Bathroom-use permission and supervision as a punishment/erotic control

Communication is the most important thing in a D/s relationship.
I follow intelligent, respectful gentlemen who I interact with
Poor communication definitely makes D/s redundant and not pleasant.

I don't have extensive experience with this type of play, but the little I've had has been very interesting. It's basically impossible for me to concentrate if I really have to go to the bathroom though which makes it impractical with work but otherwise can be quite fun. I have yet to wet myself for example, and can imagine some of the problems with smell and needing to wash clothes immediately.
I did have some play experiences many years ago where I was cuffed and kept that way until I could stand it no more and wet myself. I did find it ver arousing but that was a long time ago.
It’s erotic as fuck!
Many dominants do not employ bathroom-use supervision and control as a disciplinary tool but those who do recognize its effectiveness in changing behavior of submissives for the better. In some circles it may even be derided as a "ladies' punishment" because it does not involve any kind of hitting or striking as corporal punishment does. Nevertheless, in view of the extreme embarrassment and outright humiliation that restriction of toilet use may produce, it is a useful punishment mechanism that belongs in every dominant's repertoire.

Restrict bathroom use (not prohibit). First, it must be understood that toilet restriction is a punishment only suitable for submissives who will obey orders. It is much more effective when a sub knows and accepts that she must not even enter the bathroom without permission.

Observation. Still another refinement is to require the dominant to accompany the submissive to the bathroom and for the dominant then to observe the submissive's use of the toilet. This embarrasses most submissives and may even make it difficult for them to use the toilet; young girls, in particular, may be very ashamed and find it difficult to let their urine stream to begin. A submissive is likely to be highly embarrassed by the dominant's observing defecation. Submissives have told me that this act is regarded as more intimate and private than even intercourse.

Intimate inspections. As a further punishment or humiliation, some dominants will require the submissive to wear a pantiliner in the crotch of the panties or undershorts. The liner is likely to display any naughtiness prior to receiving permission to use the toilet or while adjusting clothing to do so. It will also show wet stains produced by excitement of the female genitalia.

Dominants may intensify the punishment by requiring the submissive at any time to lower pants or lift skirts and then to lower panties so that the dominant may spread the bottom cheeks and inspect their anus to ensure proper hygiene. Such inspection is obviously easier and more embarrassing for women since insertion of fingers, gloved or ungloved, may be the operative method.

Insightful dominants may wish to consider using bathroom-use control and supervision because punishments such as spanking, caning, flogging and strapping all involve physical castigation and can only be employed so often. While it is humiliating to be taken across a dominant's lap for a spanking, just the fear that a dominant may follow through on a threat to impose the intimate inspection and bathroom-use control at any level may well exceed the impact of the other punishments.

I would certainly rank the impact of a dominant's saying "Your use of the toilet is going to be controlled and monitored" with "You have behaved badly and are going to be caned." Both inspire fear, albeit of different kinds, but the former also carries with it the prospect of certain embarrassment, submissiveness, shame and humiliation.
Even if used only during edging it can be very useful in putting your sub in their place. Have them drink a lot of water 30 minutes beforehand then have them edge and pee really frustrates them but it trains them and makes them very obedient
I use this with my sub routinely, most of our humiliation play is done in public at malls and restaurants. Denying her the choice of where and when to pee enhances both her submission and my control.

Only once has she been unable to hold it, that was at a outdoor festival where I purposely denied her until she peed herself. Several people noticed as the piss flowed down her legs. Afterwards she admitted to having a orgasm while she peed.
I use this with my sub routinely, most of our humiliation play is done in public at malls and restaurants. Denying her the choice of where and when to pee enhances both her submission and my control.

Only once has she been unable to hold it, that was at a outdoor festival where I purposely denied her until she peed herself. Several people noticed as the piss flowed down her legs. Afterwards she admitted to having a orgasm while she peed.
It’s erotic as heck purposefully denying her till she pees herself visibly changing the color of her light blue jeans to dark blue. Piss stained to the core
It’s erotic as heck purposefully denying her till she pees herself visibly changing the color of her light blue jeans to dark blue. Piss stained to the core
In this case she was wearing a skirt as she is required to when we are together.
I have had bathroom denial used on me by a make sub. While I find it humiliating, i also find it extremely erotic to have someone have such power over me. Over the years I have experimented with it, being diapered, etc.
I have years ago dated a woman who was very much into masochism and submission and I used restriction on her and it was also highly erotic since depending on the situation I can be both sub and Dom. Unfortunately I have only met one woman like that in my personal life. As far as dominant males willing to use it on me as a form of control, there have been very few.
I incorporate quite a bit of desperation, bathroom denial in a lot of what I write so I can explore it more in my mind and I often find it a turn on
My Goddess restricted me this weekend, and it really is utterly humiliating to be like that especially when you start to not be able to sit still or stand but you're just fidgeting around. By the end of it I was breathing very hard and whimpering. The release is almost like an orgasm.
So this came up today as a new assignment from my Dom. We were just talking over the video chat, and I offhand mentioned that I had to go... And then he said he wanted to watch. LORD the size of my eyes must have been saucers.

I won't go into the dets as it was very embarrassing for me, but it ended up requiring lots of time and a shower. As soon as I was ordered to piss for him... I couldn't! And I really had needed to go.

I was astounded by how much relief I had after I was finally able to go. And how different it felt compared to the usual act of voiding. I'm still on the fence about this... But I don't want to just hang it up, yet.
I was the same the first time I did it in a D/s setting. Like you I couldn't go which made the humiliation even worse and led to more discomfort. When I finally went it was a huge physical and emmotional release. It is a very different experience and sexualising the act added an excitement I had never thought of before.
I am a submissive that loves humiliation so it became a regular thing.
It can definitely be very difficult to pee on command even when you're twitching from how much you have to go. It then just feels so heavenly, much better than I would have ever thought. I think Goddess really enjoys how I find it difficult to pee when she says I can. She also really enjoys making me sit in my pee as I come down from subspace.
My master used this quite frequently. The line between humiliation and arousal were very close. There were times when I was so aroused by it that I thought I was going to orgasm just by relieving myself.
Yes it’s true. Degradation to arousal is very very close.
Thanks for discussing this topic.

I am writing a story and already had some characters made to pee in the back yard... was then debating what other pee-control type things to use, and have got a few ideas now.
