Bad Comment Reviews

Masochists are good, they have a positive roll to play, they distract abusers from abusing people who don't want their abuse. :D

True. I'm not really a masochist, I only say so to try to make myself believe it. I am pretty much of a baby, my camel back can only take so much before I either kick or drool or whine.
True. I'm not really a masochist, I only say so to try to make myself believe it. I am pretty much of a baby, my camel back can only take so much before I either kick or drool or whine.

I started writing poetry to get girls. It's a lot harder than asking a girl to dance, but there are many more poems than dances, so it evens out.

The best way to deal with negative comments, whether its about one's poetry or dancing is to always remember, it takes a lot more courage and wit to do it than to talk about someone else who did.

None of our poetry trolls are English professors. They have no credentials or credibility. What they say has no value and any thought spent past reading their comments once, is a waste of time.
oooh, it's my turn to get another anon. :rolleyes: this on LOST. i deleted it since it bore no relation to the poem.
Destroy them!

But when thy spell be cast complete and whole,
May God curse thee, and cut thee from our soul!

it was quote-worthy here, though, as it gave me a giggle. :cool:

That one is bad chip, did the guy who said it sound Black?

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.

Here is their pictures

I'll lend you my lucky watch, just in case.
That one is bad chip, did the guy who said it sound Black?

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.

Here is their pictures

I'll lend you my lucky watch, just in case.
not so much black as a greenish-yellow :cool:

ahhhhmen, Brother Numbers... Praise be! *writhes on floor in possessed-by-spirits fashion, clothing becoming disgracefully loosened*

pictures? all i gots is a frog in an ice-cube. bad lad. ;)

you will? sweet! i promise not to drop it down the toilet :eek:
oooh, it's my turn to get another anon. :rolleyes: this on LOST. i deleted it since it bore no relation to the poem.

it was quote-worthy here, though, as it gave me a giggle. :cool:

That made me giggle too. sounds like someone has his/her snout buried in the brothers Grihmm ( sic?)

It sounds like you get all the freaks.
oooh, it's my turn to get another anon. :rolleyes: this on LOST. i deleted it since it bore no relation to the poem.

it was quote-worthy here, though, as it gave me a giggle. :cool:
Destroy them!

But when thy spell be cast complete and whole,
May God curse thee, and cut thee from our soul!
The quote is the closing couplet from Wilfred Owen's poem "Sonnet On Seeing a Piece of our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action," which while perhaps not quite relevant to the topic you were writing about (the Japanese quake/tsunami), relevant to destruction and waste of human life, Poet Guy thinks.

Perhaps he misunderstands others' reactions to this.
Probably because it is quite obvious that they do. There is nothing wrong with leaving anonymous comments in themselves, but they often seem to be left as a way of insulting the author, for whatever reason. Quite often the author then comments on the comment in the forum or with a come back comment on their own poem. This likely encourages more sniping anonymous comments as it demonstrates to the anonymous poster that the insult affected the author.

You know, Poet Guy, I never saw any reason for someone to comment on their own work except to either promote it or snipe against someone elses comment, that is why I rarely do it. Mostly, because I do not feel the need to address " anonymous" through any means, especially not via the comment section of my own work. And another thing that gets me is people who put themselves on their own favorites list. Such egos really entertain me!

I am wondering though why anyone would do that, comment again after making an anonymous comment. It makes me not even want to comment on a poem that has anon comments now, seeing as how some people blame others who didn't do the deed to begin with but they think they know everything and often blame the wrong person. But, I usually make my comment before I even read those left already.

It is difficult to get a good assessment of who wrote what when it is only a couple of lines and the words used in those lines are among the most used words in the English language, so when I get hateful comments, I just treat them as the bile that they are, but I usually leave them so others can see they are not alone. I get tired of seeing it (made an issue) here ALL the time and just want to point out that some people get evil feedback but they don't make it an issue every single day of their lives. I truly feel sorry for those that do. But, we can all say what we like and I suppose that whining makes some people feel better. Writing makes me feel better. :)

I often wonder what type of poetry would be produced if they spent their whining time writing instead of attempting to get pity in the forum. I would say to them ( and PG, I am NOT including you in that lot),

write, submit it, and if you don't like the comment, if you don't like the person that LEFT the comment delete it.

And as for the low votes. A long, long time ago Champ said something that really made sense. She said, ( paraphrasing) that a low vote can be just as legitimate as a high vote, it is the voter's opinion and who is to say that anyone's opinion is not valid as long as it is made in a decent way.

I was getting lots of low votes then, and still do, but they don't upset me anymore because she was and still is right about that. Sometimes poems suck, or they simply are not worthy of a 4 or a 5. Personally, I don't vote if I can't give the poem at least a 4.

I have noticed that there are some anonymous comments that no one complains about, they are good constructive comments and no one complains about them.... that says it all. It is EGO, pure and simple. But if it is a rude, vulgar comment, DELETE it! Wishy-washy people who accept the good but refuse to accept the bad that goes with making yourself public.. I thought only adults were allowed on this site.

To hell with what anyone thinks, they have no right to shit in the comment section of a poem and expect it to stay there. And people who get upset over the deletion of a comment are sad, little narcissists.

I am so glad I have been gone the last couple of weeks. I obviously have not missed anything, because it's the same conversation that was going on before I left for work...

" I got a hateful anon comment, they can fuck off....etc, etc etc"


Keep writing, Poet Guy. I enjoy your work and look forward to your submissions. That's why I put you in my fave list so I can get to your work when I have missed the new poems.


The quote is the closing couplet from Wilfred Owen's poem "Sonnet On Seeing a Piece of our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action," which while perhaps not quite relevant to the topic you were writing about (the Japanese quake/tsunami), relevant to destruction and waste of human life, Poet Guy thinks.

Perhaps he misunderstands others' reactions to this.
ah, perhaps you are onto something there, PG. it is most definitely left in a manner that might be misconstrued if that were its intention.

and maria, no one here is complaining every single day of their lives. to suggest it is the case is flawed thinking. this thread was set up in a good-humoured attempt to allow those of us who wish to the chance to publicly laugh at the idiots who leave crappy feedback.

few people complain about constructive feedback - whether it slams a poem or praises it. that's because it is constructive, and has nothing to do with ego.
The quote is the closing couplet from Wilfred Owen's poem "Sonnet On Seeing a Piece of our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action," which while perhaps not quite relevant to the topic you were writing about (the Japanese quake/tsunami), relevant to destruction and waste of human life, Poet Guy thinks.

Perhaps he misunderstands others' reactions to this.
Perhaps, it may have to do with the likely one that went with it. But I doubt that is merely it.
Perhaps, it may have to do with above said commentee is more interested is more interested in his form of intellectual jerking off. But I doubt that is merely it.
Perhaps, it is because of a persistent pattern of hitting the better than average writers as a sort of H de-escalation. But again, I doubt that is merely it.
More to the point, I've seen a few comments that did seem to emulate my less than endearing style, almost to the point of parroting. I personally don't like that, as I am quite capable of making enemies on my own, and would rather chose who my own enemies.
So now it is a game, games can be rather mirthful, don't you think?

Now didn't I predict, one of yours would be hit, it wasn't an isolated case.

Other than that how's the weather?:D:D:D
ah, perhaps you are onto something there, PG. it is most definitely left in a manner that might be misconstrued if that were its intention.

and maria, no one here is complaining every single day of their lives. to suggest it is the case is flawed thinking. this thread was set up in a good-humoured attempt to allow those of us who wish to the chance to publicly laugh at the idiots who leave crappy feedback.

few people complain about constructive feedback - whether it slams a poem or praises it. that's because it is constructive, and has nothing to do with ego.

I have never had any use for obscure and obtuse imagery in poetry and even less for it in poetry comments. To comment on a poem with an out of context line from another poem qualifies as obscure and obtuse. He (she?) picks a line which is vaguely insulting at the least and certainly a curse, by definition. That is working too hard too appear clever, and for no credit.

Nothing is worth less than the effort one puts into it. People who leave anonymous feedback get something out of it. The recent scattering of negativity seems to be concentrated on women of the board. This makes me believe this person is just the garden variety flasher who gets off on indignant responses from women. This one just goes for poetic women.
I have never had any use for obscure and obtuse imagery in poetry and even less for it in poetry comments. To comment on a poem with an out of context line from another poem qualifies as obscure and obtuse. He (she?) picks a line which is vaguely insulting at the least and certainly a curse, by definition. That is working too hard too appear clever, and for no credit.

Nothing is worth less than the effort one puts into it. People who leave anonymous feedback get something out of it. The recent scattering of negativity seems to be concentrated on women of the board. This makes me believe this person is just the garden variety flasher who gets off on indignant responses from women. This one just goes for poetic women.
well, he made a mistake of showing me his, and most people will tell you I'm the biggest dick around, understand "dick" can be read three ways. I'll settle for two.:D:D:D
well, he made a mistake of showing me his, and most people will tell you I'm the biggest dick around, understand "dick" can be read three ways. I'll settle for two.:D:D:D

Cock pics on the PF&D?

I have to find a new photo host site.
ah, perhaps you are onto something there, PG. it is most definitely left in a manner that might be misconstrued if that were its intention.
It is not clear purely from the text of the poem, at least not clear to Poet Guy, that the poem references the Japanese disaster. Perhaps the "pins knocked down" reference, but even that could refer to buildings being collapsed by shells.

Perhaps Poet Guy is being charitable to Anonymous, but the comment seems to him to have been meant as a solidarity comment for what was perhaps perceived as an anti-war poem, or a poem speaking to the conflict in Libya, where government soldiers are gunning down their own people.

Or perhaps to someone maintaining a wall of Afghan/Iraq war dead.

Whatever. The sentiment of the comment seems to Poet Guy to not be mocking at all, but rather to be in solidarity with a "misreading" of the text--the commenter says artillery/weapons should be destroyed, and quotes Owen.

It seems to Poet Guy that many of us all too easily dismiss all Anonymous feedback as being taunting or malicious in intent. Some, perhaps much, of it is, but that does not mean that all of it is.

In any case, anonymous feedback can be disabled:
Accept Anonymous Feedback? Yes No

If you choose "NO" to the above option, unregistered users will not be able to comment on your submissions, and users will be forced to give an email address when contacting you via your profile and/or submissions. Accepting anonymous feedback greatly increases the amount of feedback you will get on submissions, because many readers choose not to register for the site.​
If one considers it invidious in nature, perhaps one should simply turn it off?
Perhaps, it may have to do with the likely one that went with it. But I doubt that is merely it.
Poet Guy assume twelveoone means a '1' vote. chipbutty did not indicate that a low vote was associated with the comment, merely that she felt the comment was irrelevant to the poem. Poet Guy thinks the comment was meant to be relevant, but to a different reading of the poem than what chipbutty expected.
Perhaps, it may have to do with above said commentee is more interested is more interested in his form of intellectual jerking off. But I doubt that is merely it.
The only "intellectual jerking off" Poet Guy would ascribe to the comment was to quote a poem by a major poet that was apparently not recognized (or Googled) by readers. Many of us quote other, more famous, poets all the time. Why is this instance "intellectual jerking off?"
Perhaps, it is because of a persistent pattern of hitting the better than average writers as a sort of H de-escalation. But again, I doubt that is merely it.
Again, this may apply to some Anonymous comments, but certainly not all. There is so far no evidence that the comment in question was part of "a persistent pattern of hitting the better than average writers as a sort of H de-escalation."
More to the point, I've seen a few comments that did seem to emulate my less than endearing style, almost to the point of parroting. I personally don't like that, as I am quite capable of making enemies on my own, and would rather chose who my own enemies.
This, frankly, seems to Poet Guy to be a bit paranoid on twelveoone's part. Perhaps some Anonymous is mocking your style--so what?
Other than that how's the weather?:D:D:D
It has been quite pleasant here the last few days, thank you.
It seems to Poet Guy that many of us all too easily dismiss all Anonymous feedback as being taunting or malicious in intent. Some, perhaps much, of it is, but that does not mean that all of it is.
I think chipper has one or two, might be the same one or two for me. Take a walk over in new poems, for what 6 years I've been putting an * in the subject heading, now someone else starts all of a sudden, some of those comments could be construed as mine. Remember, some are not exactly rocket scienttists around here. Gee, a coincidence. It took me awhile, to catch the game, but now I have to type the damn thing out now.
Outside of that it's a laughable thing, don't piss in the punchbowl.

no, the freak visits plenty of others.

actually. I was being sympathetic. Sounds like you took it the wrong way. I have nothing against you except the fact that you have been on my ass since the comment I made to Angeline last year and you felt the need to jump in and defend her when I said nothing wrong, nor cruel nor detrimental. she has been my friend for nine years now and I love her dearly and she definitely needs no one to speak for her. You do have a bad habit of thinking people are so slow they need yo to speak for them. Guess what, they don't.

I am truly sorry you are being harassed by some anonymous creep. I h ave seen some of the comments and it sounds like more than one. It happens to all of us at some point or another, it has certainly happened to me. You need to calm down and ignore the jerks because I am sure you know this, but when you respond to them, they keep doing what annoys you!

I wish you nothing but the best, Chip. Maybe you should seek help for your incessant paranoia and guess what, the poetry board is not the most important thing in the whole wide world and it can exist without you, honey.

take care, smoochies

I have never had any use for obscure and obtuse imagery in poetry and even less for it in poetry comments. To comment on a poem with an out of context line from another poem qualifies as obscure and obtuse. He (she?) picks a line which is vaguely insulting at the least and certainly a curse, by definition. That is working too hard too appear clever, and for no credit.
Poet Guy obviously interprets the comment differently than you do, bronzeage. If one thinks of chipbutty's poem as an anti-war poem, which in Poet Guy's opinion is not at all a stretch based simply on the text of the poem, quoting a line from another anti-war poem about cursing the machinery of war would seem to be quite appropriate. The last line of chipbutty's poem--"a silence of machines"--references machinery.

Perhaps the comment was intended to be hurtful. Perhaps it was simply misinterpreted. Poet Guy would suggest that none of us know for sure.
Nothing is worth less than the effort one puts into it. People who leave anonymous feedback get something out of it. The recent scattering of negativity seems to be concentrated on women of the board. This makes me believe this person is just the garden variety flasher who gets off on indignant responses from women. This one just goes for poetic women.
Poet Guy agrees that there is someone (or multiple someones) leaving simple invective as comments, and that this seems to disproportionately affect the female poets. If one believes that an anonymous comment is equivalent to a kind of nasty spam, Poet Guy assumes that the affected poet should turn off anonymous comment. To equate "this person" leaving insults as commentary with anyone who leaves an anonymous comment seems overreaching, in Poet Guy's opinion.

But that is simply his opinion. It may not be yours, or chipbutty's, or twelveoone's or whomever's.