Are The Democrats A Communist Party?

I answered this question long ago when you asked it. If you had a memory longer than this morning you'd remember it.
There isn't a single thing Trump has done that resembles Fascism.
Trump's gatherings resemble Nazi rallies. Trump's supporters believe his lies, just as Hiler's supporters believed Hitler' lies.
I answered this question long ago when you asked it. If you had a memory longer than this morning you'd remember it.
There isn't a single thing Trump has done that resembles Fascism.
Answer it again. I have read The Communist Manifesto several times. I took a seminar given by the American Communist Party on Das Kapital. I already owned all three volumes of Das Kapital, printed in Moscow by Progress Publishers.

I know enough about the theories of Karl Marx to believe he had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything else. I see no value at all at all in the writing and thinking of Lenin.

Even during the Great Depression and the War in Vietnam Marxism lacked popular support in the United States, and certainly in the Democrat Party. If the Democrat Party is inspired by the economic ideas of anyone it is those of John Maynard Keynes.
Answer it again. I have read The Communist Manifesto several times. I took a seminar given by the American Communist Party on Das Kapital. I already owned all three volumes of Das Kapital, printed in Moscow by Progress Publishers.

I know enough about the theories of Karl Marx to believe he had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything else. I see no value at all at all in the writing and thinking of Lenin.

Even during the Great Depression and the War in Vietnam Marxism lacked popular support in the United States, and certainly in the Democrat Party. If the Democrat Party is inspired by the economic ideas of anyone it is those of John Maynard Keynes.
I see no value in the communist mindset whatsoever. It has no place in the United States of America or in any other place referred to as the free world.
Yes, for all practical purposes. They support and enact Marxist policies. They support unconstitutional totalitarian government controls on the population. They use weaponized government agencies to harass, prosecute, and imprison their political enemies. They demand conformity to their ideology and their forms of communication. Ideologically political propagandists indoctrinate our children from their first day in school. They hate individual liberty except their own. Children are taught to judge others on the basis of their race. They threaten or do worse to the noncompliant. All their foregoing fits within the communist mold.
Lol... histrionic boy chimes in
That being said, the so-called socialist economy that the orange traitor refers to, as though the terms communism and socialism are interchangeable, was a term that was coined during Reconstruction when wealthy white landowners did not want to be taxed to develop roads, bridges, schools, etc. that would lift all boats. Semantics? Economic systems? BS? When the orange traitor can EVER elaborate on any of his sound-bite terms, well, that will be the day. He's clueless.
I see no value in the communist mindset whatsoever. It has no place in the United States of America or in any other place referred to as the free world.
What you call "freedom" I call "plutocratic power and privilege."

The two valid insights of Marx are first, that the national tendency of unregulated capitalism is to accumulate wealth and income at the top. Second, partly as a result of this, capitalism experiences increasingly serious economic downturns.

That is what did happen from 1847, when Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto to the Stock Market Crash of 1928.

President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal countered the first tendency with steeply progressive taxation, a minimum wage, laws to protect labor unions, and an expanded public sector of the economy. As a result, the United States developed the largest and most prosperous middle class in the world. Recessions became milder and rarer.

Beginning with the Reaan administration in the 1980's, Republicans began to reverse New Deal reforms. Taxes were cut for rich people and corporations. Labor unions got weaker. The minimum wage lost ground to inflation and the growing productivity of the U.S. economy.

As a result, wealth and income again accumulate at the top. Recessions are longer and deeper. They are followed with "jobless recoveries," when the gross domestic product (GDP) rises, but unemployment remains high. When this happens, the economic growth goes to employers, rather than employees.

I see no value in the communist mindset whatsoever. It has no place in the United States of America or in any other place referred to as the free world.
Yet, the candidate that you seem to support has nothing but good things to say about Vladimir Putin and Kim Jung Un. He also seems to think that Xi Jingping has some pretty good things going for him. The reason is that he's clueless. He's always been clueless. He has bankrupted six companies, is worth almost nothing and is an aging, babbling idiot. Do you actually listen to him? Marxist? Socialist? Ask him what the terms mean. He'll babble on for an hour and not say anything because, as Rex Tillerson noted years ago, he is a f**king MORON!
The short answer is"Yes." Forget about the nominee no one voted for. Forget about the non-convention. Just listen to their proposed policies.
Did the Democrats advocate confiscating all private property? Nationalizing and taking over all private industry? Criminalizing private enterprize? Funny, I don't remember hearing about any of this.

Because they did not.

Silly thread anyway. No, the Democrats are not communist. Should be clear to anyone with a high school level education.

And no, Rightguide does not, and furthermore he never did, have any clue what communism is. (Though it's possible, even likely, that he grew up in Russia under Brezhnev, so maybe he only pretends not to.)