Biden admin tightens gun show loophole

It's still not how our system works.
Agreed. Unfortunately, too many of your comrades believe that anything Trump does or says (like suspending the Constitution) is not only perfectly fine, but divinely mandated when it suits Trump's interests.
Agreed. Unfortunately, too many of your comrades believe that anything Trump does or says (like suspending the Constitution) is not only perfectly fine, but divinely mandated when it suits Trump's interests.
Actually you're full of shit, that's just a projection on your part.

In other news the ATF's pistol brace rule has been vacated by a Federal Judge for the listed plaintiff(s).

"Another one bites the dust."
Actually you're full of shit, that's just a projection on your part.

In other news the ATF's pistol brace rule has been vacated by a Federal Judge for the listed plaintiff(s).

"Another one bites the dust."
Do I really have to repost Trump's quotes about taking the guns first and worry about the Second Amendment later, or just plain suspending the Constitution?

Go fuck yourself.