Bug-Day Afternoon

You know that stuff spirals out of control. This passed winter I think I had like 5 bags at one time.... all from different people that were giving some back to me after a few times circling around and back again.

Amish friendship bread is for people that only want friends with Amish people. Because your other friends will see you wielding that ziplock bag and avoid you or not answer the door.

BTW is it really Amish? I mean, I can't picture Amish people walking around with ziplock bags....
normal jean said:
yeah, it really does. I don't know if it is Amish or not, that was whatI was told when it was given to me. I think it's nasty. Please don't send me any, lol. send me plants. or seeds



Well I like it.... you cook it a little longer and at lower temp here, altitude you know. I always mix up the puddings I use so its always different. But after you've made enough to build a small house with, you get terrified of seeing anyone that you think might be holding a bag of the demonic yeast concoction.

I will send you plants, bulbs, and seeds if you weed for me :D
My mom has a recipe for the starter! She's not Amish, but she may have gotten it from reading a Mennonite cookbook she has on her shelf.

She has a cooking course book from my great-great-grandma's library, but they didn't use doughstarters .. they actually had caked yeast in the kitchen this cook teaches out of, anyway...

An exerpt, from "The Modern Cookbook and Household Recipes" c. 1904...
Dr. Kane, the Arctic explorer, tells us that an Esquimau will drink ten or twelve gallons of train-oil a day.
That's more than my little car uses in a 3 hour drive to Edmonton (which is not very far from the land of Dr. Kane's Esquimau). Of course, mine is super-charged and uses premium gasoline, not simple 'train-oil'. What in heck is 'train-oil' any way?
champagne1982 said:
What in heck is 'train-oil' any way?
train oil
Oil obtained from the blubber of a whale or other marine animal.
Tzara said:
Thank Google. ;)

do you find yourself, whilst in conversation, turning your head up to a corner to an imaginary household pc and shouting "Google! Definition Train Oil!"

or is it just my family....
annaswirls said:
do you find yourself, whilst in conversation, turning your head up to a corner to an imaginary household pc and shouting "Google! Definition Train Oil!"

or is it just my family....
It's not an imaginary PC in our house. My family converses via IM. My avatar is Pierce Brosnan (why I can toss off "shaken, not stirred" so smoothly). Hers is Emma Thompson. Intimate relations involve some serious typing skillz.
normal jean said:
he thinks he pulls passion from poppies
but he barely breathes,
i see the smoke of hell in his eyes
as he pumps in and out, harder
harder, like a wild-man

i think i should spit him out, the bitter
root of all evil leaking
from his cut and bloody pores.
Take me, i am a doll, ragged and bound
discarded, he makes me feel retrieved.

retrieved from hell,
to bow and serve.
handcuffs wrapped in memories
hold me bound
to this manic head game.
when will I move forward instead
of back tracking down
to meet yester morn ...

RhymeFairy said:
retrieved from hell,
to bow and serve.
handcuffs wrapped in memories
hold me bound
to this manic head game.
when will I move forward instead
of back tracking down
to meet yester morn ...


damn, Girl, you got it!! wheeew, that's hot :D


ghost_girl said:
I've dabbled in many things
but stuck my whole hand
into your paint jar, and like a monkey
tempted by the ripest of bananas
I clench my fist, now full and refuse
to let go, even though I know
this one last taste will mean
I am nothing if not brainless
when it boils down to matters of you


suggestions, anyone?
I like this one g_g. My only suggestion would be to try to find a new metaphor for condensing essence rather than the whole "boiling down" thing. Maybe, brainless when I'm steeped in the eskers of you... I don't know. I want to see something a tad stronger to end on.

Maybe you could make banana nut bread and crack his shell :p or peel his fruit.. :devil:
I've dabbled in many things
but stuck my whole hand
into your reddest jar
and like a monkey, tempted
by the ripest of fruit, I clench
my fist, now full and refuse
to let go, even though I know
this one last taste will mean
I am destined to be brainless
when it boils down to matters of you
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I love your poetry, though. The same idjit that would imagine you keeping a man in a stoneware crock with a big wooden lid would likely think that the tooth fairy crept in and stole my innocence along with my last baby tooth... You're right to deny the trolls validation.

I reread the poem as it stands and I like the ending just fine. As far as monkey brains... I think it would be like making head cheese: steam it in a mold and dip it in gelatin.

"he who is a friend to all, is friend to none"
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It is only Tuesday, yet
the bushes outside my window
are filled with feathered fiends.

The rattle and rasp of red-tip
leaves, so much to be desired
song wise, that is, and I long

for that peace filled hill
where once-named frogs
and lizards cavort

in a cement pond and upon
wisteria vines. Highways
into my soul, they were

and I can only wonder
if Sinister Toad and Frog King
thrive, or if sweet Tammy Toad

is still alive.
inventory, fifth day of spring

dahlia, dahlia, where are you
destined to be? with me, with me!
just poke your head up, you'll see.

a bulb is a promise, a seed
merely a tease, yet I poke
then cover, sprinkle and pray

there isn't much a gardener
can do, but plant today
and hope for rain