Bad Comment Reviews

Maybe I'm wrong, but I began thinking about Masada and the mass suicide of the rebels during the Roman siege. Great poem.

ooh! it's so cool when the interaction between author and reader via the interface of a poem takes us so many places.

and now i'm wondering (i should go look it up but won't right now) if this area doesn't coincide with where Jesus was reportedly tempted by Satan:

in the South District of Israel on top of an isolated rock plateau, or horst, on the eastern edge of the Judean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea.

the reason i bring the Jesus side of things into this is to do with the title - predisposes me up to of the rising in the east, the coming of the sun/son, the new age of christianity v the established religions of the region and the bloodshed that ensued and still does...
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it was god disguised as a muse, or maybe some matador rising up from his gaunt grey knees to do battle with some celestial figments. or maybe just the authour being a pawnpuss (gotta love it) arse.
I didn't see any tell tale cuprous tones in it, so I would give it a five, except I recognized it as mine. Ah well, bye, bye H's.

The forum is lousy with moderator(s) who pretend(s) to care and help out new poets yet not a single one left a comment on your poem when you obviously need at least one. What does that say about every bodys butty?

You need to take time and edit your work for punctuation and grammar. Spell check doesn't get every mistake but I am not even sure you utilized that tool.

I hope you can overlook the snobbery of the posers and work on your poetry with an open mind. I did not vote.
I'm commenting on this.
1.) Earlier in the tread, I mentioned it does look look like someone maybe trying to do vague emulations of me in some comments. I noticed the asterisk in the subject header.
2.) This comment does address the poem, that is secondary, primary is what looks to be an attack on chipbuddy. Done under the cowardice of noname.
3.) A no comment does say something, as does a no vote.
4.) regarding posers, non comments, and other. I've already lost most of my H's, because someone didn't like what I said. Is it worth leaving a comment on something on something that will further a drop, as the second part of this comment did. It doesn't help either the writer, not would it do me any good.

So, I'm pissed.
I leave a comment, that was a pun, the NY crew objects to, remember I have to read the poem to make the pun.
I leave a comment that jokes with the poem (and a 5), that some airhead, if they were thinking could have easily deleted, and kept the score. (DUH), that I may have suffered a retaliation for, 2 nothing comments (and probable low scores)on two of my former H's.
Sometimes, if I do leave a comment that is suggestive of an improvement, as others do also, I don't see any comments being made by the commentee on any other poems. So I bore you all once again with this issue.
I'm pissed.
did you like that colour anon?:D:D:D
I'm commenting on this.
1.) Earlier in the tread, I mentioned it does look look like someone maybe trying to do vague emulations of me in some comments. I noticed the asterisk in the subject header.
2.) This comment does address the poem, that is secondary, primary is what looks to be an attack on chipbuddy. Done under the cowardice of noname.
3.) A no comment does say something, as does a no vote.
4.) regarding posers, non comments, and other. I've already lost most of my H's, because someone didn't like what I said. Is it worth leaving a comment on something on something that will further a drop, as the second part of this comment did. It doesn't help either the writer, not would it do me any good.

So, I'm pissed.
I leave a comment, that was a pun, the NY crew objects to, remember I have to read the poem to make the pun.
I leave a comment that jokes with the poem (and a 5), that some airhead, if they were thinking could have easily deleted, and kept the score. (DUH), that I may have suffered a retaliation for, 2 nothing comments (and probable low scores)on two of my former H's.
Sometimes, if I do leave a comment that is suggestive of an improvement, as others do also, I don't see any comments being made by the commentee on any other poems. So I bore you all once again with this issue.
I'm pissed.
did you like that colour anon?:D:D:D

of the dribbly kind, as if he didn't have his dick firmly in hand
from the anon, a score of one
Thie knot

There are slavish souls who carry their appreciation for favours done them so far that they strangle themselves with the rope of gratitude.

why yes that was a typo

So what have I learned.
anon is probably British
likes fruit, mediocre passages, maybe into BDSM

for me, there are no ties that bind.

or maybe he knows I'm Polish.:rolleyes:
Do you often talk to yourself? I mean there's nothing wrong with it, I do too and I get all the right answers ....... it's when you disagree the trouble starts and it's best to avoid coming to blows
Do you often talk to yourself? I mean there's nothing wrong with it, I do too and I get all the right answers ....... it's when you disagree the trouble starts and it's best to avoid coming to blows
at least I only have two nipples
and a "big" pecker
swoop, swoop

the cowardly streak, attacking in anon. if they fell so strongly about it, why not sign their piece of nonsense? i know who it is, anyway. :cool:

the cowardly streak, attacking in anon. if they fell so strongly about it, why not sign their piece of nonsense? i know who it is, anyway. :cool:

It is a lovely game. I like games, I saw the asterisk which up until today I used, certain phrases I've used. Let's see how good he is. Now, I'm pretty sure this one has caused certain scores to drop. Unlikely, in the time frame a comment and a score will show from two different people.
Hey. Theo

It is a lovely game. I like games, I saw the asterisk which up until today I used, certain phrases I've used. Let's see how good he is. Now, I'm pretty sure this one has caused certain scores to drop. Unlikely, in the time frame a comment and a score will show from two different people.
check out new poems, 2 from beepfu
are they yours?
check out new poems, 2 from beepfu
are they yours?

I left comments on three poems by beepfru. I figured people who are familiar with the way I comment would probably recognize who wrote them, and people who aren't familiar wouldn't care.
I left comments on three poems by beepfru. I figured people who are familiar with the way I comment would probably recognize who wrote them, and people who aren't familiar wouldn't care.
OK, looked like your style. I had noticed a pattern with anon comments, and wondered if he shifted since I put it in a thread.
OK, looked like your style. I had noticed a pattern with anon comments, and wondered if he shifted since I put it in a thread.

Yeah, I probably should have signed my name, now that I think about the imitation of you that's been going on. I just wasn't signed in when I left the first comment, so I didn't sign in for any of them. I think I'll sign in next time, just to avoid possible confusion. Occasionally other people do the five asterisk thing and it's not me.
oooh, it's my turn to get another anon. :rolleyes: this on LOST. i deleted it since it bore no relation to the poem.

it was quote-worthy here, though, as it gave me a giggle. :cool:

Destroy them!

But when thy spell be cast complete and whole,
May God curse thee, and cut thee from our soul!
I was really sad when anon did not comment on my last poem. Seriously. I feel neglected.

I did lose my H without any new comments. Boo hoo. What is worse is some of my crappiest stuff has that stupid letter attached to it.
oooh, it's my turn to get another anon. :rolleyes: this on LOST. i deleted it since it bore no relation to the poem.

it was quote-worthy here, though, as it gave me a giggle. :cool:

I've heard someone on here say something similar to that will have a think
I was really sad when anon did not comment on my last poem. Seriously. I feel neglected.

I did lose my H without any new comments. Boo hoo. What is worse is some of my crappiest stuff has that stupid letter attached to it.

Bear it with dignity like a real soldier, not the chocolate box sentries that pose for tourist photos.

I have someone that regularly marks me down and would feel a sense of neglect if they stop doing it.
Bear it with dignity like a real soldier, not the chocolate box sentries that pose for tourist photos.

I have someone that regularly marks me down and would feel a sense of neglect if they stop doing it.

Chocolate box sentries that pose for tourist photos?
Are you a poet?

I cannot remember the guy's name that used to blast my work. Seriously, when he did not rail my work I would worry. But then again, I am a bit of a masochist.