Are you a lurker?


I am indeed a lurker, preferring to read and observe (flame wars, mostly) to participating. In my own defense, nearly every time that I post I do something stupid, so it's better that I don't anyway. The only issue with it is that it's gonna take me 2 years to get an avatar here, lol.
Definitely a lurker.
I post freely on my thread. Jump into a conversation here and there... But I definitely lurk the bdsm forums more then any other section. I'm hoping to learn something new! :p

I'm glad you posted. Your name is familiar from another forum! Your profile pic - meow! :cattail: Even more intriguing are your interests...

I haven't seen your thread so I'll definitely stalk your posts and see what I can find. Glad you said hi. :)
We've been off line too long.
We recently moved. But we take turns on here which upsets many. We only need one user name. Or looser name depending on who we are bugging.
I don't think we are lurkers. we are more jump in and comment even if we have no idea what it's about. We love people, especially wierd perverted people. They make us seem normal... well we are normal, normally.
So lurk if you must. Just try to be normal.

I've seen your posts around since I lurk on other forums. I don't get why one username for a couple is such a big deal. I think we can figure out who you are. :)

haha @ "we are more jump in and comment even if we have no idea what it's about." Right on!!
I am indeed a lurker, preferring to read and observe (flame wars, mostly) to participating. In my own defense, nearly every time that I post I do something stupid, so it's better that I don't anyway. The only issue with it is that it's gonna take me 2 years to get an avatar here, lol.

Awwwww -- no one judges you as much as you judge yourself. Hope you'll feel safe enough to jump in here and there :)

Glad you wandered out and said hi. :rose:
Denny and Dollie always make it clear in their posts. It took me ages to put a sig up clarifying the position after we had talked about it. It really does irk or unsettle some people and others find it odd, or 'controlling' which outside bdsm forum might make more concern I think.

Denny also gets the same accusation that I get, and other female posters , that there is no Dollie, and he is just a male poster posting alone pretending to be someone else. :D This could apply to ANYONE on the boards, so we have to use our instincts I think.

But he posts such fun pictures of Dollie!!!
Denny and Dollie rock! I don't know or even go to the controversial theads. That's not why I come here. I come for light interaction, information and the great pics and gifs.

Time for another gin and tonic. Maybe I'll switch to a nice dry martini.
Denny and Dollie rock! I don't know or even go to the controversial theads. That's not why I come here. I come for light interaction, information and the great pics and gifs.

Time for another gin and tonic. Maybe I'll switch to a nice dry martini.

Don't know Denny and Dollie, but my reasons for being here chime with yours, it's a great place and it's why lurking helps. Dive in when you have a feel of the thread and it's going to give you what you want

It being Saturday morning, that's strong black coffee and a bagel!

I'm not interested in fighting either. I'm here primarily for self discovery and education ( selfish , huh?) and meeting people who I think of as cousin, who I have grown to love, who I think of as friends, whose voices I miss in their absence was delight and bonus.

( ginger slice added to green tea, and some strawberries and mint leaves here skinny sinner, G is also having: eggs on toast with smoked salt, tapenade on toast, toast and jam, yoghurt with honey and pollen, a lemsip, and probably heart burn. :D)

What an interesting cocktail at this time on a morning, am sure exercise will get rid of any heartburn, and you just can sit back and relax, take in the view and the birdsong! ;)
I'm not sure if I'm a lurker. I just get distracted easily. Hey what's that over there?
We met elsewhere, playground? I remember your wonderful name! :rose:

Sorry, Elle! I'm so behind on my lurking that I've only just seen your post.
Yeah, you'd probably recognise my username from the PG (thankyou). :rose:
However, when I first came to Lit I lurked here for a good year or so before I dared post elsewhere. It was the UKOD that drove me out of hiding.
Sorry, Elle! I'm so behind on my lurking that I've only just seen your post.
Yeah, you'd probably recognise my username from the PG (thankyou). :rose:
However, when I first came to Lit I lurked here for a good year or so before I dared post elsewhere. It was the UKOD that drove me out of hiding.

Lurker alert! *sounds the siren* :D :kiss: