Authors changing there AV's all the time.

Svenskaflicka said:
Changed your mind, MG?
Dear Svenska,
About the AV? No, not at all. I'm going to save it until about ten days before halloween. I don't want it getting all faded and frayed by constant use before the big day. Thank you again for doing that for Cheeky.
I do things FOR Cheeky, raphy wants to do things TO Cheeky... No wonder you go for the safe option with the humping cangaroos...:D
MathGirl said:
Hiya, Svenska,
raphy can just go do something to himself.

That reminds me of Hubby.

Just how %(/="¤=#/)¤&"%(& long are american minutes compared to Swedish ones?

"I'll call you back in a couple of minutes!" - MY ASS!:mad:


des and Renza are two clever gals...
Svenskaflicka said:
That reminds me of Hubby.

Just how %(/="¤=#/)¤&"%(& long are american minutes compared to Swedish ones?

"I'll call you back in a couple of minutes!" - MY ASS!:mad:


des and Renza are two clever gals...
My first reaction was that those weren't American minutes, they were guy minutes. But then I remembered all the time I've waited for my s/o while she went into a store for a "couple of minutes" or, even worse, waited for a "couple of minutes" while she was in the powder room. And since I"m absolutely POSITIVE you've never done that, it must be an American thing. :)

Dear Svenskaflicka,

To answer your question. The lenth of a minute is NOT determined by which country you are in. It is determined by what the male of the specie is doing at the time. For instance:

1 Minute: The lenth of a football game.

1 Minute: The time required for a guy to cum.

You see. One "1 minute" is something like 2 hours. The other "1 minute" is something like 15 seconds.

I hope this clears this up for you.

I think Rumple and Jenny pretty much summed it up there.

"When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it’s longer than any hour. That’s relativity." -Albert Einstein

And Des, was there ever any doubt?
Strangely enough, the last two minutes of an NBA game is exactly the same length of time as the two minutes it takes for a woman to get ready when you're going out for the evening ....
Seattle Zack said:
Strangely enough, the last two minutes of an NBA game is exactly the same length of time as the two minutes it takes for a woman to get ready when you're going out for the evening ....
Oh, yes, dearly beloved, brother Zack has been up to the mountaintop and done seen the truth. Amen.

The Right Reverend & Righteous Rumple :cool:
I change mine when I change my underwear... twice a year whether I need to or not. :D
kiwiwolf said:
I change mine when I change my underwear... twice a year whether I need to or not. :D

Wow! I'm impressed. Do you turn them inside out; to get extra wear out of them? I rarely bother with any, myself... :eek:

Lou ;)
Tatelou said:
Wow! I'm impressed. Do you turn them inside out; to get extra wear out of them? I rarely bother with any, myself... :eek:

Lou ;)

That was the change I was referring to Lou... By the way... I am severely enamoured of your AV... yummy. :D :devil:
kiwiwolf said:
That was the change I was referring to Lou... By the way... I am severely enamoured of your AV... yummy. :D :devil:

Thank you, honey. :kiss:

I've got to admit: it is a little less scary than the one I've done for Halloween. Be afraid, though, be very afraid, it will be back. :devil:

Jenny _S said:
Dear Svenskaflicka,

To answer your question. The lenth of a minute is NOT determined by which country you are in. It is determined by what the male of the specie is doing at the time. For instance:

1 Minute: The lenth of a football game.

1 Minute: The time required for a guy to cum.

You see. One "1 minute" is something like 2 hours. The other "1 minute" is something like 15 seconds.

I hope this clears this up for you.


Laughing!!! Nailed it, Jenny