Avatars, how much do they 'say' about a person?

oh yeah... i'm sorry... i forgot to thank you quoll. i really appreciate your help in taking this picture for my AV. i had such a hell of a time finding the right angle when i was holding the camera myself. you're a true friend, buddy!
EJFan said:
oh yeah... i'm sorry... i forgot to thank you quoll. i really appreciate your help in taking this picture for my AV. i had such a hell of a time finding the right angle when i was holding the camera myself. you're a true friend, buddy!
Well like I said, I like the personal ones, I will admit I didn't think you should have gone with the erection one, but seeing it now, I think it's kind of cool. :cool:
quoll said:
Well like I said, I like the personal ones, I will admit I didn't think you should have gone with the erection one, but seeing it now, I think it's kind of cool. :cool:

quoll said:
I really like the personal AVs, it's nice to be able to put a face (or whatever) to the people here, plus I like the confidence it shows.
Can't say I have a favourite I'm far to eclectic to choose just a few.
Dear Lawyer Lady and Tigerjen both have AVs that grabbed me almost from the day I came here.
On the other hand I love the funny ones too Ej and Eilan in particular but also the art prints and... you get the idea. :eek:

thank you Q~~~ and you have always caught my eye as well :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Hi everyone :)

I am looking for a new thread or two, at least for today as it is way too cold to go outside. Won't get anywhere near zero, and other threads I visit are quiet today.

My AV is as said, my Sir has selected it. He chooses the AVs I use. Guess that explains it. And yes it is me.
My av's

are usually always me and they change with my mood...like the one I am using now..will soon be replaced as I feel kinda down.
all my avs are me...why? lol because that's what's in my photos folder on my laptop...and i change very much to fit my mood ...i've been known to change up to 5 times in one day...guess that was a happy day for my man LOL
My AV ain't much just a pic of me to tie in with the first line in the sig.

Thats pretty much about it really.
asian_princess said:
DLL i always LOVE you AVs
Thank you so much Asian Princess..I am flattered and I love your AV's all are very pretty...The photographer is very lucky indeed :kiss:
My Avatar changes when the mood strikes me. I haven't had too many, and the ones I have used I made myself, like the current one. I have a sense of humor and I hope it shows, but not all my Avatars are humorous.
Interestin comments, as one who is steadily working towards being able to post an AV, I have wondered what I would use for myself.
Mudgerabah is a tree, and a town in Australia, and maybe something else that I haven't discovered. I could run with the tree thing I suppose, as that was the meaning that I intended. It's been shortened to 'mudge' and to 'mud', so there are a few more options.

I like AVs that are a little discreet, parts of people - if you know what I mean, sketched or done in the style of classic paintings.
There are some on the aussie thread that are good, many seem to change their AVs regularly.

Just my two bob's worth!
no real explanation why I chose mine... I thought it was time to have a picture of myself there again. But I didn't have photoshop or anything. So I mailed it to a friend asking him to do something with the photo. This is what he did. So that's the avatar I use. I like it. It's nicely blue.
Munachi said:
no real explanation why I chose mine... I thought it was time to have a picture of myself there again. But I didn't have photoshop or anything. So I mailed it to a friend asking him to do something with the photo. This is what he did. So that's the avatar I use. I like it. It's nicely blue.

That's good, it has a painted look and a great style about it.
A friend did something similar and the result looked like a charcoal sketch - excellent
The cat is back, I liked the others, and I love to see them change, but that one has always been you. :catroar: