Attention guys.... Read this post

Living in the 5th ranking city for dating (from the bottom) has really put a dampner on my mood of ladies. I THINK I am a cute witty (sometimes) funlovin guy that simply had run into a wall of silence and possably lack of prospects in this city, so I have joined clubs (not singles clubs) JUST to try to meet if not women but people at least. This guy has been on only for 5 weeks. Probably posted on a few threads and thought that women would flock to him right off the bat. I cam on here just hoping to talk to someone and not have to buy them a beer or somthing. (yeah I am poor too)
script ?

DirtyKitten said:
Cyber me Big Daddy. ROFL

:D :D :D
<--looks at script determines this is the part were it becomes an orgy and all have joyfull , lustfull , incarnal sexual experiences... for days , weeeks , and monthss on end ...yippieeeeeeeeeeeeeee :nana: :nana: :devil:
Billiebov said:
society would have us believe that males are becoming surplus, it is a lie.
At places like Lit's Personals Board and AdultFriendFinder, horny men are a dime a dozen. Doesn't mean that there's a surplus of males IRL.

The same thing happens on AFF. Some guy registers, sends out a few messages, doesn't get many in return, and and then posts a question on the Advice Line that's something along the lines of, "Ladies, what's your problem? I've been here two weeks and I haven't gotten laid yet. All of you must be fakes!"

Blase said:
What's to back up? Unfortunately, our erstwhile thread starter has simply tripped over an unpleasant fact that *most* of us males have to come to terms with: We're on the wrong end of the supply-demand equation.

Ironically, his initial impression of Lit - that there were a significant number of females here who viewed sex as something positive - was accurate enough, but it should have been tempered by the knowledge that this is not actually a dating site and, again, by the realization that the supply of horny males far outstrips the demand.

I do think that Lit is a fine place to meet women who are both intelligent and sensual, but the best way to do it is to start and participate in threads, putting yourself out there sincerely until you find someone who "gets" you.

Here, as elsewhere, come-ons just make you one of thousands.

Sharing your wit, heart and soul just may show that you are one IN thousands.
This is pretty similar to what skygazer was told in other threads. Multiple times. He just didn't get it.

It's easy for to him blame others for his lack of success than accept that his unrealistic expectations and lack of effort might be part of the problem.
Back for more

Now that some of the outrage at Friday's posting has died down, I feel the need to interject. Based on a thread I started a few weeks ago, I decided to pass on some information to the other male members of literotica. I knew that the ladies were not going to particularly appreciate what I had to say, but decided to post anyway. It is important that you know that what I wrote was based wholly on the results of the earlier opinion poll I took. I cannot help that you did not like those results. And remember that I did warn the ladies not to read the thread so I make no apologies. I further noticed that inspite of the number of responses to this thread, that most of those comments were made by a relatively small group of vocal and closed minded individuals and probably not representative of literotica members as a whole.
Has it occured to those who have been villifying me for the last three days that this was an attempt to inspire some sort of dialogue between us lit-ers. For the last several weeks I have been on this site, and the conversations have been for the most part uninterseting. This seems to be a site were everyone prides themselves as writers of erotic fiction and fantasy . If everybody here is so prolific, then whats with all the silly word and number games??? Okay so we don,t need to always be sexual with each other just because this is an adult site. But... wouldn't it be nice if just occasionally someone came here with someting at least thought provoking to talk about
Let me say just one more thing to the ladies here... If you are approached by someone one here who's first contact with you is not as poetic as you might like. You may consider giving him a break. The gift of the written word is a difficult one to master. Just because a person is not a poet doesn't make him or her less of a person And finally to those who have spent the last couple of days on here attacking me... Hopefully you'll SHUT UP now that you've had your say. :rolleyes: And to anyone with something friendly, or interesting to say, let me hear it :)
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And still you whine. I just took the time to peruse your threads. They're all the same. You claim to want a woman with something interesting to say, yet you don't demonstrate the ability to give likewise. I'm sorry to say it, but even if I were hard up for a cyber partner, I wouldn't bite on a "tall causasian male looking for cyber" post. Why? Because if a man can't show that he can stimulate my mind, then he has little to no chance to stimulate my body.

Quite a few women have suggested you post to threads, strike up conversations and so forth. That's how I met my last cyber lover. I'd posted an intriguing thread, he posted to it, we began posting back and forth, then it went to PMs, IMs, and phone. I met my current lover through that same thread. He sent me a PM first, but he still had to capture my attention with wit and humor. Otherwise, I'd never have replied. Try that. Head over to the Playground, jump on a thread that interests you, and start posting your thoughts on that topic. Once you capture a woman's attention, the rest will fall into place. This is Lit, not Field of Dreams. It doesn't matter how built you are. If there's nothing entertaining to fill the stadium, they're not gonna come.

You made a comment in this post about the counting games and so forth that I'm assuming you saw on the Playground. If you look a bit harder, you'll find that there is much more on the Playground than just games. You want intelligent conversation, you'll find it there, and you don't even have to look very hard. The number and letter games are sometimes mental exercises, but also are a good way to boost post counts. Maybe before you make judgemental comments you need to explore all you're wanting to judge.
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Diamond_Girl said:
And still you whine. I just took the time to peruse your threads. They're all the same. You claim to want a woman with something interesting to say, yet you don't demonstrate the ability to give likewise. I'm sorry to say it, but even if I were hard up for a cyber partner, I wouldn't bite on a "tall causasian male looking for cyber" post. Why? Because if a man can't show that he can stimulate my mind, then he has little to no chance to stimulate my body.

Quite a few women have suggested you post to threads, strike up conversations and so forth. That's how I met my last cyber lover. I'd posted an intriguing thread, he posted to it, we began posting back and forth, then it went to PMs, IMs, and phone. I met my current lover through that same thread. He sent me a PM first, but he still had to capture my attention with wit and humor. Otherwise, I'd never have replied. Try that. Head over to the Playground, jump on a thread that interests you, and start posting your thoughts on that topic. Once you capture a woman's attention, the rest will fall into place.

You made a comment in this post about the counting games and so forth that I'm assuming you saw on the Playground. If you look a bit harder, you'll find that there is much more on the Playground than just games. You want intelligent conversation, you'll find it there, and you don't even have to look very hard. The number and letter games are sometimes mental exercises, but also are a good way to boost post counts. Maybe before you make judgemental comments you need to explore all you're wanting to judge.

Very well stated your thoughts very well...
thats right

Yes I agree.,.this site does suck

skygazer said:
Ladies, This is meant as in informational thread for the men on lit. You may not like what I have to say here so let me urge you not to read on any further....
Guys, I joined literotica about five weeks ago. Initially I thought It was going to be like a sexual buffet. Afterall this is a site dedicated to all things erotic and sexual, right????? WRONG..... :confused: Unfortunatly, this has turned out not to be the case. From what I've seen so far, this site is sort of like a big cyber singles bar, in that all of the guys here are looking for cyber sexual partners while all the women are stuck in that same old looking to be romanced and seduced mindset. The result gentlemen, is that you are just as likely to go away from here empty handed and unfulfilled as you are from any singles bar in town. In spite of all the erotic literature and sexual overtones here, the women's attitudes are no more sexually progressive or liberated than any woman you'd meet on the street. I see it all the time here, that a man will post a thread seeking a cybersex partner for erotic conversation, and receive no responses.
So gentlemen... If you are on here looking for cybersex, you can't be blatent about it.... Don't give your threads titles like.... "LOOKING FOR CYBERSEX" or "HORNY WOMEN WANTED".... This is a situation where honesty is NOT the best policy. If you wish to be successful, make up some kind of silly word or number game to distract them. Be prepared to spend hours and hours at your computer writing love poems and sonnets, because apparently, even though you'll never meet these women that you are chatting with. Even though you are just typing words on a monitor, they still seem have this need to be pursued, persuaded, and conquered. Let me wish you luck in the hunt gentlemen. As for me, this my last post on Literotica. For me the game has grown tiresome, and OOOHHH so boring
tropicstorm3369 said:
Yes I agree.,.this site does suck

I just skimmed your posts. You seem to have the same issues that Sky does, just on a different forum. Read through this thread and pay attention to the great advice that we've all given him over and over and over again. I wasn't looking for a Daddy, but I found one, and all because he demonstated intelligence, wit, respect and sensitivity. And he's pretty fucking hot to boot! ;)
skygazer said:
Hopefully you'll SHUT UP now that you've had your say. :rolleyes: And to anyone with something friendly, or interesting to say, let me hear it :)

This statement sums up the part of your personality that is probably the reason why you haven't met anyone here. You just want women to shut up and do as you say. Good Luck with that. ;)
DirtyKitten said:
This statement sums up the part of your personality that is probably the reason why you haven't met anyone here. You just want women to shut up and do as you say. Good Luck with that. ;)

HEY!!!!! I'll do that, but only with an intelligent, insightful man, like my Dusky! :D

How ya doing, DK? I'll reply to your PM soon; I haven't forgotten about you! :kiss:
DirtyKitten said:
This statement sums up the part of your personality that is probably the reason why you haven't met anyone here. You just want women to shut up and do as you say. Good Luck with that. ;)
you're hot, kitten, and you know it :catroar: :D
skygazer said:
Now that some of the outrage at Friday's posting has died down, I feel the need to interject. Based on a thread I started a few weeks ago, I decided to pass on some information to the other male members of literotica. I knew that the ladies were not going to particularly appreciate what I had to say, but decided to post anyway. It is important that you know that what I wrote was based wholly on the results of the earlier opinion poll I took. I cannot help that you did not like those results. And remember that I did warn the ladies not to read the thread so I make no apologies. I further noticed that inspite of the number of responses to this thread, that most of those comments were made by a relatively small group of vocal and closed minded individuals and probably not representative of literotica members as a whole.
Has it occured to those who have been villifying me for the last three days that this was an attempt to inspire some sort of dialogue between us lit-ers. For the last several weeks I have been on this site, and the conversations have been for the most part uninterseting. This seems to be a site were everyone prides themselves as writers of erotic fiction and fantasy . If everybody here is so prolific, then whats with all the silly word and number games??? Okay so we don,t need to always be sexual with each other just because this is an adult site. But... wouldn't it be nice if just occasionally someone came here with someting at least thought provoking to talk about
Let me say just one more thing to the ladies here... If you are approached by someone one here who's first contact with you is not as poetic as you might like. You may consider giving him a break. The gift of the written word is a difficult one to master. Just because a person is not a poet doesn't make him or her less of a person And finally to those who have spent the last couple of days on here attacking me... Hopefully you'll SHUT UP now that you've had your say. :rolleyes: And to anyone with something friendly, or interesting to say, let me hear it :)

Go fuck a fence post, shit for brains. :)

Hey Viking, your I.Q. is showing. Name calling only illustrates your lack of mental ability :rolleyes: Guess you'll be going on my ignore list :D
Hmmm Wonder what I've been doing with all the Lit guys, then? As with anyone, you shouldn't put people into one group. And after this thread, you sure as hell aren't going to get any cyber sex.

ETA: oh, and if some of you hate this site so much, then fucking leave! No one is forcing you to stay. And, not everyone here does claim to be a writer. Damn, if you're like this in RL, no wonder you're alone.
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ima6uldv8 said:
Hmmm Wonder what I've been doing with all the Lit guys, then? As with anyone, you shouldn't put people into one group. And after this thread, you sure as hell aren't going to get any cyber sex.

ETA: oh, and if some of you hate this site so much, then fucking leave! No one is forcing you to stay. And, not everyone here does claim to be a writer. Damn, if you're like this in RL, no wonder you're alone.

^5 and :kiss: Ima! :D

That'd make me wonder what Dusky and I do. And what others and and I did in the past. Not to mention Wishicould, who followed me here from a chat room and actually managed to keep my attention with intelligent conversation even when cybering wasn't an option.

*DG* ~ She who cybers, but just with guys who can demonstrate sensitivity, respect, passion and intelligence. :rose:
Diamond_Girl said:
^5 and :kiss: Ima! :D

That'd make me wonder what Dusky and I do. And what others and and I did in the past. Not to mention Wishicould, who followed me here from a chat room and actually managed to keep my attention with intelligent conversation even when cybering wasn't an option.

*DG* ~ She who cybers, but just with guys who can demonstrate sensitivity, respect, passion and intelligence. :rose:

Thats a much better side of what really goes on here. And taken from a guys perspective, mine; i think you both have good points Ima and DG. I cant say everyone......actually i cant even say anyone i've ever tried to talk to, be it sexually or not, has ever been as much a let down as whats betrayed here. But im a very open and blunt person, yea i like my sex in all forms, be it cyber/phone/real life, but i do know how to genuinly care about conversation or even the person on the other end, and apparently this guy thinks we all need to lie to get our way around here :/
and its either guys like this make guys like us look bad, or we just make them look good ^_~
Diamond_Girl said:
^5 and :kiss: Ima! :D

That'd make me wonder what Dusky and I do. And what others and and I did in the past. Not to mention Wishicould, who followed me here from a chat room and actually managed to keep my attention with intelligent conversation even when cybering wasn't an option.

*DG* ~ She who cybers, but just with guys who can demonstrate sensitivity, respect, passion and intelligence. :rose:
Well thanks, girlie :kiss: I do love to cyber. I've been hanging low because there have been too many to keep happy. I need some backup ;) Hey, I didn't have to buy a new toy for nothing.
LOL The first post was one of the funniest I ever read. Some guys, myself included, appreciate the flirting that this site offers.

Not everyone is looking for an easy lay... I know that the thing I enjoy most in sex has nothing to do with my recieving pleasure. If I were anxious for anything, it would be to get my lips on someone.

All the same, I enjoy the PM conversations I participate in here and will definitely keep up with them as opposed to feeling they are a waste of my time and focusing on the fact that it's quite plausible, nay, probable that I will never meet or get the chance to satisfy any of the people I have those conversations with.
ima6uldv8 said:
Well thanks, girlie :kiss: I do love to cyber. I've been hanging low because there have been too many to keep happy. I need some backup ;) Hey, I didn't have to buy a new toy for nothing.

Sorry. Can't help you with the backup. Dusky doesn't like sharing unless it's with r/l hubby. I just got a new toy in mid June, and I think it's already gotten as much use as the last one. :)