Bizarre Dreams

pleasteasme said:
Now, here's a question: What color was the bridesmaid dress I had to wear?
wow... this is a toughy. the back of my mind says peach but i can't really remember.

i'd be willing to bet that no matter what color it was, it was further described by the adjective phrase "that god awful." as in: that god awful peach color. :D
EJFan said:
wow... this is a toughy. the back of my mind says peach but i can't really remember.

i'd be willing to bet that no matter what color it was, it was further described by the adjective phrase "that god awful." as in: that god awful peach color. :D

You were close, but not peach. Correct about the "god awful" part. Ick! :eek:
Scalywag said:
read my post, which is just before yours. you'll see the answer
yeah. i thought that was a guess... didn't think it was necessarily factual. :)

you're a better man than i, scalywag.
Scalywag said:
wasn't she planning on getting the bride a feeldoe for a shower gift?
ok. you're freakin' me out here.... and beginning to sound like a stalker. lol.
EJFan said:
yeah. i thought that was a guess... didn't think it was necessarily factual. :)

you're a better man than i, scalywag.


EJ, I have since gotten rid of those jeans, they just weren't "work" appropriate, lol!

Scalywag said:

Nice job Scaly! I still have the damn thing, hanging in the spare bedroom as a reminder...:eek:
Scalywag said:
wasn't she planning on getting the bride a feeldoe for a shower gift?

I couldn't find it at Crate & Barrel :p

EJFan said:
ok. you're freakin' me out here.... and beginning to sound like a stalker. lol.


It was a thread about gifts and evolved into the pumpkin dress thread! ;)
Sits in her corner and gets back on topic...

I've had some really wacked-out dreams.
One is a recurring one, that comes back every couple of years and tends to stick around for a week or so. It's pretty boring; I'm all dressed up in something purple, and I am dancing, in a fancy room, with a man. But I can't see his face. It started when I was around 13, and has stuck around ever since.

I also have one that will hit me multiple times in a night, if I am out travelling by road. I'm driving a car, and for one reason or another lose control of it, and slam it into one of those concrete barriers along the side of the road. I usually wake up flailing, because I'm trying to turn the wheel in the dream.

The other day, though, I had a just plain strange dream. I was at work, and I'd gotten the sitting all set up, and posed, and ready to go, and I turned around, and all of the camera equipment was just... gone. I was pretty sure it'd all been there when we walked into the bay, but now it wasn't there. And I called over my manager, and said "Aren't we missing something here?" and she just looks around, and says "Huh. That's strange." and went back to whatever she was doing.

It was really frustrating.

If I have dreams about my teeth crumbling tonight, I'm gonna come yell at some people! :p
Scalywag said:

I noticed you have modified your location to indicate Snarkopolis, Ohio. has there been any confusion with a Snarkopolis from another state?

A few Snarkisms.

Snarkting = to perform snark
Snarkzzy = dizzy from snark.
Snarkbeth = snarksperean play.
Snarketer = person makes his living selling snark.
Snarksketeer = person who fights to the death to defend snark.
Snarkseteer = child actor portraying devotee of snark.
Snarkodor = it smells like..... Snark...
Snarkter = machine one uses to plow the snarkden, where all the snark grows when it is the right season.
Snarktain = snarky sort of mountain
Snarktan = exposure to too much snark can change one's skin colour
Snarkitis = disease affecting ones snark.
Snarkophobia = irrational fear of snark.
Snarkopath = one who is insanly obsessed with snark.
Snarkling = exploring the beautiful underwater world of snark
Snarkboarding = snowboarding with an attitude (guess which attitude)
NASnArk - organization in charge of space snarcksploration; and don't forget the International Snarkstation.
...Hanging gardens of Snarkylon.... Snarkzerland.
Snarkhenge - ancient circle of snarks used for rituals and snarkrafices.
Snarktacular = snarky in a spectacular way
Snarkedy = snarky comedy
Snarkccident = an unintentional, but snarky, mishap
In flight snark = often salty and a little stale...
Snarkophagi = where egyptian entombed their snark
Snarkopolis = gigantic snark city.
Snarkocracy = rule by snark.
Snarkopoly = corporations who owns all snark.
Snarkariffic = snarky in a terrific way
Snarkadellic =snarky while listening to disco music
Snarkalicious = snarky in a delicious way
Snarkaholic = snark addict.
Snarkodelphia = the more snarkish area of philly.
Snarktastic = fantastic in a snarky kind of way.
Snarkastic = sarcastic in a snarky kind of way.
Snarkochondria = afflicted believes they are infected with snarkitis; a disease of the snark. See also: snarkochondriac.
Snarkology - the study of snark in all it's forms.
Snarkologist - an expert in snark.
Snarkophile - one who has a fetish for snarkyness.
Snarklipse - when the sun is completely clouded by snark.
Snark and two veg - popular dinner in snarkodelphia.
Snarkism= strong belief in snark
Antisnark= see also idiot
Presnarked= snark coming in an already snarkt form
Snarkable= its is able to be snarkt
Kilosnark=a thousand units of snark
Centisnark=one houndredth of a snark
Snarkometer=measures the amount of snark in a given area
I had a helluva dream last night:

I never figured out where we were supposed to be going, but my husband and I were in this minivan that had eight people in it. Aside from my husband, I knew only one other person in the van--a obnoxious former acquaintance of my brother's that I haven't seen, heard from, or thought about for at least 10 years.

Anyway, we stopped at a motel for the night, and my husband and I were in bed when this acquaintance of my brother's suddenly appeared in our room. He wanted to have a threesome with my hubby and me. My husband said, "Sure," and I responded, "No! Get the fuck out!"

That's all I can remember.
I dunno, at least with the threesome dream, she doesn't have to wake up and check to make sure she didn't have a threesome. :D
jadefirefly said:
I dunno, at least with the threesome dream, she doesn't have to wake up and check to make sure she didn't have a threesome. :D
It's a good thing that I woke up when I did. I doubt if my hubby would have appreciated getting punched. :)
just remembered a recurring dream i have, and scary too - i am always leaving for a trip to somewhere, am hopelessly late but somehow still think i will catch the plane - and then realize i have forgotten my camera. i really have this dream quite often, and i always wake up feeling very worried...
Scalywag said:
Do you mean you could see yourself as another person?

Exactly! I "became" the man in the dream and was able to look into my own eyes and feel everything from both points of view. Any ideas what that means?
Last night, I dreamed that the house that my husband and I wanted to buy was back on the market--only this time it cost $700K. :eek:
Here's a series of weird dreams for you:

One of my friends is an English professor who occasionally directs collegiate Shakespearean productions. I agreed to take a role in one of these plays (don't know which play, though). However, I didn't attend the rehearsals, nor did I bother to learn my lines, so I tried to sneak the script onstage with me.

Then. . .

My parents' house burned down, so they were rebuilding in the same spot. That house burned down while it was under construction.

Then. . .

I went to visit my parents' recently widowed neighbor. She was having some financial issues, so I offered to pay her cable bill--to the tune of $160!

Is it any wonder that I'm tired today?
Something that's developed in the last 4-5 years or so has been that if I drink too much alcohol the night before I have horrible, terrible nightmares of watching myself be murdered. It's not like the dream ends at the imminent moment, I actually witness my own death. I wake up screaming every time.

Wine seems to have this effect on me more than beer. Two pints of microbrew is about my limit. Although when I was in Munich I had a little more than that a couple of days w/o any problems. Still, bad dreams are incentive enough not to over-indulge.

My most horrible dream ever was witnessing the nuclear destruction of the Milky Way. I was driving a Trebant and tried to duck under the dashboard to avoid getting hit. But the universe exploded into trillions of shards, and billions of voices crescendoed into a blood-curdling cry. It was so horrible.
I very rarely remember my dreams.. however I do remember one I had well over 10 years ago now. The basic jist was I had a splinter in my thumb. I used a pair of tweezers to remove it and when I did the little splinter was actually a tree trunk. The more I pulled I ended up with the entire base of the tree, roots, dirt the whole 9 yards. Then I remember holding my thumb up to my eye and it having a big hole thru the middle almost like a slice of an egg with the yolk removed. I think since I remember it well over 10 years later ir must have had significance but god only knows what.