Bizarre Dreams

Scalywag said:
Have you ever awoken (woken? wokeup? whatever) on your stomach, arms under you and both arms are numb because they've benn under you so long? You can roll over because they are numb and you have no strength in them?

This happens to me every couple of months or so, I start freaking out, and start rocking back and forth until I finally make it over. Phew. that was rough.
I've had AN arm fall asleep, but never both.
TBKahuna123 said:
I've had AN arm fall asleep, but never both.
ya gotta give scalywag a little latitude, TBK... he's not normal. :p
Scalywag said:
And this comment I will take as a compliment. :)
i'm glad you do. it isn't so much "not normal" in a bad way... just that (as in the arms falling asleep) you do everything twice as well as the masses.

btw... took me a while to figure out who "mr. wag" was... dunno why it didnt' click for me but i got it now.
I could give a list of the freaky-ass dreams that I have. Some of them helped inspire one of my stories that I have here. The only recurring dream that I keep having is one where a dark, obscured figure is attacking me. Once, in the dream, I got him pinned on the floor and just as I drew my my fist back to hit him I woke up. I was over my wife with my fist drawn back and ready to swing. Good thing she was sound asleep.

On another occasion, the dark figure threw me out of a window in a skyscraper. I physically threw myself out of bed, thumped my head on my nightstand which spilled the drink I had there all over my head and caused me to think I was bleeding, and I dislocated my left shoulder when I hit the floor. That was a rough night.

Chalk another Lit poster with having the dream about teeth crumbling in my mouth and falling out.

I'd dream that I'd run my tongue over my teeth and they'd literally crumble. I chalked those dreams up to my RL fear that I'd have dentures before I was 30-just like my mother. I see now that the dream is shared by several others.

When I was young, I had a recurring dream that I was Batgirl and that my job was to deliver the U.S. mail on my batcycle to a town that was beleagured by bad guys who stole the mail. I had to ride through a maze to deliver the mail and I was chased by the bad guys the whole time. Lots of Pow-Bam-Kaboom action going on.
Oh I like weird dreams. Well once I have woken up and figured out it is a dream, anyway...

There was a time I dreamt a lot of explosions...

Recently, I dreamt there were huge crab like things under my skin in my arm, and that it was my fault since I hadn't done a doctor check up since returning from South America (which I really haven't), and that I held them down with my thumbs so they wouldn#t move to my heart, under my skin.

A few years ago I had sometimes dreams where I was being chased by someone, could never see who it really is, and feeling very scared and at the same time very aroused by this. Haven't had those in a while though...
Scalywag said:
Am I that predictable?
Not really, but come on, I said I had a dream that I came blood? It was only a matter of time until someone chimed in.

I was pretty sure it would be you though. :D
Scalywag said:
Well, I don't mind that you expected I would come along with a wiseass remark. After all, when opportunity knocks....
Yeah I did kinda set you up to knock one out of the park, didn't I? ;)
Ever have a dream that trickles into reality, like being half awake, half dreaming?

I woke up one morning and could barely pry my eyes open. When I did I saw this raccoon crawling all over my bedroom walls. He (or she, I dunno) then crawled over to me on the bed and snuggled up with me on my left side. I could feel it there.

I figured I was dreaming yet and that one of the cats was sleeping on the bed with me. I squinted hard twice and looked around. There was nothing, not even a cat, on the bed.
Well that clears that up...

Dreams About Teeth

Dreaming that your teeth are falling out is one of the many common anxiety dreams. You may dream that your teeth are crumbling in your hands or that your teeth are falling out one by one with just a light tap. Such dreams are horrifying and shocking. So what does it mean?
One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Sadly, we live in a world where good looks are valued highly and your teeth are important in conveying that image. Teeth are used in the game of flirtations, whether it is a dazzling smile or affectionate necking. These dreams may be a fear of your sexual impotence, powerlessness or even getting old. Teeth are an important feature of our attractiveness and presentation to others. Everybody worries about how they appear to others. Caring about our appearance is natural and healthy.
Alternatively, you may fear being embarrassed in some specific situation. These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxiety. Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. Symbolically, teeth therefore represent power. And losing your teeth may indicate that you are feeling disempowered. Are you lacking power in some current situation? Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing yourself or getting your point across. You feel frustrated that your voice is not being heard. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and have low self-confidence. This dream is an indication that you need to be more assertive and believe in the value of your own opinion.
In the latest research, it has been shown that women in menopause have frequent dreams about teeth.
Traditionally, it was thought that dreaming that you did not have teeth, represents malnutrition which may also apply to some dreamers.
Other Perspectives- A scriptural interpretation for bad or falling teeth indicates that you are putting your faith, trust, and beliefs in what man thinks rather than in the word of God. The bible says that God speaks once, yea twice in a dream or a vision in order to hide pride from us, to keep us back from the pit, to open our ears (spiritually) and to instruct and correct us.
In the Greek culture, when you dream about loose, rotten, or missing teeth, it indicates that a family member or close friend is very sick or even near death.
According to the Chinese, there is a saying that your teeth will fall out if your are telling lies. It has also been said that if you dream of your teeth falling out, then it symbolizes money. This is based on the old tooth fairy story. If you lose a tooth and leave it under the pillow, a tooth fairy would bring you money.
bisexplicit said:
Heh. I am the queen of weird dreams.

I have had many involving cannibalism - where I was the one being eaten. It is quite disturbing to be alive and having your own flesh eaten, even in a dream.

I also frequently have ones involving pregnancy. I'm pregnant, my sisters are pregnant, my friends are pregnant...etc. Usually, it is disatrous.

For a while, I was on medication that would give me incredibly vivid life-like nightmares. That was the worst.

To see cannibalism in your dream, symbolizes a destructive and forbidden desire or obsession. In a literal sense, cannibals consume people's lives, along with their energy. This dream may then denote an aspect of your life (career, relationship, children...) which is consistently draining your enthusiasm and vitality. To dream that you are a victim of cannibalism, signifies that you feel that you are being "eating alive" by work, a relationship. or a situation in your waking life.

To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.

I'm not sure that I buy any of this but I thought that it was interesting as one seems very negative and the other very positive, make of it what you will.
I used to dream constantly about driving, not being able to see over the steering wheel, the brakes not working, not being able to reach the pedals, getting stuck in the middle of intersections, not being able to go fast enough and having every other driver watching me.
Haven't had them for quite awhile, although I did have a driving one the other night where I was driving along a very high cliffside road, I took one corner too fast and nearly went over the edge, I remember thinking I need to slow down for the next corner and then drove straight off the road.
I even had time while I was falling to look around and realise there was no way I was going to survive the fall, the place I was going to hit was a large fallen tree trunk, I woke up just as I hit the tree.
The weird thing is I was entirely calm throughout the whole thing, I didn't even wake up with a fright.
quoll said:
To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.
I don't know about this. Even since I've had my tubal (just over 2 years ago) I've had dreams about being pregnant. In most of those dreams, I'm worried because our car is a six-passenger vehicle and I don't know where we're going to put everyone.
Eilan said:
I don't know about this. Even since I've had my tubal (just over 2 years ago) I've had dreams about being pregnant. In most of those dreams, I'm worried because our car is a six-passenger vehicle and I don't know where we're going to put everyone.

Hmm, could you subconsciously be angling for a new car?

I know I haven't had this one.

To see your anus in your dream, signifies negative emotions that you may be holding in and repressing. It represents feelings of guilt, shame, and self-worth. Alternatively, the anus is associated with your generosity or stinginess. Consider also you or someone in your life who may be anal retentive and perhaps need to loosen up a bit.

Although I have had this one.

To dream about or that you are in Australia, suggests that you feel that you are being pulled toward opposite directions. The dream may also indicate self-exploration into your natural and uninhibited self. Often referred to as the land down under, the dream may be a metaphor to represent your unconscious and your underlying thoughts.

... or I might just live there, nimrod.
quoll said:
To see cannibalism in your dream, symbolizes a destructive and forbidden desire or obsession. In a literal sense, cannibals consume people's lives, along with their energy. This dream may then denote an aspect of your life (career, relationship, children...) which is consistently draining your enthusiasm and vitality. To dream that you are a victim of cannibalism, signifies that you feel that you are being "eating alive" by work, a relationship. or a situation in your waking life.

To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.

I'm not sure that I buy any of this but I thought that it was interesting as one seems very negative and the other very positive, make of it what you will.

Seems to make perfect sense when you look at it in context with BI's thread.
The most bizarre thing about some of my dreams is that I have people who I all know, but don't know each other at all, interact as if they are best friends and not being confused about it or so... I always wonder what that is all about?
Scalywag said:
My wife has dreams like that. And the people that interact in the dreams have never met.

Exactly... weird. I wonder what it means... :confused:
quoll said:
To see your anus in your dream, signifies negative emotions that you may be holding in and repressing. It represents feelings of guilt, shame, and self-worth. Alternatively, the anus is associated with your generosity or stinginess. Consider also you or someone in your life who may be anal retentive and perhaps need to loosen up a bit.

Not sure I'd admit I had this dream in public. Which I haven't, of course.
quoll said:
Hmm, could you subconsciously be angling for a new car?
What's funny is that I had this dream really frequently just after we bought our car.
this is definitly the wierdest dream i have ever had or heard of. Okay, so in the dream i am a heroine addict, and at the time of the dream i still lived with my mother, so i would hide these needles filled with heroin in this basket of cranberry muffins (i've never even had a cranberry muffin... or done heroin for that matter, just to get things straight... anyway...) so i get my basket of muffins and heroin and start walking up and down the main street in our town all doped up and i meet Santa Clause and we start doing heroin together. i start walking home and then Jesus (whom i don't believe in) speaks from the clouds "hey rose, Santa told me you had some pretty good shit. do you think you could hook me up?' and i'm like 'no problem jesus' and i throw up some needles into the sky and this giant hand comes down from the clouds and catches them. it was totally wack!
I normally don't remember my dreams, but I had one when I was a teenager that I still remember the main part. In my dream my dad had died, and I was (I am pretty sure it was just me and not the rest of the family) at the funeral home where dad was laying in an old plain wooden coffin with the lid close. I remember feeling very sad about it and I believing missing him. What is totally weird is at the time I had the dream, I was so upset with my dad with his constent drinking, being drunk, verbal abuse to me and my mom - I had no love left within me for him.