Bookish/Nerdy Pictures, Maybe?

As one ages, one feels one's new or worsening flaws keenly. The sag of my chin, a defect in my breast, the nonconformity of my form to the impossible societal standards....It was never easy. Being a fat kid, one of my first interactions with someone from an opposite gender was a boy who, in the fifth grade, told me I look like a whale. I am 39 now and I still remember this.

It can be very odd and yet very freeing to read commentary on my flesh prison. Throughout my time here, I wanted to be known for my brain and intellect. I never thought I'd even be brave enough to post pictures here. My flesh prison is of course not to everyone's taste, but the overwhelming positive (and sometimes pervy, sometimes deliciously pervy) commentary has been very validating to someone who has suffered from self-loathing of her body since she can remember.

So for those of you who feel similar, regardless of your gender, I want to tell you that your body is good. Your body is beautiful. I am not one for body positivity for myself, but my therapist told me about body neutrality. To just accept that it is there and that it does things for you. It doesn't always do them perfectly (you're not going to push my legs over your shoulders, for instance), but it does what I need it to do, and I want to be friends with it for however long we have left on this earth.

Thank you for coming to my body TED talk.
... My flesh prison is of course not to everyone's taste, but the overwhelming positive (and sometimes pervy, sometimes deliciously pervy) commentary has been very validating to someone who has suffered from self-loathing of her body since she can remember.

... body neutrality. ... I want to be friends with it for however long we have left on this earth.

Thank you for coming to my body TED talk.
And, it would appear clear that any number of pervy men would like to be friends with it, too! Brains and intellect are nice, but it would be fun to try getting your legs over our shoulders.
As one ages, one feels one's new or worsening flaws keenly. The sag of my chin, a defect in my breast, the nonconformity of my form to the impossible societal standards....It was never easy. Being a fat kid, one of my first interactions with someone from an opposite gender was a boy who, in the fifth grade, told me I look like a whale. I am 39 now and I still remember this.

It can be very odd and yet very freeing to read commentary on my flesh prison. Throughout my time here, I wanted to be known for my brain and intellect. I never thought I'd even be brave enough to post pictures here. My flesh prison is of course not to everyone's taste, but the overwhelming positive (and sometimes pervy, sometimes deliciously pervy) commentary has been very validating to someone who has suffered from self-loathing of her body since she can remember.

So for those of you who feel similar, regardless of your gender, I want to tell you that your body is good. Your body is beautiful. I am not one for body positivity for myself, but my therapist told me about body neutrality. To just accept that it is there and that it does things for you. It doesn't always do them perfectly (you're not going to push my legs over your shoulders, for instance), but it does what I need it to do, and I want to be friends with it for however long we have left on this earth.

Thank you for coming to my body TED talk.
Please accept my praise in the way it is intended. All Women's bodies have an allure to me. And I think we all see the flaws in ourselves and our bodies much worse than outsiders do. So from my vantage point, thank you for being brave to share yourself both mentally and physically. You deserve serious kudos for both. 😘😘🔥🔥
Please accept my praise in the way it is intended. All Women's bodies have an allure to me. And I think we all see the flaws in ourselves and our bodies much worse than outsiders do. So from my vantage point, thank you for being brave to share yourself both mentally and physically. You deserve serious kudos for both. 😘😘🔥🔥
This! Exactly this.
So...I didn't go with a book theme this time, but I did decide to wear my Beauty and the Beast necklace....😬

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Not sure how long this will remain up as it's probably the most brazen picture I've ever posted anywhere ever, but there you go. *dies*
Please leave such an enticing picture up, it pushes a bunch of the right buttons for me (and I’m certain for a lot of other guys and some gals.) Eyeglasses, the barest hint of a smile on those red lips, what looks like the beginnings of an attractive blush, tousled dark hair, such sweet suckable nipples and a soft plump tummy to lay my head on while enjoying those beautiful nipples. One poster wants your legs over his shoulders, but I would put my arms over your legs to tease your breasts until my tongue causes you to make inarticulate noises…
Just my runaway imagination…