ASSHAT AWARDS: Best of the Worst PMs and Emails Received

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I wonder if some of these dildos realize they're coming off as beyond creepy. one guy pm'd me the other day wanting to talk to me about me being dirty at work. he knew I work in an elementary school. Vile af scum. he was complaining about having to go so deep into my post history to even find anything hinting at sex. like, idiot, if you can't find anything sexual in my posts, then chances are, I'm not going to talk dirty to your dumb ass.

But what were you wearing? :p
Bronze chainmail is generally more than enough when attacked by goblins.

I put a bunch of points in str so I can use plate, so I might as well; And anways, whenever I use chainmail, it is displayed as a skimpy chainmail bikini, even though the display for it looks like full hooded chainmail. At least plate looks like plate. :)

I hope if he made any reference inappropriately to the school you reported him Elsie.

I was thinking about reporting him. That kinda irked me that he would even try to involve my workplace with his pathetic attempt at being salacious.
He came back! In spite of me totally ignoring him:
"hope you had a good holiday and are doing well.Learned anything new to share?"

Does he want a nice salad recipe? Maybe to know where there's some good fishing spots?

Good fishin' spots? *perks ears*
Even if it is a hoax, the story is going to haunt him forever.

TBH I've been assuming for months that something like this existed. Russian intelligence would be seriously negligent if they hadn't found a way to honey-trap a guy with T's predilections and (lack of) impulse control.
Well, it finally happened. I got an unsolicited selfie pic PM. Zero posts, member since Jan 2017 and a linky with just a user number. In essence, c'mon sucker, follow the linky trail right to my click bait website cuz I need the muny.

Honestly hon, your ass is ok. Maybe a 5 or 6. I see better than that nightly PLUS I get to play touchy feely with it too. You got nothing to compete with against HER.
Well, it finally happened. I got an unsolicited selfie pic PM. Zero posts, member since Jan 2017 and a linky with just a user number. In essence, c'mon sucker, follow the linky trail right to my click bait website cuz I need the muny.

Honestly hon, your ass is ok. Maybe a 5 or 6. I see better than that nightly PLUS I get to play touchy feely with it too. You got nothing to compete with against HER.

It was a bot. I received the same spam message, too. You can tell it's fake because of the broken af english.
When Consilience feels left out I send him one, I can do the same for you if you like.

thanks. :)
but its the bot who neglects me so hurtfully. is this passive aggressive revenge for all those electronics i kicked / smacked / shook over the years?
Ok, not really an asshat award type, but am I the only one who refuses to answer a PM from anyone with zero posts?
Is everyone else feeling the love from RebeccaManc today, or is it just me? (Also, someone really needs to let her know that duckface in a selfie is very 2015.)
Ok, not really an asshat award type, but am I the only one who refuses to answer a PM from anyone with zero posts?

I think I'm going to start doing that. It's become increasingly irritating and shady having to deal with people that have no posts and have been registered for years. Right now, I'm going against the grain and not being quiet about it. I'll ask them outright why they don't have any (or very little) posts.

The answers always vary and come off more as excuses more than valid reasons. It all just screams shady. Like there is no accountability for how they behave because they have no reputable presence on the boards. Either that, or they act like fools on an alt account so they can't be blamed directly for acting out of line.

I try to be nice to everyone, but sometimes... I don't know. Also, to me it comes off as extremely selfish. Like they are trying to cut out the social aspect of meeting someone through a normal conversaton on here in exchange for being stalkerish instead.

Three in one morning IS pretty persistent.

the broken English in the pm gave it away, for me.
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