Bondage and torture

Willow you are the best. Wow. Your story gave me ... all kinds of naughty feelings, to be honest :D

Willow, I must admit that your rendering of your Master's domination of you was absolutely fantastic! I was drawn into your description of your Master's attentions and felt myself experiencing everything in your place. Brilliant writing!!:D

Shadowsdream said:
It would appear that your Master knows how to play you like his cherished and valuable violin!

I agree and extend my congratulations to BOTH of you. I would also point out, for something to happen, (as you so clearly described), I think it important for ALL to note:

A Master/Dom/me can play many instruments, and do it well, but when they have a TRUE sub available, He/She can create a masterpiece.

There was NO topping from the bottom, he knew his instrument well, and applied his talents to strike the proper notes at the proper time. (Sweet)

This just CANNOT be done with two people who are NOT familiar with each other.

(JMHO)...But it's MINE,...and I own it ! :rose:
Re: Willow

artful said:

I agree and extend my congratulations to BOTH of you. I would also point out, for something to happen, (as you so clearly described), I think it important for ALL to note:

A Master/Dom/me can play many instruments, and do it well, but when they have a TRUE sub available, He/She can create a masterpiece.

There was NO topping from the bottom, he knew his instrument well, and applied his talents to strike the proper notes at the proper time. (Sweet)

This just CANNOT be done with two people who are NOT familiar with each other.

(JMHO)...But it's MINE,...and I own it ! :rose:

I totally agree with you!
