Aprils Sexual Journey with Pictures

Funny I just left a comment on your vacation story and then saw you had a post here. I can relate to some of your stories. I work in the airline industry and over the years have traveled a lot. One time an older manager suggested we go on a trip since I travel all the time and I could be a guide. I knew what was up though. 🤣 Though I didn't take him up on his offer.

Keep up writing the stories. They are very hot and even better they are true. I have two stories up that only have elements of true incidents up. The rest are pure fantasy.
New story has just been posted “Sex Vacation With the Boss”
It’s about my first full time job after graduating. I was hired by Mr. Wilson who took a fancy to me.


Please have a read and be sure to rate it well if you enjoy the story.

Here is a real picture of myself that is related to the story. Be nice please.

I enjoy reading your comments.

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Nothing but Oooos and Aaahhhs for this pic. Can't wait till break to give it a read.
New story has just been posted “Sex Vacation With the Boss”
It’s about my first full time job after graduating. I was hired by Mr. Wilson who took a fancy to me.


Please have a read and be sure to rate it well if you enjoy the story.

Here is a real picture of myself that is related to the story. Be nice please.

I enjoy reading your comments.

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Why would he not take a fancy? 💕
This I like.

I like this for many reasons. Your early photos of you in your youth are very sexy. However, I like your present day very much.
Another picture.
Wouldn't I love to be following that ass into the bedroom!

Must read your stories too - the post about your "friend" in the closet is hilarious (reminds me of British farces from the 70s and 80s)
Just finished browsing the complete thread - some lovely pics of a hot sexy woman and some interesting tales to accompany them (or the other way round)
Definitely going to "watch" this thread for more developments!