Are San Franciscans coming to their senses?

Thank goodness there are no drug addicts in the US military!
For enlisted if caught or test positive they’re put on remedial drug and alcohol rehabilitation and if you’re an officer and test positive for drugs kiss your career goodbye.
They do in the military.

Yes. My son gets tested randomly. It’s not a big deal for him and it makes perfect sense given the nature of the job. I think it makes sense for soldiers, pilots, truckers, cops, air traffic controllers, and similar occupations. I wish that the decisions of politicians could be attributed to drugs. But I don’t think drug use explains the crazy stuff that happens in DC and state capitals.
Yes. My son gets tested randomly. It’s not a big deal for him and it makes perfect sense given the nature of the job. I think it makes sense for soldiers, pilots, truckers, cops, air traffic controllers, and similar occupations. I wish that the decisions of politicians could be attributed to drugs. But I don’t think drug use explains the crazy stuff that happens in DC and state capitals.
Maybe voters should be drug tested before voting! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
For enlisted if caught or test positive they’re put on remedial drug and alcohol rehabilitation and if you’re an officer and test positive for drugs kiss your career goodbye.
That has nothing to do with my post. Learn to read.
they were right. you are drunk by lunch.

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Yes, you’ve made yourself clear. You don’t think 7500+ raging crazies shitting on the sidewalks, shooting up and littering to streets with needles, starting fires, bleeding the city budget, and driving away businesses represents a significant share of the city’s population.
Maybe voters should be drug tested before voting! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I’m looking forward to seeing the outcome of the election in SF next week. If the polling is accurate, it could mean SF voters are finally coming to their senses. Stepping on needles and piles of shit can be sobering.
Yes, you’ve made yourself clear. You don’t think 7500+ raging crazies shitting on the sidewalks, shooting up and littering to streets with needles, starting fires, bleeding the city budget, and driving away businesses represents a significant share of the city’s population.
none of that has anything to do with your lies about unemployment.

and i have never mentioned anything about the 7500 whatever.

this thread is going really well for you 🇺🇲👍🏻🇺🇲👍🏻

and they still have less unemployment than the national average in case you missed that FACT.

That is, when BabyBoobs isn’t busy using an innocent child as a political football…



it's the alcohol and most likely oxy that has made him into this particular brand of fool.
none of that has anything to do with your lies about unemployment.

and i have never mentioned anything about the 7500 whatever.

this thread is going really well for you 🇺🇲👍🏻🇺🇲👍🏻

Oh, you think the urban campers of SF who are driving business out of the city are employed? 😂
you just admitted that me, a "drug addict," can point out your obvious lies and ruin your thread with facts.

that doesn't have the oomph you wish it did

You haven’t pointed out a lie but I know you’re working hard at trying. Get clean, stay clean, get a job kid.