Been thinking ... What is poetry

Not to put words into twelveOoneio's mouth, but I think he's insinuating that sometimes, even the best poets can be convinced by their poetry that the metre and rhyme scheme must be adhered to, even though they are forced into existence, rather than fitting into the work.

I know you've read it, probably written it - forced yoda speak, improper tensual shifts and the like... the difference between an experienced poet and those who aren't quite as calloused yet, is that those who've been around don't show every baby picture off to the party, they share the one with the perfect smile instead.

Yoda speak, a problem you have? With?

You know Champ, I'm beginning to like you, moving you up to jtserra and Pat Carrington territory, most worthy adversaries. :rose:
Actually, I'm a big fan of Yoda. Never had any problem understanding him.

Probably because...

... sometimes 900 years old I feel.
If a faint aromatic residue is left on my fingers, it's close enough to poetry, and if I whiff those faintly aromatic fingers once more, whether it is or is not poetry doesn't matter.

Mmm. I like that. It is clearly a statement written in prose, though distinctly not prosaic. At any rate, it leaves a poetic residue.
Poetry is something unfinished nagging you on.
And if I only got it right some day :)))
Then i would never write another haiku.