Ask Me A Question v.1.29.24

Just how often I guess.

Do you brag about having sex to your aquainteneces?
Just how often I guess.

Do you brag about having sex to your aquainteneces?
No. I may talk about it, if it comes up, but it's usually to tell some amusing sexual story.

Have you ever been injured having sex? Is so, what kind of injury?
No. I may talk about it, if it comes up, but it's usually to tell some amusing sexual story.

Have you ever been injured having sex? Is so, what kind of injury?
Nothing beyond muscle cramps that I recall.

What was the first name of the first person with whom you had oral sex?

What's the worst place you have had erotic thoughts ?
About 2 hours ago and on my own with toys .

What or who was the inspiration behind your last orgasm?

Are you still in touch with any of the people you ever had sex with?
Yes, a few in fact.

Have you ever been slapped or slapped someone during oral