Authors: Name your personal favorite story

I'd have to think about this for a long time to decide what I like best. All of them or none of them is all I can think of right now.
I normally hedge my bets with these types of questions. I say story A on a Friday in June, but Story B on a Wednesday in April. I won’t do that here.

I’m going to focus on favorite. This isn’t the story that I’m most proud of from a storytelling point of view. It’s not chock full of world building. It involves neither demons nor tentacles.

It’s a very simple story. In many ways it’s pretty atypical of my normal style. It adheres to pretty old fashioned / out of date gender stereotypes. The plot is not that original. It’s a Christmas story FFS. And it’s in Romance.

Why is it my favorite? I think because it’s very sweet, without getting overly sentimental. At its heart (word chosen advisedly) it’s about two people who desperately need something and find it in each other. Not exactly Dostoyevsky, I know. But it gave me a warm feeling to write and it still does to read.

For once, I stick to the basics. I don’t try to show off my vocabulary (OK maybe a bit). It doesn’t have many pop-culture references, or uses of scientific terminology. I don’t try anything too clever (I guess the 3rd person / 1st person / 3rd person structure - but that was for a reason). It’s just me having fun writing, without trying too hard to be a “writer.”

It’s A Holiday Wish.

It's on my favorites list, too.
For once, I stick to the basics. I don’t try to show off my vocabulary (OK maybe a bit). It doesn’t have many pop-culture references, or uses of scientific terminology.
Re-reading, I do refer to the blend of rising arousal and emotion as a double helix. I guess I just can’t help myself 😬.

I really enjoy everything I've written in the past few years. My earliest stuff was dreck but once I figured that I was writing for me, I chose to follow my literary idol and let my imagination fly - a flat world carried on the back of an immense turtle, and a cast of characters to love - my series Enchantress
The one I go back to, despite flaws, is Smoking Hot, because of the characters and their development (and they and friends have acquired many more stories since). The beginning is a bit slow (also, maybe don't start a story in Gay Male with a female narrator?), so I'd actually recommend readers start with the first couple pages of The Bet, then back to ch1 page 3 once Dan turns up.

The Bet is basically the same story only with all the gay male content removed or skimmed over as briefly as possible, for those who don't like that sort of thing. So it focuses on Laura and her old friend Adrian and their bet that if he quits smoking for 3 months, they get to fuck. With a few smaller incentives and long chats on the way. Obviously, removing Adrian's emotional story means ch3 of The Bet comes a bit out of left field - returning to ch12 of SH makes it work better.

There's a good selection of nice sex, too.
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I think it's A Ruckus in Riverwood, set in the video game world of Skyrim. Not because I did a smashing job writing it, but because the characters were already there, the setting and the world-building were already done. I just had to add a story. When I read it, I can see the town and the characters, much more vividly because I'm intimately familiar with it. Rather like reading the LotR after watching the films. I'm also old pals with my MC. He's been a TTRPG character for twenty years.
My personal favorite story is contained in my novel titled: ‘Vivian Travels to Estonia’ and represents Chapter 7 of the novel. The plot follows the action of my heroine, Vivian, a recently widowed mother with a five months old child. She had been fired from her job as a lawyer in a top law firm in Chicago. She was of Estonian ancestry, and she grew up speaking Estonian exclusively with her father and her paternal grandparents who also lived on the family dairy farm in Wisconsin.

Since losing her position in conjunction with the death of her husband, she was in a state of flux as to her future plans for moving on with her life. Consequently, she decides to visit Estonia and hopefully to get in touch with some distant blood relatives. While visiting a third cousin, Vivian meets a dairy farmer, and they go out on dates in three consecutive nights featuring some hot sex. On the third night, having only been acquainted for less than 50 hours in total, he proposes marriage. Chapter 7 then contains all the arguments he advances to convince her that his marriage proposal is serious and genuine. His presentation is so persuasive that she accepts.
Everyday Life with Bubbles!
It's a little bit slice-of-life, little bit fantasy, little bit heart breaking, and a lot of fun. Assassins, and tailors in equal measure, though they might not agree. Also catgirls. Who are fun because catgirls.
@konstant's The Ring
@vkseverin's Vignettes-Consacress a la Maitressee
@ElectricBlue's Tied up by a Mistress and her Maid

OOPS!!! I misread the OP. But since I've gone to the trouble, I'll leave these personal favorites here.

Of my own stories, I'd have to choose my first, Twelve Maxbridge Street. The rest got steadily less substantive over time.
No problem. I'm wishing now I had worded the original question to include not just your own favorite story, but your favorite story from any other Literotica author as well.

No problem. I'm wishing now I had worded the original question to include not just your own favorite story, but your favorite story from any other Literotica author as well.

As we are all such narcissists, you need to be explicit if you want us to raise our eyes above our own navels 😆.

Last Summer - Lifelong friends face being separated forever. (First Time)

It think it is my best written one, most emotional, and it came out in a single pantsing session complete and whole and exactly as long as it needed to be and no more (9k words).
I agree. That was a good story. A story of young exploration. Very well written.
probably, this one of mine why'd you ever have to say goodbye as it took a while to write and just kept going!

The story was inspired by a line in a song I had listened to and I wondered why someone would ay it... then the characters formed and I got swept up in their journey, from awkward beginning to... well, everything has to end.
My personal favorite, in terms of fun writing it, is Ch. 02 of an erotic sci-fi series I published here last year:

In it my quirky heroine wakes up in bed with my MC and tells him about a dream she had. The dream is an erotic sci-fi story, so the chapter becomes nested erotic sci-fi stories. To add to the symmetry, heroine gives MC a blow job while telling the story, and guess what her story is about?

I’m drawn to nested stories such as Scheherazade and The Manuscript Found in Saragossa, so this was really fun.

I’m trying to turn her dream story into a real one that I’ll publish here. Not easy.
The Lost Hours With Annabelle - It won me the 2022 April Fools Day Contest, but even if it hadn't won it would still be my favourite.

I write most stories set in the past (and even those I have written in the 'present day' I tend to set in the late 2010s to avoid the pandemic) but when I wrote this one I felt like I really felt like I was back in the story's 1962 setting and walking around my home city years before I was born. In the story narrator Jim then aged 18 meets and falls for pretty Annabelle also 18, a very tall girl (6 feet 9) visiting Melbourne from Adelaide with her family for the Easter long weekend and the pair experience a time slip of some 6 hours when out on the Saturday, never able to account for what happened during these missing hours. The story also captures Jim's sadness when the weekend ends and Annabelle and her family go back home to South Australia, and the experience of unrequited holiday romance. I also liked the ending set 57 years later where Jim is now an elderly grandfather, an ambiguous but sad and somewhat eerie and haunting conclusion to the story.
My personal favorite story that I've ever read on Literotica is Raped! which was written and posted by Christie052780 way back in 2003 (I found it many years later when I was old enough to sign up for Literotica). It's the first in a nine-part series, and it holds a special place in my heart because it was the series that got me interested in NC/R and impregnation erotica. My first story on Literotica, Intruder, was also loosely inspired by it.

Sadly, Christie's last post was in 2019 informing everyone that she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, so she's no longer with us. She was an incredibly talented writer, and she wrote beautiful NC/R and impregnation stories, all of which you can still read on Literotica. She also wrote about her own experiences of being sexually assaulted and how writing NC/R stories was therapeutic for her in a poignant essay which you can read here.

I never had the pleasure of interacting with her, but Raped! remains my favorite story on Literotica, and Christie052780 my favorite erotica author.

RIP Christie.:cry:
Our phones?
Yes. The phones. Definitely the phones. 100%.

In fact*, when the creators of this site first envisioned it, they couldn't decide between erotica, OR, becoming a cell phone company.

Lucky for us all, they decided they to go with erotica.

*Not a fact. At all. Totally made up.