Are we normal?

TheEarl said:
Interestingly enough there's no similar term for men. When a man can't keep his dick in his trousers and fucks everyone without care for the consequences, then he's just called a wanker.
I think wanker is used too politely here. I thought the basic term was bloke (or man, guy, dude, fella, etc.) It's only for women that a clinical term had to be invented (by blokes) and put in the textbooks.

wanking and content,

Pear :eek:
perdita said:
I think wanker is used too politely here. I thought the basic term was bloke (or man, guy, dude, fella, etc.) It's only for women that a clinical term had to be invented (by blokes) and put in the textbooks.

wanking and content,

Pear :eek:

Oh, that's cold. I'd like to point out that I've never cheated on a girlfriend and I never plan to. Not all blokes are dickheads and I'd wager that a large chunk of the male pop of the AH aren't.

Interestingly enough, both Gauche and I appear to be wrong according to the Oxford English dictionary. There is no listing for satyrmaniac (although one of the definitions of satyr is a lecherous man) and nymphomania is apparently just excessive sexual desire in a woman. Ignroing the fact that there is no such thing as excessive sexual desire in a woman, my definition is actually the more medically accurate, while I'm fairly sure that Gauche is correct. I mean, why break a habit like that?

Gauche and The Earl are better than the OED. QED.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Gauche and The Earl are better than the OED.
ROTFLMAO. That is such an outrageously youthfully arrogant thing to say I am going to concede.

But honeybum, haven't you only had one girlfriend? Didn't you, like, just turn 19?

Pear :p
TheEarl said:
Oh, that's cold. I'd like to point out that I've never cheated on a girlfriend and I never plan to. Not all blokes are dickheads and I'd wager that a large chunk of the male pop of the AH aren't.

*ROFL* Once more I don't fall into the majority.....
TheEarl said:
[...] Interestingly enough, both Gauche and I appear to be wrong according to the Oxford English dictionary. There is no listing for satyrmaniac (although one of the definitions of satyr is a lecherous man) and nymphomania is apparently just excessive sexual desire in a woman. Ignroing the fact that there is no such thing as excessive sexual desire in a woman, my definition is actually the more medically accurate, while I'm fairly sure that Gauche is correct. I mean, why break a habit like that?

According to my Barron's Medical Guides Dictionary of Medical Terms Fourth Edition...

nymphomania N. psychosexual disorder of women, characterized by an insatiable desire for sexual gratification (compare SATYRIASIS)

so I did

satryasis N. excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in a male. (compare NYMPHOMANIA)

Please note, only the women's condition is psycho (or brain-based) how sexist!
perdita said:
But honeybum, haven't you only had one girlfriend? Didn't you, like, just turn 19?

Pear :p

I'm sorry, you're right of course. I only started thinking about sex a year ago. Those are the rules: No U-18s can ever think about sex. They just get to have a massive orgy with their sister/mother's best friend/sister's friend/teacher/anyone who pauses for long enough on their 18th birthday. :D

Lit has taught me so much :D.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
I'm sorry, you're right of course. I only started thinking about sex a year ago.
Oh, sweetiecakes, I remember that day so well. You've cum such a long, long way since then.

"Auntie" Pear :kiss:
Sorrys in order here...

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner - I could not connect for some reason.

Sorry if I raised a no-no word in my earlier post, kids.

I don't know if it is my age, my up-bringing (pop was a trucker) or if it is my insensitivity.

What I meant to say was: "Were the interviewee's supposed to be nymphos?" And what I meant by the diminutive was were they supposed to 'suffer' from nymphmania (and yes by using a diminutive perhaps I was making light of it)?

I did not mean to imply that I think there is anything wrong with women who like sex a lot. I think that the opposite would be far more suspicious as a detrimental force in society - think about it, repressed, and probably terminally horny women with no release available other than to point their finger and rant about other women with satisfied smiles.

I agree with the unfairness of the real definitions by the way...
How come its all in a woman's mind, but with a man its a byproduct of an overactive prostate?

To all the nymphomanics of the world, God bless you.
champagne1982 said:
According to my Barron's Medical Guides Dictionary of Medical Terms Fourth Edition...

nymphomania N. psychosexual disorder of women, characterized by an insatiable desire for sexual gratification (compare SATYRIASIS)

so I did

satryasis N. excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in a male. (compare NYMPHOMANIA)

Please note, only the women's condition is psycho (or brain-based) how sexist!

That's cuz many of us men have no brains...

Alternate excuse:

That's cuz when men get an erection, there is too little blood going north to let the brain function...

:cool: Fool
TheEarl said:
Those are the rules: No U-18s can ever think about sex. They just get to have a massive orgy with their sister/mother's best friend/sister's friend/teacher/anyone who pauses for long enough on their 18th birthday. :D

Lit has taught me so much :D.

The Earl
:D that's the funniest thing I've heard all week...

Ax-man, I am always glad to hear you're in good spirits.

your fan, Perdita :)
perdita said:
Ax-man, I am always glad to hear you're in good spirits.

your fan, Perdita :)
I'm always in good spirits, apart from when I'm pissed off. I'm only ever pissed off when I'm at work, or I'm trying to fix my car and can't find the tools/can't get the parts/can't reach an awkward bolt/have dropped a screw behind a component that will take at least 3 hours to remove (delete as appropriate)

even then I'm always up for a giggle at The Earl's humour, or anyone else's for that matter
