Biden admin tightens gun show loophole

This incoherent ramble was an interesting deflection of nothing about the topic.

The policy isn't about people having an illegal firearm. The policy is to ensure people who shouldn't have a firearm cannot obtain one through the back door.
So you think it was ok for Hunter Biden to get a firearm while he was using coke and herion and oh yes stop and frisk takes guns and felons off the streets
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I would say Joseph R Biden can kiss my ass, but he will never do anything great enough to earn that privilege. He can however, hang by his neck until dead, which is the proper punishment for treason. And any of you who take offense? Why don't you come talk to me in person? Want my address? I'll give it to you. Come on by! And say goodbye...and hello to whatever the fuck is the next plane of existence. I patience with communists. And if you think this is me being a "keyboard warrior"...maybe you should speak with either of the mother fuckers who were looking at the business end of the Glock 19C I had trained on them this morning? Or...I can give you the police report number and you can fucking fact check me. Or? You can shut the fuck up. If you have a single functional neuron? I'd go with the last option I presented. And if I sound a bit, oh.....amped? IT'S BECAUSE I'M FUCKING AMPED!
you aren't well
I would say ...
You know Donny and Ronny would have you jailed for your self-proclaimed life style, don't you?

Joe believes in freedom and will let you bee who you want to be. Donny, Ronny and the rest of the Gang Of Putin won't.
The new "rule" is already under an injunction. The judges rationale for doing so is impeccable so yet another 'grabber' pipe dream is going to turn into a nightmare.
The new "rule" is already under an injunction. The judges rationale for doing so is impeccable so yet another 'grabber' pipe dream is going to turn into a nightmare.
They should grab the guns first, go through due process second.
Of course that only works if you think I agree with Trump on everything, which I don't so no gold star for you.
The point is that you thought it was just one of us liberal commie bastards making that statement, trying to denigrate us about it, when it was actually the 34x convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Republican candidate for the presidency.