Bitch is a stupid word.

LovingTongue said:
Because I consider it on the same level as using the N-word, that word won't ever come out of my mouth or off my keyboard, period, dot, stop.

Everyonee else is free to have their own opinion about it.......

I agree in that it's a word that should only be used among peers (words to whom the word might also apply) who are close enough to you that you have no doubt by what they mean by it.

When white people whine- why can't white people say the n word- I say the same reason that a man can't call me a bitch, but my female friends can:D

I don't completly think that it's a stupid word- I like it for certain purposes such as between friends, sometimes during sex and as the ultimate compliment for a woman who takes no shit.

But I disagree with an eirlier poster who said that all insults are vague. A lot of the ones in common ussage are. They are good for shock value, but they are not very descriptive. There *are* lots of good descriptive words that are insulting. Rather than calling someone an asshole, you could say he's controling or abusive or self sentered, ect. For bitch you could say she's self-possessed, pushy, domineering, overbearing, ect. Most often we can't even think of these words because the word that often pops into our mind when someone pisses us off (ie, angers or infuriates:)) is BITCH (or ass-hole, bastard ect.)