Are we normal?

"I will never be a conformist, except when it suits me."

Ah the real meaning we mean when we say normal: conforming to 'society' rules of normalcy. In other words we're all a bunch of non-conformists. Hurrah!

It is the non-conformists of this world that bring original thought to the table.

And how do we survive in this lop-sided world that can so easily see us sticking out like a sore-thumb (that is a thumb there isn't it)? By being good little mimics - able to cower whenever the situation calls for it (and get that thumb down, dammit, they'll see you).
Tatelou said:
There is no way that I'd walk up to a guy in the street and say: "You could never afford me." :eek:
So, could you maybe see a certain guy, from the states (hint-hint), a certain guy who doesn't have a lot of money, and say: "You might be able to afford me." My birthday was recently. Really! Well, it was only 5 months ago. :D
We are products of our world...

If you tell an abused child that their life isn't normal, they will look at you and wish they could have your childhood. If you tell a malnourished child that being fed is normal, they will look at you and wish they could spend an hour at your table. If you tell a child in Afghanistan that living a life in danger of losing a limb every time you take a step isn't normal, they will look at you and wish they could join you in your Utopia.....
What I'm trying to say is: It's all relative right?

No, I'm not normal, I'd like to "live a life a little less ordinary."

I would never think of you as ordinary, only as beautifully eloquent.
Ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times.

The Earl
DVS said:
So, could you maybe see a certain guy, from the states (hint-hint), a certain guy who doesn't have a lot of money, and say: "You might be able to afford me." My birthday was recently. Really! Well, it was only 5 months ago. :D

Oh well, seeing as you were the birthday boy (5 months ago!) I could make an exception. ;)

Lou :kiss:

ffreak said:
"I will never be a conformist, except when it suits me."

Ah the real meaning we mean when we say normal: conforming to 'society' rules of normalcy. In other words we're all a bunch of non-conformists. Hurrah!

It is the non-conformists of this world that bring original thought to the table.

And how do we survive in this lop-sided world that can so easily see us sticking out like a sore-thumb (that is a thumb there isn't it)? By being good little mimics - able to cower whenever the situation calls for it (and get that thumb down, dammit, they'll see you).

Ah but friend ffreak some of us stand up to be counted, the thumb stays up, that thumbnail picture avatar really is me, a number of others here are proud enough to display a true image as well, thing is, will you when allowed? I'd love it if someone recognised me from the picture and approached me in the street.
Umm ladies preferred, but hell I'm not a fussy type really.:D
I'm not sure I want to think about if I'm normal or not. I don't think I am, but if I really thought about it, I might reach the conclusion that maybe I was.

Of course, then I would have to do something about it.

I have a worrying feeling that many people would think that was kind of normal.

Let me watch the dancing banana for a while :nana:

That's better.

Research shows that abnormality is normal:

From Yahoo News:

"Friday August 22, 09:58 AM

Britain is seething with sex problems, say researchers

PARIS (AFP) - Lack of interest in sex, premature orgasm among men, inability to orgasm among women and anxiety about sexual performance are chronic problems in Britain, according to studies published in next Saturday's issue of the British Medical Journal (BMJ).
A survey of 1,065 London women and 447 London men who consulted a doctor found that 40 percent of the women were diagnosed with a sexual problem, and the rate was 22 percent among men.
Meanwhile, an analysis of data from a nationwide survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles found 35 percent of British men and 54 percent of women had at some point had at least one sexual problem lasting at least a month.
The findings show that sexual dysfunction in Britain is likely to be far more widespread than previously thought.
This requires openness to discuss problems as well as appropriate training for doctors, the studies say."

It's those effete Londoners. T'would never happen in Yorkshire. Or would it?


PS. Is "a doctor" a particular doctor who deals only in sexual dysfunction? Or is "a doctor" normal him or herself?
Define dysfunction. Was the interviewer a nympho? Or is a month-long insatiable desire to have sex considered dysfunction? And why would the numbers be lower for men - or were the admissions simply lower? (or was it the emissions?).

Surveys can be infusing.
ffreak said:
Define dysfunction. Was the interviewer a nympho?
Dear ff: Where do you live? "Nympho" went the way of the dodo-words some time ago. There are no nymphos, just women like me (and plenty others here on Lit., plus all my gf's) who like to fuck and don't need to be discreet about it.

And how old are you too? Rhetorical queries, but I simply could not believe an adult male in 2003 was using the term nympho.

Are you a pimp? ;)

cordially*, Perdita

*there's a personal history behind that word, but you don't need to know it.
Research shows that abnormality is normal:


Goodness gracious, my oh my. Do you think we will be seeing the repercussions of this crisis on Lit., perhaps within the month? What are you going to do about it? I suggest you start a thread just for the UK men (I see no issues among the UK women about).

Did you note the report came out of Paris?

compassionately, Perdita

Don't worry about it.

It's not really critical until more than 20% of all men regularly fake their orgasms. ;)
just because the survey says that's this is a problem now, it doesn't mean that it hasn't always been a problem - but 50 years ago would a woman have said to her doctor that she has trouble reaching orgasm?

I know of two very important people in my life (1 man, 1 woman) who have suffered from psychological impotency and complete inability to reach orgasm, respectively.

or maybe it's the UK weather..?

Perdita: Nymphomania is the term for when a woman desires sex so highly that it becomes the driving force in her life. A nymphomaniac may disregard commitments to other people and any outside influences if there's any sex going. Admittedly ffreak was using the word in the wrong context, but it is a real condition, although very hard to diagnose (bringing up the 'what is normal' question again).

Interestingly enough there's no similar term for men. When a man can't keep his dick in his trousers and fucks everyone without care for the consequences, then he's just called a wanker. Odd.

The Earl
I know that clinical term but 'nympho' is too broadly used still.

And I wonder just how many real cases, per your description, crop up per annum.

ta, Pear

(hmmm, why did you switch to Perdita?)
Sorry Pear, I wasn't thinking when I typed your name. Very nearly typed in your real one <hand to mouth>.

BTW: What the hell is your avatar? Apart from the obvious answer of 'a painting'

The Earl
Svenska and Earl:

It's called "The Temptation of St. Anthony" and now I cannot recall the artist.

I like the weirder stories about Catholic saints; the one behind this one is obvious. But in this painting I am especially moved by the dog lower right. It's just such a nice touch.

OK, just to be thorough. This is from
(Flicka, I think the dog is just a nice touch, but you see it how you will.)

"The Temptation of St. Anthony has been an inspirational theme for many artists who wanted to capture man's continuous conflict with evil. Anthony was born in Egypt in the middle of the third century to wealthy parents. They died when he was about twenty. He inherited all their belongings but soon gave them up to lead a life of asceticism. He joined a group in the lower Nile and later moved further into the desert for complete solitude. He found an old fort and shut himself in.

During this time alone Anthony was tempted many times. He resisted by fasting, consciousness altering meditation, going without sleep and by beating himself. People brought him food which they threw over a wall of the fort. Some came to visit but he refused to see them. Other ascetics were so impressed by him that they set up huts nearby. Eventually he came out and appeared quite healthy.

He talked about his experience for a few years, describing the demons and beautiful women offered to him. But he succeeded over the weakness of the flesh with his willful spirituality. He went back to the desert again and moved into a cave on a mountain where he lived until his death. He received visitors who made the trip to see him and learn from him. A monastery was built at the same site.

Partial list of artists with a work titled The Temptation of St. Anthony:

Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516)
Lucas Cranach the elder (1472-1553)
Matthias Grunewald (1475-1528)
Lelio Orsi (1511-1587)
Pieter Bruegel the elder (1525- ? )
Marteen de Vos (1532-1603)
Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
Pieter Huys ( ? - ? )
Max Ernst (1891-1976)
Salvator Dali (1904-1989)"
He isolated himself, starved himself, and beat himself... no wonder he started seeing things!
TheEarl said:
Interestingly enough there's no similar term for men. When a man can't keep his dick in his trousers and fucks everyone without care for the consequences, then he's just called a wanker. Odd.

The Earl

The term for males with this compulsion is Satyrmaniac. I refer you to my sig.

Gauche :p
Not that I would ever question the veracity of your quote- it's from a very reputable source- but I think that a synonym might be simply "Blacksnake."