Bad Comment Reviews

Originally Posted by PoetGuy View Post
It seems to Poet Guy that many of us all too easily dismiss all Anonymous feedback as being taunting or malicious in intent. Some, perhaps much, of it is, but that does not mean that all of it is.

~ My point exactly. I have seen a good bit of positive anonymous feedback which no one , or very few, wish to acknowledge because it ruins their cries of I've been crapped upon, I've been crapped upon.

I have yet to see anyone bitch about positive anon feedback, although a while back, one poet, I won't mention her name, decided to delete anon positive FB to equal it out because she is the fairest person I know here. She said she felt if she were to delete bad anon FB, then she should delete positive anon FB . Too bad there aren't more like her. Her poem Old Growth was the first poem to inspire me to write one of my own.
This, frankly, seems to Poet Guy to be a bit paranoid on twelveoone's part. Perhaps some Anonymous is mocking your style--so what?
as above for comments, some comes a bit too close to unfunny spoofing. I've seen some of it in new poems, in that case so what.
as for paranoia it's a wonderful thing, to a point. surely the poetguy doesn't believe everything is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

No PG, I estimate there maybe 15 anon's here, and with my estimation of human nature, some helpful, most in the middle, some just pissed because they didn't get attention, and one or two...well, I think they read the threads.
Fuck 'em, since I don't carry my poems around with me, they have to put in a little effort to go find them to zap 'em. One way or another they have to work.
I have yet to see anyone bitch about positive anon feedback, although a while back, one poet, I won't mention her name, decided to delete anon positive FB to equal it out because she is the fairest person I know here. She said she felt if she were to delete bad anon FB, then she should delete positive anon FB . Too bad there aren't more like her. Her poem Old Growth was the first poem to inspire me to write one of my own.
I leave them up.
Unless it's an unfavourable comment, from someone I respect that I agree with;
I delete the poem. That way no one looks like an idiot, particularly the people that left favourable comments. Don't know many people that do that.
as above for comments, some comes a bit too close to unfunny spoofing. I've seen some of it in new poems, in that case so what.
as for paranoia it's a wonderful thing, to a point. surely the poetguy doesn't believe everything is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
So it's unfunny spoofing--who cares? If you carry on about it, the person doing will be reinforced and continue. Poet Guy doubts anyone whose opinion you would care about would mistake an Anonymous comment as being a twelveoone comment simply because the title line is an asterisk.

Poet Guy does not think this worthy of twelveoone's time. However, that is not Poet Guy's decision to make.

As for what Poet Guy believes, it can be summarized thusly:
1 The world is everything that is the case.

1.1 The world is the totality of facts, not of things.

1.11 The world is determined by the facts, and by these being all the facts.

1.12 For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case.

1.13 The facts in logical space are the world.
or something like that, anyway.
It is not clear purely from the text of the poem, at least not clear to Poet Guy, that the poem references the Japanese disaster. Perhaps the "pins knocked down" reference, but even that could refer to buildings being collapsed by shells.
perhaps i should have linked the poem to a headline about the tsunami/the use of the bowling alley as a mortuary... i had hoped that the inclusion of 'a wave' - end line first half - and the proximity and prominence of Japan's distress would have been enough. for some readers it was, for others maybe not so much. everyone reads things differently. with no title or clear internal reference to the japanese wave, the same write in, say, a year's time, might be even further removed from its source and therefore even less recognisable in its intent. this is something i will bear in mind for future writes, PG. thankyou for bringing it to my attention. :)

Perhaps Poet Guy is being charitable to Anonymous, but the comment seems to him to have been meant as a solidarity comment for what was perhaps perceived as an anti-war poem, or a poem speaking to the conflict in Libya, where government soldiers are gunning down their own people.
i think we may have to agree to disagree there, PG, unless you know more about this anon's identity than you let on ;)

Or perhaps to someone maintaining a wall of Afghan/Iraq war dead.

Whatever. The sentiment of the comment seems to Poet Guy to not be mocking at all, but rather to be in solidarity with a "misreading" of the text--the commenter says artillery/weapons should be destroyed, and quotes Owen.
they did??? i have to seriously look at the text from a whole new angle to see that interpretation. again, perhaps you have the right of it. i doubt it, but cede you the possibility.

It seems to Poet Guy that many of us all too easily dismiss all Anonymous feedback as being taunting or malicious in intent. Some, perhaps much, of it is, but that does not mean that all of it is.
and i don't believe i have seen anyone here say that all anonymous comments have been - in fact, virtually all of us who have passed comment have taken pains to point out the positive critical nature of certain anonymous posters.

In any case, anonymous feedback can be disabled:
Accept Anonymous Feedback? Yes No

If you choose "NO" to the above option, unregistered users will not be able to comment on your submissions, and users will be forced to give an email address when contacting you via your profile and/or submissions. Accepting anonymous feedback greatly increases the amount of feedback you will get on submissions, because many readers choose not to register for the site.​
If one considers it invidious in nature, perhaps one should simply turn it off?
if one were only receiving malicious or pointless anonymous comments, then one may well consider this option. however, i (as one) regard comments in a largely positive and optimistic light, and have tended to leave all comments as they stand until recently when i feel the true aim of the anonymous commenter was grandstanding for attention rather than a critical addressing of the poems in question.

actually. I was being sympathetic. Sounds like you took it the wrong way. I have nothing against you except the fact that you have been on my ass since the comment I made to Angeline last year and you felt the need to jump in and defend her when I said nothing wrong, nor cruel nor detrimental. she has been my friend for nine years now and I love her dearly and she definitely needs no one to speak for her. You do have a bad habit of thinking people are so slow they need yo to speak for them. Guess what, they don't.

I am truly sorry you are being harassed by some anonymous creep. I h ave seen some of the comments and it sounds like more than one. It happens to all of us at some point or another, it has certainly happened to me. You need to calm down and ignore the jerks because I am sure you know this, but when you respond to them, they keep doing what annoys you!

I wish you nothing but the best, Chip. Maybe you should seek help for your incessant paranoia and guess what, the poetry board is not the most important thing in the whole wide world and it can exist without you, honey.

take care, smoochies

So it's unfunny spoofing--who cares? If you carry on about it, the person doing will be reinforced and continue. Poet Guy doubts anyone whose opinion you would care about would mistake an Anonymous comment as being a twelveoone comment simply because the title line is an asterisk.

Poet Guy does not think this worthy of twelveoone's time. However, that is not Poet Guy's decision to make.

As for what Poet Guy believes, it can be summarized thusly:
1 The world is everything that is the case.

1.1 The world is the totality of facts, not of things.

1.11 The world is determined by the facts, and by these being all the facts.

1.12 For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case.

1.13 The facts in logical space are the world.
or something like that, anyway.
not anymore, I've changed my pattern, and it wasn't just the *
no, this is just notification, I see, either escalate, or quit, sort of like MAD. because I can make a mockery out of anything, because even though I pretend to be a pissed off poet, I'm a comedian.

Ach, sing mit Wittgenstein
Back atcha

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room.
if one were only receiving malicious or pointless anonymous comments, then one may well consider this option. however, i (as one) regard comments in a largely positive and optimistic light, and have tended to leave all comments as they stand until recently when i feel the true aim of the anonymous commenter was grandstanding for attention rather than a critical addressing of the poems in question.

No, I feel in at least one case it was an attempt at disruption, because in the past few months, there has been better poetry, more openness, than there has been in years. An attempt at divide and conquer. Other than that same old bullshit.

Anyway Maria, I am glad that this sort of thing no longer bothers you. Most of it is laughable, and some of us, just chose to laugh about it.
or a game of chess

The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne,[14]
Glowed on the marble, where the glass
Held up by standards wrought with fruited vines
From which a golden Cupidon peeped out
(Another hid his eyes behind his wing)
Doubled the flames of sevenbranched candelabra
Reflecting light upon the table as
The glitter of her jewels rose to meet it,
From satin cases poured in rich profusion;
In vials of ivory and coloured glass
Unstoppered, lurked her strange synthetic perfumes,
Unguent, powdered, or liquid— troubled, confused
And drowned the sense in odours; stirred by the air
That freshened from the window, these ascended
In fattening the prolonged candle-flames,
Flung their smoke into the laquearia,[15]
Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling.
Huge sea-wood fed with copper
Burned green and orange, framed by the coloured stone,
In which sad light a carved dolphin swam.
Above the antique mantel was displayed
As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene[16]
The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king[17]
So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale
Filled all the desert with inviolable voice
And still she cried, and still the world pursues,
"Jug Jug" to dirty ears.[18]
And other withered stumps of time
Were told upon the walls; staring forms
Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed.
Footsteps shuffled on the stair.
Under the firelight, under the brush, her hair
Spread out in fiery points
Glowed into words, then would be savagely still.

"My nerves are bad to-night. Yes, bad. Stay with me.
"Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak.
"What are you thinking of? What thinking? What?
"I never know what you are thinking. Think."

I think we are in rats' alley[19]
Where the dead men lost their bones.

"What is that noise?"
The wind under the door.[20]
"What is that noise now? What is the wind doing?"
Nothing again nothing.
"You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember

I remember
Those are pearls that were his eyes.[21]
"Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?"
O O O O that Shakespeherian Rag—[22]
It's so elegant
So intelligent
"What shall I do now? What shall I do?"
I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street
"With my hair down, so. What shall we do to-morrow?
"What shall we ever do?"
The hot water at ten.
And if it rains, a closed car at four.
And we shall play a game of chess,
Pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door.[23]

When Lil's husband got demobbed, I said—
I didn't mince my words, I said to her myself,
Now Albert's coming back, make yourself a bit smart.
He'll want to know what you done with that money he gave you
To get yourself some teeth. He did, I was there.
You have them all out, Lil, and get a nice set,
He said, I swear, I can't bear to look at you.
And no more can't I, I said, and think of poor Albert,
He's been in the army four years, he wants a good time,
And if you don't give it him, there's others will, I said.
Oh is there, she said. Something o' that, I said.
Then I'll know who to thank, she said, and give me a straight look.
If you don't like it you can get on with it, I said.
Others can pick and choose if you can't.
But if Albert makes off, it won't be for lack of telling.
You ought to be ashamed, I said, to look so antique.
(And her only thirty-one.)
I can't help it, she said, pulling a long face,
It's them pills I took, to bring it off, she said.
(She's had five already, and nearly died of young George.)
The chemist said it would be alright, but I've never been the same.
You are a proper fool, I said.
Well, if Albert won't leave you alone, there it is, I said,
What you get married for if you don't want children?
Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a hot gammon,
And they asked me in to dinner, to get the beauty of it hot -
Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May. Goonight.
Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.
Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
Poet Guy obviously interprets the comment differently than you do, bronzeage. If one thinks of chipbutty's poem as an anti-war poem, which in Poet Guy's opinion is not at all a stretch based simply on the text of the poem, quoting a line from another anti-war poem about cursing the machinery of war would seem to be quite appropriate. The last line of chipbutty's poem--"a silence of machines"--references machinery.

Perhaps the comment was intended to be hurtful. Perhaps it was simply misinterpreted. Poet Guy would suggest that none of us know for sure.
Poet Guy agrees that there is someone (or multiple someones) leaving simple invective as comments, and that this seems to disproportionately affect the female poets. If one believes that an anonymous comment is equivalent to a kind of nasty spam, Poet Guy assumes that the affected poet should turn off anonymous comment. To equate "this person" leaving insults as commentary with anyone who leaves an anonymous comment seems overreaching, in Poet Guy's opinion.

But that is simply his opinion. It may not be yours, or chipbutty's, or twelveoone's or whomever's.

It's one of my idiosyncrasies to believe meaning should be made clearer, not more obscure. If the quote was meant as a compliment or just a response to the nature of the poem, the quote alone does not give a clue. If Anonymous wanted to start a conversation, this may have been a good opening. Any line which makes a woman ask anything besides, "Would you please go?" is a good line.

It is possible to leave a comment such as this one for a friend. The two people involved know each other's minds well enough to fill in the blanks.

Anonymous comments are not necessarily negative ones, but good or bad, the effort and the reward is the same. The question is, why would a person leave an anonymous, non-constructive and insulting comment? It would be interesting to hear one's motives.
perhaps i should have linked the poem to a headline about the tsunami/the use of the bowling alley as a mortuary... i had hoped that the inclusion of 'a wave' - end line first half - and the proximity and prominence of Japan's distress would have been enough. for some readers it was, for others maybe not so much. everyone reads things differently. with no title or clear internal reference to the japanese wave, the same write in, say, a year's time, might be even further removed from its source and therefore even less recognisable in its intent. this is something i will bear in mind for future writes, PG. thankyou for bringing it to my attention.
Poet Guy did not know about a bowling alley being used as a mortuary in the Japanese disaster. Perhaps he does not read his newspaper carefully enough.

No matter.

He supposes you mean his comment as a criticism of your poem, and perhaps of any poem that is written to a current event. The problem is not yours alone. How does an author anchor their poem to an event without simply saying "this is a poem about the Japanese tsunami disaster of 2011" or, alternatively, how does one universalize a poem about a particular disaster to make it relevant to all disasters?

It is not something that has an easy answer, witness the fact that Poet Guy reads your poem as a lamentation about some kind of disaster, but not a specific one.

This is not something Poet Guy does well, either, so he has no clever "just do this" resolution to offer. The poem is a bit vague. That isn't good, but it isn't necessarily bad, either.
PoetGuy said:
Perhaps Poet Guy is being charitable to Anonymous, but the comment seems to him to have been meant as a solidarity comment for what was perhaps perceived as an anti-war poem, or a poem speaking to the conflict in Libya, where government soldiers are gunning down their own people.
i think we may have to agree to disagree there, PG, unless you know more about this anon's identity than you let on
You have your own interpretation of the comment, of course. Poet Guy knows no one who comments, at least intentionally, anonymously. Certainly Poet Guy himself does not--commenting is hard work and he wants his effort chalked up, for good or ill, to his own name.

Poet Guy simply thinks the particular comment in question is too, well, something to be meant as insult. Surely a straightforward "You dumb bitch, you've trivialized an entire nation's pain" or something like that would have more effect. To try and insult you by quoting an obscure Owen poem seems kind of twee.

It just doesn't seem like an insult to Poet Guy, but he could be wrong, of course.
PoetGuy said:
It seems to Poet Guy that many of us all too easily dismiss all Anonymous feedback as being taunting or malicious in intent. Some, perhaps much, of it is, but that does not mean that all of it is.
and i don't believe i have seen anyone here say that all anonymous comments have been - in fact, virtually all of us who have passed comment have taken pains to point out the positive critical nature of certain anonymous posters.
Perhaps. Poet Guy thinks, though, that chipbutty is being a bit disingenuous here. But he would have to sift through various poster's comments to substantiate this and, frankly, is not interested in that.
I'm a comedian.
The Comedian?


Actually, I could see that. Kind of.
It's one of my idiosyncrasies to believe meaning should be made clearer, not more obscure.
That should hardly qualify as an "idiosyncracy." Poet Guy himself and, he suspects, many of the other poets here would value clarity over obscurity.

He acknowledges that his own poems often seem to value the reverse. Poetry is difficult. Tant pis.
If the quote was meant as a compliment or just a response to the nature of the poem, the quote alone does not give a clue. If Anonymous wanted to start a conversation, this may have been a good opening. Any line which makes a woman ask anything besides, "Would you please go?" is a good line.
Are we now offering criticism of comments as well as poetry? Is the comment clear? No. Is it obviously an insult, or (as chipbutty said was her reason for deleting it) not relevant? Maybe.

Should all comments be perfectly lucid and comprehensible? Should all comments be "constructive"?

Probably. But they won't be. So why get all worked up over this one? Can someone show Poet Guy exactly how this comment was crude and insulting? Apparently most of you (at least most of you who are metacommenting on this) feel the original comment was intended to be insulting. Poet Guy does not see it. Little help, people?
Anonymous comments are not necessarily negative ones, but good or bad, the effort and the reward is the same. The question is, why would a person leave an anonymous, non-constructive and insulting comment? It would be interesting to hear one's motives.
Your first sentence in this paragraph seems at odds with the other two. The answer to the question in sentence two is clear: Why would a person leave an anonymous, non-constructive and insulting comment? To try and piss off the poem's author, of course.

Poet Guy does not see what that has to do with this discussion. But he is dim, and is probably missing the obvious.
That should hardly qualify as an "idiosyncracy." Poet Guy himself and, he suspects, many of the other poets here would value clarity over obscurity.

He acknowledges that his own poems often seem to value the reverse. Poetry is difficult. Tant pis.
Are we now offering criticism of comments as well as poetry? Is the comment clear? No. Is it obviously an insult, or (as chipbutty said was her reason for deleting it) not relevant? Maybe.

Should all comments be perfectly lucid and comprehensible? Should all comments be "constructive"?

Probably. But they won't be. So why get all worked up over this one? Can someone show Poet Guy exactly how this comment was crude and insulting? Apparently most of you (at least most of you who are metacommenting on this) feel the original comment was intended to be insulting. Poet Guy does not see it. Little help, people?
Your first sentence in this paragraph seems at odds with the other two. The answer to the question in sentence two is clear: Why would a person leave an anonymous, non-constructive and insulting comment? To try and piss off the poem's author, of course.

Poet Guy does not see what that has to do with this discussion. But he is dim, and is probably missing the obvious.

I can't think of a good reason to get worked up over this particular comment, other than it's the one on the table at the moment. I had no idea where it came from or the context of the quote. It reads like a gypsy curse. If anonymous meant it to be a counterpart to to the poem, I think he missed. As I said before, comments on comments are a conversation. This is not really possible when the other half is anonymous.

As for the why, it was a rhetorical question. Most insults are intended to anger the target, but I still wonder why the effort is worth the result. The internet is full of trolls of many types, but even the most generous heart will concede a poetry troll has to be the most pathetic of the breed.
No, I feel in at least one case it was an attempt at disruption, because in the past few months, there has been better poetry, more openness, than there has been in years. An attempt at divide and conquer. Other than that same old bullshit.

Anyway Maria, I am glad that this sort of thing no longer bothers you. Most of it is laughable, and some of us, just chose to laugh about it.
or a game of chess

The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne,[14]
Glowed on the marble, where the glass
Held up by standards wrought with fruited vines
From which a golden Cupidon peeped out
(Another hid his eyes behind his wing)
Doubled the flames of sevenbranched candelabra
Reflecting light upon the table as
The glitter of her jewels rose to meet it,
From satin cases poured in rich profusion;
In vials of ivory and coloured glass
Unstoppered, lurked her strange synthetic perfumes,
Unguent, powdered, or liquid— troubled, confused
And drowned the sense in odours; stirred by the air
That freshened from the window, these ascended
In fattening the prolonged candle-flames,
Flung their smoke into the laquearia,[15]
Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling.
Huge sea-wood fed with copper
Burned green and orange, framed by the coloured stone,
In which sad light a carved dolphin swam.
Above the antique mantel was displayed
As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene[16]
The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king[17]
So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale
Filled all the desert with inviolable voice
And still she cried, and still the world pursues,
"Jug Jug" to dirty ears.[18]
And other withered stumps of time
Were told upon the walls; staring forms
Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed.
Footsteps shuffled on the stair.
Under the firelight, under the brush, her hair
Spread out in fiery points
Glowed into words, then would be savagely still.

"My nerves are bad to-night. Yes, bad. Stay with me.
"Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak.
"What are you thinking of? What thinking? What?
"I never know what you are thinking. Think."

I think we are in rats' alley[19]
Where the dead men lost their bones.

"What is that noise?"
The wind under the door.[20]
"What is that noise now? What is the wind doing?"
Nothing again nothing.
"You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember

I remember
Those are pearls that were his eyes.[21]
"Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?"
O O O O that Shakespeherian Rag—[22]
It's so elegant
So intelligent
"What shall I do now? What shall I do?"
I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street
"With my hair down, so. What shall we do to-morrow?
"What shall we ever do?"
The hot water at ten.
And if it rains, a closed car at four.
And we shall play a game of chess,
Pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door.[23]

When Lil's husband got demobbed, I said—
I didn't mince my words, I said to her myself,
Now Albert's coming back, make yourself a bit smart.
He'll want to know what you done with that money he gave you
To get yourself some teeth. He did, I was there.
You have them all out, Lil, and get a nice set,
He said, I swear, I can't bear to look at you.
And no more can't I, I said, and think of poor Albert,
He's been in the army four years, he wants a good time,
And if you don't give it him, there's others will, I said.
Oh is there, she said. Something o' that, I said.
Then I'll know who to thank, she said, and give me a straight look.
If you don't like it you can get on with it, I said.
Others can pick and choose if you can't.
But if Albert makes off, it won't be for lack of telling.
You ought to be ashamed, I said, to look so antique.
(And her only thirty-one.)
I can't help it, she said, pulling a long face,
It's them pills I took, to bring it off, she said.
(She's had five already, and nearly died of young George.)
The chemist said it would be alright, but I've never been the same.
You are a proper fool, I said.
Well, if Albert won't leave you alone, there it is, I said,
What you get married for if you don't want children?
Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a hot gammon,
And they asked me in to dinner, to get the beauty of it hot -
Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May. Goonight.
Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.
Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.

1201, my dear Friend, you know I have been through my share and it has hurt to the point where I refuse to allow it to hurt me anymore. You were instrumental in helping me get through it way back when and I wish that misery on no one. I know you have been through it too. And yes, it is laughable, but not when a few months ago, I would make a post and Chip would pop up with an accusing post immediately after mine, insinuating I am the "bad" anonymous. That hurts as much or more than having shitty comments posted on a poem

I will say this again, I consider my time too valuable to waste on anonymous hateful comments on anyone's work, even those people whom I am not especially fond of, or fighting on this little forum in cyberspace where it means absolutely nothing. It isn't worth the time. I know I am just a measly ol' construction worker, but I have family, I have a dog, birds and turtles that deserve my attention more than the petty dramas that play out here about anonymous and who, oh who they may be.

In fact, Chip, I sent you en email where I said that the poetry forum has been a source of great misery to me over the years, and it has also been a source of great joy, did I not? but whatever, you never admit when I send you an email because I signed it, ( the ONE I sent you) and you only rant about your anons and insinuate that it is whomever you are pissed at the time being. Sometimes I wonder of you don't post anon comments on your own work just to get attention. It has been done before....

I am done with it. I just felt like I was gonna have my 2 cents because that's all the anon crap is worth, and yet, even less than 2 cents. I just would like to see everyone be happy, help one another with the poetry at hand, hell, help me! I have been in an awful funk for going on 3 years. Chip , you actually told me to write something worth reading, didn't you? That has been the extent of your influence on me. You have been hateful, domineering and rude.

I am sorry that my poetry is so bad that you couldn't find some way to encourage me as you supposedly encourage everyone else. I haven't really seen that though, mostly your posts are a bunch of flirting and silliness and whining about anonymous which is a waste of words. Like I said before.

But, it's okay. Don't worry about helping me. I get suggestions from poets I respect enough that not getting the approval of the mod doesn't hurt so much.

I realize that many of you here do not like me. I don't expect you to. There are many people here who speak their minds and have at times conflicted with other poets. I am not being mean, I have no problem coexisting with everyone. If anyone wishes me to not comment on their poetry, feel free to delete my comments, you may send me a PM and tell me, or hell, post it in the forum. You cannot hurt my feelings anymore than has already been done and I respect what any of you may wish.

If you believe I do not have adequate skills to crit a poem, or you just do not respect my work, under any of my alts, I understand, but let me say this. There are people I don't especially like, but their poetry rocks. I separate the poem and the poet and I do not let the identity of the poet affect my reading of the work.

Well, I have rambled enough. I don't mean to cause hard feelings, just sometimes things have to be said and if I send PM, it is then turned into, "Maria said this and that" and I have no proof except that I know what I did and didn't do. Here, it is out in the open and I am not trying to be someone I am not. I am not a poser. I am a person who tries to write, I have various alts I call them "mood" alts.

Take that how you will. I am not the only one here who has several alts.I have posted on here which ones are mine, I am not hiding, so if someone feels the need to one bomb the others too, go for it, if it makes your heart sing, I will one bomb my work FOR you.

I wish everyone peace and happiness and pour out your heart onto the pages and let us all read the beauty within your souls. If I can help, in any way, you know where I can be found.


~ maria
I wish there weren't any pressure to leave meaningful, helpful comments. I mean, WFT, there are plenty of more academically oriented, serious sites out there, which does not mean Literotica cannot have a serious twist, but people can leave whatever they want to leave as a comment.

I do appreciate comments that make suggestions, and can take criticism, but it is just nice to be able to have some fun with it all.

My favorite all time comments from years ago (wtf, so many years ago!) read like this:

(first few on my bovine roadside poem)

by Maria2394
a load of what??

well, it isnt bull..this is so freaking unique, how could I not love it?? one teeny thing though, you start the poem out, using "me" and then in one spot you say he told *us* that kinda punked with my head... :)

but still, I love a good cow poemy, any day of the week

( what IS The diff twixt hay and straw? it all looks like grass to me)

by WickedEve
moo poetry

I think I've had a cow obsession ever since I read the far side. Remember all those cow cartoons? Now I think cows are just the most amusing creatures alive. Thanks for the cow poem.

by YDD
A getaway for Gateway?

What kind of computer do you have? Perhaps that is the source of your dreams?

A strange and unusual poem with a dreamlike or altered reality quality.
It reminds of a style mingling of Annaswirls/2rivers, or Denis Hale/smithpeter.
It contains the better elements of them all.
A very nice read over coffee. - Thank you

by LeBroz

Such a tale should not surprise anyone who's seen a Chick Fil A commercial.

by Anonymous
do you need your interior cleaned?

Here, pull right into my garage under the palm trees
behind my house. Play some tunes and relax. Dance in your seat. Sip if you want from my fully stocked bar.
The ice is down low, you will need to bend.
Hey, nice skirt, honey.
Where'd you get that?

by twelveoone

reminds me of an old joke I once told.
you had to have to have been there.
you weren't
vers libre!

by jthserra
I wanted to climb into this poem

but found myself on the outside. An intriguing discussion/argument here made for some fascinating prose, but even with some astute images (the artists angles instead of curves) it all seemed a scene you were telling the reader about instead of showing. I wanted to feel the poem more, to understand what was felt, not told about it.

jim : )

by TheRainMan
There are the makings

of an excellent poem here. This feels like an early draft to me...tense errors early...careless line breaks...but

there is a lot here, and some wonderful thoughts and lines that hold interest, even in this form.

Editing is called for, because this will be an excellent poem when it's done, I think.
just to clarify - Maria, i have no intention of being baited by your comments, and have more than one mail from you saying plenty of stuff. that's irrelevant. i rarely comment on what you post on the forums, and do not deny you have talent as a poet. i have read many of your pieces and enjoyed them. my comment about writing something worth reading was about a forum post and nothing to do with your poetry, and following on the heels of one of your contentious displays on here.

enjoy your writing, enjoy your friendships on here. i certainly don't hate anyone on here; that would be far too emotionally consuming.

PoetGuy - no disingenuity on my part - it was a reference to another poster's comment. perhaps i shall learn, one day, how to avoid the pitfalls. :cool:

and no-one is getting worked up about an anonymous comment - this thread is for discussing bad reviews. i brought the comment to the table as it made me laugh and i thought others might enjoy the giggle. simple as that. no dramas here at any level. :rolleyes:
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for the record this is what I am reacting to, these on others, NONE OF THESE ARE MINE.

The forum is lousy with moderator(s) who pretend(s) to care and help out new poets yet not a single one left a comment on your poem when you obviously need at least one. What does that say about every bodys butty?

You need to take time and edit your work for punctuation and grammar. Spell check doesn't get every mistake but I am not even sure you utilized that tool.

I hope you can overlook the snobbery of the posers and work on your poetry with an open mind. I did not vote.

did u know that a long time ago, in NY, I think, a molasses tank broke and flooded the town and killed many people, it seems they could have outrun the so-called flood.

"like molasses" when used in connotation with anything slow is pure cliche. If that is the best u can do, smoke a blunt and chill, maybe something will cum to u

no comments? not even one constructive one?

This contains a huge amount of info that could be tightened up. It is not terrible nor is it a five. If you plan on writing more poetry, you need to work on specifics. There are spots that are vague and scattered about. I have tha feeling you can do better.
this on mine, with a probable score or one
Thie knot

There are slavish souls who carry their appreciation for favours done them so far that they strangle themselves with the rope of gratitude.

If all comments, plus perhaps others of like sort, are from the same anon. I perceive a rather distinct pattern. Of a rather sinister style of spoofing, and then a baiting. If you go trolling, just make sure something isn't going to climb in the boat.

This is a different game, an unacceptable game. A reference to chip, that could be construed as coming from me, a comment on the fact that I have been leaving comments, or something of the sort.

Indefensible, Poetguy. Something like no comments? I will say here, directly with my number attached.

Why am I concerned, I suspect you've been around long enough to realize why. Here is the game, I see it, it is posted, the game player sees it, as does anyone who cares to read sees it.
Hopefully, I'm done.
yeah, those are jerk-facey and should be ignored and/or deleted. I would rather get those comments freely than endanger the comfort level of other commenters to feel free to comment as they feel fit.

I am off for the weekend!! Whoohoo!!
for the record this is what I am reacting to, these on others, NONE OF THESE ARE MINE.

The forum is lousy with moderator(s) who pretend(s) to care and help out new poets yet not a single one left a comment on your poem when you obviously need at least one. What does that say about every bodys butty?

You need to take time and edit your work for punctuation and grammar. Spell check doesn't get every mistake but I am not even sure you utilized that tool.

I hope you can overlook the snobbery of the posers and work on your poetry with an open mind. I did not vote.

did u know that a long time ago, in NY, I think, a molasses tank broke and flooded the town and killed many people, it seems they could have outrun the so-called flood.

"like molasses" when used in connotation with anything slow is pure cliche. If that is the best u can do, smoke a blunt and chill, maybe something will cum to u

no comments? not even one constructive one?

This contains a huge amount of info that could be tightened up. It is not terrible nor is it a five. If you plan on writing more poetry, you need to work on specifics. There are spots that are vague and scattered about. I have tha feeling you can do better.
this on mine, with a probable score or one
Thie knot

There are slavish souls who carry their appreciation for favours done them so far that they strangle themselves with the rope of gratitude.

If all comments, plus perhaps others of like sort, are from the same anon. I perceive a rather distinct pattern. Of a rather sinister style of spoofing, and then a baiting. If you go trolling, just make sure something isn't going to climb in the boat.

This is a different game, an unacceptable game. A reference to chip, that could be construed as coming from me, a comment on the fact that I have been leaving comments, or something of the sort.

Indefensible, Poetguy. Something like no comments? I will say here, directly with my number attached.

Why am I concerned, I suspect you've been around long enough to realize why. Here is the game, I see it, it is posted, the game player sees it, as does anyone who cares to read sees it.
Hopefully, I'm done.

It never entered my head that they were, I've always thought that you did the same as me if you've got something to say, you say it name attached and all