BDSM Organization

James G 5 said:
But how do you know what you will need when??

Be prepared doesn't always have to mean back breaking.

I think Eb mentioned earlier that she had some bags, depending on play and place. Maybe she can share her organizational ideas?
Unlesssss you have a boat, a 55 gallon drum with a few big holes in the upper sides, a few bags of quick setting concrete and enough gas for a trip out past Times Square in the Gulf.*L
I see I have a lot of catching up to do but I must say James those bags are all impressive. Thank you for sharing.
James G 5 said:
The bracers are good for use with some of my floggers & whips to be able to wrap around without hurting myself, and for certain showy spins with the knives

And they look cool as hell ;)

Here's a look inside the containers so you can see how all the stuff looks........these're big containers, and hold quite a bit
some of the compartments have 2 good sized floggers in them

Thank You James for this particular picture...I think I will begin using this storage idea to simplify some of My smaller items...I appreciate all of the time You have taken to put together this picture series.
Shadowsdream said:
Thank You James for this particular picture...I think I will begin using this storage idea to simplify some of My smaller items...I appreciate all of the time You have taken to put together this picture series.

Welcome :D
Frankly, I'd rather have been USING them, but one can't live by play alone LOL
James G 5 said:
Welcome :D
Frankly, I'd rather have been USING them, but one can't live by play alone LOL

That's the truth. Otherwise, I'd've died of starvation long ago. ;)
WynEternal said:
That's the truth. Otherwise, I'd've died of starvation long ago. ;)

Poor baby
that's what you get for going off & getting married & becoming a baby factory :p
Hey, I have specific one, if you folks (like me) have a LOT of rope, in different lengths, colors, thicknesses, etc, how do you keep it organized???
James G 5 said:
Hey, I have specific one, if you folks (like me) have a LOT of rope, in different lengths, colors, thicknesses, etc, how do you keep it organized???

I am bad. I buy my rope at the dollar store, and after I use it I throw it away.
Ebonyfire said:
I am bad. I buy my rope at the dollar store, and after I use it I throw it away.

Sometimes that can be a GOOD thing
like if it's been exposed to blood, scat (from being between the cheeks for an extended period) or other bodily fluids
My rope is all washable and is washed between uses.......if it's going near fluids I use the white rope & bleach it

Well I don't have as much as you do James. :)

I only carry 100 ft. of a medium weight.

All mine is white - easier to wash and bleach. So I try each coil with a different colored tie.

I keep the lightweight stuff sorted by size and thrown into a ziplock.

Re: Rope

Lilly4 said:
Well I don't have as much as you do James. :)

I only carry 100 ft. of a medium weight.

All mine is white - easier to wash and bleach. So I try each coil with a different colored tie.

I keep the lightweight stuff sorted by size and thrown into a ziplock.


Hey! I never thought of Ziplocks for the small stuff!
Thanks! :D
I am the self-annointed queen of ziplocks. LOL

They are great for vibes and anything that is insertable.
Easy to see and you don't wonder what else might have touched them.

The little snack size is good for nipple clamps and such.;)

Thought this thread needed to be brought back to the top !!!

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon. :)
Lilly4 said:
I am the self-annointed queen of ziplocks. LOL

They are great for vibes and anything that is insertable.
Easy to see and you don't wonder what else might have touched them.

The little snack size is good for nipple clamps and such.;)


Lilly ~ That is a wonderful idea.

I think this thread needs to be brought back to the top. :)
I agree - it's a great thread.

I'm always looking for newer/better way of doing things.

An unabashed example of self promotion and being one happy camper *BG

Myself and another writer, ruralgoddess, are now e-published authors. A book we've co-written titled "She Will Be Mine" has been accepted and e-published at here's a link for you if you'd like to see a sample chapter and we'd even thank you for buying a copy if you like the sample.

BG* Authographs will given to those bringing me a printed out copy of the book in rt. *LOL*

Take a look and if you buy a copy I/we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it. *s

Hey Y'all !!!

Hope it is a great weekend for everyone. :)