Average Time To Publish?

Hello fellow authors,
I was wondering what everyone's experience has been lately on time from pending to publish? I've found it really tough to get things through lately. Right now I have 3 stories Pending, one that I submitted on April 24th. Granted that's just a week, but up until the past month or so, stories were usually published within a couple of days.
Anyhow, all good if everyone is experiencing similar delays, I can imagine it takes time to get through them all.

But just wanted to see if others were experiencing the same delays or if it is just me for some reason?

Thanks everyone, for your feedback.
This is a pure WAG. It seems that the Gods and Mods of Lit land are playing with the systems. Have you seen the 'new' bios? I've had submissions stuck in pending for upwards of two weeks. Eventually, it gets posted. You may not want to hear this, but kick back and chill. It's a wonderful day outside here in Conch Republic. Enjoy, and get ready for a great weekend.
Vintage, I agree, probably should kick back. Not like it's a paying job ;) Just a bit frustrated by the inconsistency for some of us vs others in how long it takes. And if it is for a reason, that's fine, would just be good to know that (ie. have to look deeper for underage stuff, etc...).
Also, what do you mean by 'new bios'?
Yeah my penis can be stuck in "Pending" status for days until it finally get posted, usually in the wrong category too
I’ve been told that if your penis is stuck as “Pending” for more than a few hours, you should consult a doctor.
It depends what you post, its content, how long you have been a site member, and how many other stories you have published.
Reading the posts here puts me off submitting anything. I take a long time to write things anyway. I’m not really that good at it, and the thought of them being held up or even rejected doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Perhaps it would be better not to bother at all.

Reading the posts here puts me off submitting anything. I take a long time to write things anyway. I’m not really that good at it, and the thought of them being held up or even rejected doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Perhaps it would be better not to bother at all.

I mean, if you are putting that much work as an author in, the next logical step is getting someone to publish it in some form. For us here at Lit and our short stories, that means getting it theough the Lit approval process. Lit isnt under any obligation to post your story and expose it to its user base.

So I guess if you don't care to have people to read it, sure?
Reading the posts here puts me off submitting anything. I take a long time to write things anyway. I’m not really that good at it, and the thought of them being held up or even rejected doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Perhaps it would be better not to bother at all.

It's always worth the bother, and if it's not, why bother at all? We all published our first story and got over the uncertainty and doubt. You can too. Don't defeat yourself before you even start.
Reading the posts here puts me off submitting anything. I take a long time to write things anyway. I’m not really that good at it, and the thought of them being held up or even rejected doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Perhaps it would be better not to bother at all.

You have to go into the arena to earn any possible rewards.
I mean, if you are putting that much work as an author in, the next logical step is getting someone to publish it in some form. For us here at Lit and our short stories, that means getting it theough the Lit approval process. Lit isnt under any obligation to post your story and expose it to its user base.

So I guess if you don't care to have people to read it, sure?
Thank you for you advice, I see from your profile and other published articles, that you have considerable experience and as such, I greatly value your opinion. Accordingly I will take your advice, and refrain.

Once again, thank you for your help, it is much appreciated.

The crazy thing is I'm finding myself very prolific right now. I have three stories pending right now, one for over a week, and a fourth is in final editing. I almost don't want to increase the approvers' workload. Hope they can find the time to vet my submissions soon.
I am working on three other stories to post, but the last one I posted on the 26th has still not been published and is still in "Pending". My only reassurance is that it seems others are seeing a delay, too, so I know... as I mentioned before... it is not just me.
I have submitted two stories in the past four days and had each one approved within 48 hours. My two stories from last week remain pending. Not sure what’s going on.
I am on day 11 of waiting for my most recent submission to be posted. This will be my 48th story and I've never had to wait more than 2 days. This whole thing is very disconcerting.
My submissions are approved and will post tomorrow. I should not have corrected grammar mistakes and put EDITED on their titles before publication. It got our web mistress confused. Fixed now.
Reading the posts here puts me off submitting anything. I take a long time to write things anyway. I’m not really that good at it, and the thought of them being held up or even rejected doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in me.

Perhaps it would be better not to bother at all.

Keep in mind, the people who complain here are a tiny fraction of the authors at Lit. And people don't start threads when their stories are approved and posted in normal time frames.

Don't let the echo chamber dissuade you from posting your stories.
My 30,000 word illustrated story is still pending, and might take another month or so before it gets published.

Illustrated stories clearly go in a different queue than other stories: While it's pending, I've published other stories, which got turned around really quickly, 1-2 days.
My 30,000 word illustrated story is still pending, and might take another month or so before it gets published.

Illustrated stories clearly go in a different queue than other stories: While it's pending, I've published other stories, which got turned around really quickly, 1-2 days.
Correct. At one time, Illustrated got batched once a month, but I think nowadays it's even longer.
Well, each picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words, so that probably adds up to a lot of extra work...

It's got to be a technical thing, like converting all the illustrations to the same image type, then making sure the graphics get locked to the text somehow, so it doesn't drift around in the story. The files will also be much larger than the usual text only content.
I mean, if you are putting that much work as an author in, the next logical step is getting someone to publish it in some form. For us here at Lit and our short stories, that means getting it theough the Lit approval process. Lit isnt under any obligation to post your story and expose it to its user base.

So I guess if you don't care to have people to read it, sure?
I write for my own enjoyment; the simple act of creating a story and characters is what gives me pleasure. I've written stories that I have held back and not posted. But I enjoyed writing them. Can it be frustrating waiting and waiting for your story to appear. Yeah, but you had the pleasure of creating the story. A joy, a pleasure, that few readers will not understand or appreciate.
I write for my own enjoyment; the simple act of creating a story and characters is what gives me pleasure. I've written stories that I have held back and not posted. But I enjoyed writing them. Can it be frustrating waiting and waiting for your story to appear. Yeah, but you had the pleasure of creating the story. A joy, a pleasure, that few readers will not understand or appreciate.

It's funny you say this because I had been writing technical work for so long, but writing the erotica was just a way to create something I did not see in the wild. When it came time to try and submit, I was nervous as hell. I was scared that people would take my work apart and nit-pick it to death. I guess posting it was like... well... "Popping My Cherry," so to speak, and I was pleased with the reaction my stories have gotten so far.

I just posted another one, the last one I posted, two weeks ago now, is still pending. Starting to take it personally. ;-)
Send a PM to Laurel and ask her whether your story has slipped through the cracks. You probably won't get a reply, but you might get some movement on your submission.