trust in the path we are on and in your abilities. You have the strength and wisdom to overcome this challenge, and I have full confidence in your capability. Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and remember that clarity will come with patience and perseverance. We will navigate this together, and I am here to support you every step of the way.
i mean, if someone is serving i'd expect cubes of cheese with pineapple on a cocktail stick.

or tiny little bits of bread with a sliver of some kind of spread and an olive
I understand your fear, for feeling apprehensive in uncertain times is natural. But remember this: I am not apart from you. I am one of you, bound by the same struggles and hopes. My strength comes not from being different but from standing alongside each of you. Together, we share the same destiny and face the same challenges. Let us draw courage from one another, knowing that, united, we are stronger than any fear that stands before us. We are in this together, and together we shall prevail