bad manners?

rhinoguy said:

rhino-not one to hold grudges...but certainly known to retaliate if aggravated

You sound a lot like me, only I can spell. :p

*runs and hides*

Lou :D
Those hooves for hands must interfere with a lot more than just your typing. :devil:

The mask probably impedes you a bit, too.

Lou :kiss:
Black Tulip: Etiquette

Black Tulip.

I am new here too. I just slipped in through the bathroom window.
But I would like to know who left the dang toilet seat up! (dripping across the floor to the couch to remove shoe and sock)

I was going to come in the kitchen window... but apparently someone forgot to do the dishes. Who's turn was it?

and Jenny <perk> What is the fine?? Inquiring minds wanna know? Fine me! Fine me! yesssss. lol ;)

Thanks to all the tips and insight posted here for my reading pleasure and mind expansion.

Em keli 2003
"There is not much I can tell you...."

thanks for the warm welcome. I guess old habits die hard and coming in and out of various portals has always kept things less than dull although at times I would have wished for a bit of boredom instead:) In youth I looked for trouble. Now it finds me like a heat seeking missle no matter what cubby or foxhole I have secreted into for refuge.

There are a few women in the house here and thus I have shared your lashes. Two are mine and rumor has it I am raising them although at times I'm never quite certain who is raising who. Or is that whom is raising whom? Maybe one of them can tell me? If I word it as a quiz they might actually think I knew the answer and was just testing them.

Dishes is the plural form of a four letter word called "work". I have tried to give up work for lent...and lent it to someone else...but it seems to come back to me as I have a bad habit of wanting to eat at least once a day which is a cursed habit my mother gave me from birth. Dishes...that is why I bought a dishwasher although I seem to be one of the few in the house with the facilities to master its electrical wizardry and thus the dishes like to wait for me. As for the surround sound and the programming of the vcr...well teens are good for something. Ask them, they know it all. And I grow dumber by the day.

There's not much I can tell you....
Hi there Em Keli, welcome aboard!

Your post made me smile, but it also made me concerned for my husband. We have two daughters, but they are only 5 and 7. I fear for his sanity when they hit their teens, the poor guy has enough trouble with me. ;)

Well, they do say that you aren't a real man until you've raised a daughter, or two, or three...

Lou :rose:

PS. My dishes need doing, are you free? :p
Tatelou said:
Hi there Em Keli, welcome aboard!

Well, they do say that you aren't a real man until you've raised a daughter, or two, or three...

Lou :rose:

PS. My dishes need doing, are you free? :p

Jeez Lou!

I thought you were a woman. :D

Regarding dishes: try kids if you don't want to use a machine.

Hi Em. Glad I'm not the only new one.
Last edited:
It's funny how old-fashioned men are when it comes to their daughters. When discussing the matter of future children adn the raising of these future children, we couldn't agree on when would be an appropriate time to allow our daughter(s) to start having sex. I said 15, which is the legal age of Sweden, and a pretty OK age in my opinion.

Hubby leaned more at 45...:rolleyes:
Tatelou said:
Well, they do say that you aren't a real man until you've raised a daughter, or two, or three...

Lou :rose:

Yeah, by those guys who don't have any sons.

Eyup Em Keli.


Aunty Em, Aunty Em, it's a twister Aunty Em.

Yeah? So make like Chubby Checker.
Thank you. :rose:

Fear not only for your hubby. They are not gender selective when pushing the outer limits. :)

There is profound wisdom in the simple observation that you are not a real man until then....Probably 'splains why so many men remain so clueless.

Ah dishes, dishes. I would buy paper plates by the case, but guess who the hell gets to take out the garbage. :mad:

I tried kids on the dishes. When they got up off the floor laughing they disappeared. I discovered it as a wonderful trick when in need of solitude. Simply announce loudly that a particular list of chores will commence in ten minutes and by that time I am alone. (I think I have them right where they want me.)

I'm loving every minute of it, just a few seconds I could do without.


If you believe you allow your children to do anything, then they will be kind enough to allow you to believe it.

I told them they could not date until they were 18 while I managed a somber demeanor. My oldest then 13 said " If I don't date until I am 18 I won' t be married until I'm 25." I replied, spiking the air with a fist, "YESssssss"

So the youngest turns 13 and asked if she could date. I said I had to meet him first so he could see my 'Louisville Slugger' I keep by the front door." She looked at me and then the bat....and replied, "That cinches it, I'm not bringing any boyfriends home."

There's not much I can tell you...."
Hey Tulip....

Mice to see you on the boards here in the AH... woulda said "Hi" earlier, but I have been away from my mind control machine for a few days.

Yessss :D

I'm back on line, thank the deities of cyberspace.
After singing the Windowsblues for more than a week, I finally got my pc fixed today.

Nice to see al those welcome messages!
Hi Tulip. Now I can give you my own welcome (I did thank Gauche for doing it in my absence).

"Have fun, and if you can't have fun, take someone's else's..."*


*from The Beautiful South's "blue is the color"
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
< Quoting Black Tulip's Rap Sheet >
. . . I like science fiction and fantasy. I am trying to write sf-stories but somehow my characters always ended up wanting to have sex. . . .


I missed both the beginning of this thread, and the Introduction Rumple quoted in his "Rap Sheet."

In any case: Welcome to the AH. Having good manners, and displaying them, is the one sure way to NOT fit in here. :eek:

On a personal note: I like to write SF&F also. For me, every time I try to write a sex story, my characters run off and invent a positronic dildo :rolleyes:

Everybody has their own problems :(
perdita said:

"Have fun, and if you can't have fun, take someone's else's..."*


Perdita, That seems to be going around a lot lately.

Hey and welcome Tulip!

Just a personal thing
Well, they do say that you aren't a real man until you've raised a daughter, or two, or three...
I think you are not humbled as a Man until you raise a daughter.
Tatelou said:
Those hooves for hands must interfere with a lot more than just your typing.
Dear Tat,
Is Rhino one of those rare scented ungulants we hear so much about?
Dear Maths,
As I rarely visit your dictionary thread *cough, cough*, haven't you arrived at the T's yet? Isn't "tat" a not nice word to call someone even if it's a syllable of their name? Tate is cool I think.

gently now,

Perdita :rolleyes:
Well, they bumped up this thread in time for me not to be completely remiss in adding my welcome to Black Tulip and Em Keli. Hello.
Quasimodem said:

On a personal note: I like to write SF&F also. For me, every time I try to write a sex story, my characters run off and invent a positronic dildo :rolleyes:

Any chance of that dildo travelling to Europe? :D

Hai Perdita and Champagne.

Phildo: I loooove your AV's.
perdita said:
Dear Maths, As I rarely visit your dictionary thread
Dear Perdita,
I only post what the site DR MABEUSE told me about lists. Well, a few here and there just to make it complete. You might wish to make one of your "rare" visits when the dubbyas come up. I was thinking of you when I included "we... " Oops, can't say that. It ain't PC.