Nike Sends A Huge F*ck You To Trump By Posting Their Sales

Nike did their customer research and knows who buys their stuff.
^ True.

I also think that both Nowisthetime and Spearechucker made good points (if I understood them correctly):

Those who rushed to buy Nine's stuff were
- either idealistic, egalitarian folks (trait that I often encountered amongst Millennials, as opposed to the concrete, SJW wannabism amongst tired, older Xster farts -like myself- who populate political forums)
- or narcissists who wanted to be seen wearing expensive brands, and "lobbying for a cause."

I'm curious about what gimmick NIKE will come up with next. Young people often have the attention span of puppies.
Some interesting news.
Doctors Remind Trump Supporters To Take Nikes Off Before Burning Them

The American Medical Association (AMA) released a statement today urging those protesting Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ad campaign by burning their sneakers and other athletic apparel to remove it before doing to. This follows an epidemic of burn victims, which they say is not all that surprising.

These people tend to respond instinctively in the moment, rather than forward-project the consequences of their actions like most mammals do.
While we understand their enthusiasm to protest any company that stands with basic equality and equal treatment under the law, we feel duty-bound to counsel against hasty actions that will lead to medical harm.
There has also been an epidemic of stabbed calves and ankles as they attempt to cut the swoosh emblem from their socks while they are still wearing them.
Unfortunately we can’t cure stupid.”
I think us Generation Xers perfected the art of the short attention span.

Indeed. I'm actually genuinely puzzled.
As I said, I get Millennials - most of them are idealists and egalitarians who like working together, others are narcissists in an Instagram selfies-sharing sort of way.

But how did so many Xers - a generation seen as being one of the most self-centered, hedonistic ones - end up being SJWers in middle life?
Indeed. I'm actually genuinely puzzled.
As I said, I get Millennials - most of them are idealists and egalitarians who like working together, others are narcissists in an Instagram selfies-sharing sort of way.

But how did so many Xers - a generation seen as being one of the most self-centered, hedonistic ones - end up being SJWers in middle life?

Because we grew up? ... although I've always been about the social justice, even at my most hedonistic.
I am not convinced this is a smart marketing move.
A lot of schools that are aligned with Nike now are boxed in by contracts and can't make a fuss for fear of alienating potential recruits. Once those contracts expire in the next several years, though, other companies will be ready to step in and take Nike's place.
You can bet a whole lot of big time middle America donors to major universities are not happy to have the swoosh on their unis.
A one-week increase is meaningless, and Nike Knows this. Let's see what the Bottom Line says at the end of their fiscal year. "Bottom Line" is not a cliche. It means the bottom line on the P & L statements.

You have to admire Capperprick for the sacrifice of settling for a zillion dollars instead of a skillion. :rolleyes:

^ True.

I also think that both Nowisthetime and Spearechucker made good points (if I understood them correctly):

Those who rushed to buy Nine's stuff were
- either idealistic, egalitarian folks (trait that I often encountered amongst Millennials, as opposed to the concrete, SJW wannabism amongst tired, older Xster farts -like myself- who populate political forums)
- or narcissists who wanted to be seen wearing expensive brands, and "lobbying for a cause."

I'm curious about what gimmick NIKE will come up with next. Young people often have the attention span of puppies.

Exactly. As I pointed out, those people were probably going to buy Nike again at some point but they rushed in to show how 'woke' they were.

;) ;)
Indeed. I'm actually genuinely puzzled.
As I said, I get Millennials - most of them are idealists and egalitarians who like working together, others are narcissists in an Instagram selfies-sharing sort of way.

But how did so many Xers - a generation seen as being one of the most self-centered, hedonistic ones - end up being SJWers in middle life?

Perhaps they saw how selfish and feckless the boomers turned out in their golden years. They see aging boomers such as NotAJ routinely lecture us on how the poor have a duty to shuffle off the mortal coil so that corporate profit margins may be maintained in their 401K accounts and they are revolted.
Throb just got to work, logged in and went straight to Lit..

We have full employment now in Trump's Economic Miracle. Plenty of jobs to be had everywhere. Yet you are still an idle layabout. With your "daughter" moved out of the teepee, you can't even claim to be a "stay at home Dad" anymore.

So tell us....what IS your excuse for not working nowadays, Chief?
I believe he spends his vast amount of free time outsmarting the various financial markets.
Perhaps they saw how selfish and feckless the boomers turned out in their golden years. They see aging boomers such as NotAJ routinely lecture us on how the poor have a duty to shuffle off the mortal coil so that corporate profit margins may be maintained in their 401K accounts and they are revolted.

Rob the dumb ass is bitter because he never amounted to much more than minimum wage.

Mommy and Daddy didn't teach him any personal responsibility so he blames anyone doing better than him and the "capitalism" boogieman for his failure at life.

But how did so many Xers - a generation seen as being one of the most self-centered, hedonistic ones - end up being SJWers in middle life?

Boomers were too busy chasing paper to raise their kids, so they turned out like Rob.....degenerate anti-American socialist.