"Appalachia don't give a f******* about TAMPONS after a HURRICANE!"

John "Aw Shucks" Kennedy proves yet again that he is not the brightest bulb.
That would also be low on the priority list of survival items, though it would be above tampons.
With enough soap / disinfectant you can get by without toilet paper as long as you have water for washing and a long drop. Hygiene is important for disease prevention.

As for tampons, you can improvise washable pads from an old t-shirt or something. Inconvenient and kind of yuck, but a lot of 3rd world countries survive without tampons. First world problems......

But you know what, that never really occurred to me to stock up on - we have a years worth of food and survival stuff and a huge medical kit in the basement, plus enough ammo and guns for a squad, AND toilet paper LOL, but tampons....duh....makes note to go shopping this weekend. LOL. Good catch.

Contraceptives is another thing - lol - you don't wanna get knocked up in the middle of a lengthy disaster.....well, maybe not you, but I sure don't, and with no power, you gotta think of recreation while you wait for the helicopters LOL
FEMA stepping up. They shipped up 3 pallets of electric chainsaws to a community without power.

In a survival situation where your lives are on the line, here are five choices and you can only pick four:

1) clean water
2) food
3) shelter
4) medicine
5) tampons

What would be your choices?
Interesting mind exercise, but in this case there is no reason why you can't pick all five. Despite what I'm sure you heard on whichever right-wing "news" source is your favorite, FEMA is there and, by all reliable accounts, doing a great job.

But you know what, that never really occurred to me to stock up on - we have a years worth of food and survival stuff and a huge medical kit in the basement, plus enough ammo and guns for a squad, AND toilet paper LOL, but tampons....duh....
Oh, we all have no doubt it never occurred to you to stock up on tampons.
They were reserving that money for "migrants". You severely underestimate how much they hate you.

Remember what this particular Trumper had to say about the Haitians-eating-pets rumor: it doesn't matter if it's true, because now the story is out there and it's (ostensibly) hurting the Dems. That shows exactly how much they care about their sources' reliability.

It's breathtaking - the amount of lies, the commitment to the lies, the rejection of the truth.
Who says the sources are questionable
I do.
  • Jewish Space Lasers
  • Haitians Eating Your Pets
  • FEMA Gave Appalachia Emergency Funds To Illegal Immigrants.
  • Mexican Cartels Bringing In Fentanyl
  • Lawfare Lawfare Lawfare
All carefully designed to stoke maximum outrage from the Fox News boomer demographic.
Louisiana congressman John Kennedy lectures VP Kamala Harris that people in Appalachia don't give a "function" about lack of tampons after a hurricane.

And Kennedy and his white patriarchal "elk" (sic) want to reserve the right of exclusive control over the bodily autonomy of women come this November. :rolleyes:

A new spin on "Let them bleed out in the parking lot!" ....it's not just for hospital miscarriages anymore!
How did women survive for thousands of years until the 1930s when Tampons were invented? Nobody survives without food, water, or shelter...the more immediate considerations.
I do.
  • Jewish Space Lasers
  • Haitians Eating Your Pets
  • FEMA Gave Appalachia Emergency Funds To Illegal Immigrants.
  • Mexican Cartels Bringing In Fentanyl
  • Lawfare Lawfare Lawfare
All carefully designed to stoke maximum outrage from the Fox News boomer demographic.
FOX has a dwindling audience. Like all cable sources they are losing market share to online news sources.
FOX has a dwindling audience. Like all cable sources they are losing market share to online news sources.
On this, we agree.

Cable TV has become increasingly niche-oriented. Fox retains the casual "oh yeah I hate that" boomer demographic but the 24/7/365 conspiracy theorist nutbags have migrated over to OAN and the really radical right hate-news sites.
On this, we agree.

Cable TV has become increasingly niche-oriented. Fox retains the casual "oh yeah I hate that" boomer demographic but the 24/7/365 conspiracy theorist nutbags have migrated over to OAN and the really radical right hate-news sites.
Most of these cable news channels run one of two major stories a day, 99.9% of what is happening in the world isn't mentioned. I rarely tune in Fox anymore except to see what stories are going to take up the rest of the day. Takes me about five minutes to figure out what the subject is for the day. If you come back later in the day they're still pushing the same shit. I go to the wire services both foreign and domestic. Years ago there was a radio news channel in Los Angeles called KNX you could tune into it and get the local news and news from all over the World. Today the broadcast news landscape is a wasteland.
I do.
  • Jewish Space Lasers
  • Haitians Eating Your Pets
  • FEMA Gave Appalachia Emergency Funds To Illegal Immigrants.
  • Mexican Cartels Bringing In Fentanyl
  • Lawfare Lawfare Lawfare
All carefully designed to stoke maximum outrage from the Fox News boomer demographic.
  • Jewish Space Lasers - LOL. Love it when Libs take these things seriously. Gotta step this one up.
  • Haitians Eating Your Pets - Yum yum - the recipe books will be next.
  • FEMA Gave Appalachia Emergency Funds To Illegal Immigrants. - Proven
  • Mexican Cartels Bringing In Fentanyl - Proven
  • Lawfare Lawfare Lawfare - you need to ask? LOL
Fox? THAT one is for RINO's.

Breitbart is THE trusted new source, with all the latest on Jewish Space Lasers and Haitian recipes.
Cable TV has become increasingly niche-oriented. Fox retains the casual "oh yeah I hate that" boomer demographic but the 24/7/365 conspiracy theorist nutbags have migrated over to OAN and the really radical right hate-news sites.
And the whacko extremist left watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and the other left wing hate sites filled with fake news and radical left opinion masquerading as news
And the whacko extremist left watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and the other left wing hate sites filled with fake news and radical left opinion masquerading as news

Crazy racist fascist conspiracy nut Chloe making something up and pretending it’s real. CRFCNC has no grip on reality.

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