Bug-Day Afternoon

I see your latest froggy as the beginning of a new series. Kind of like The Pond Keeper's List of Persnickety Frogs... :) I love Eliot's Cats as you can tell. So, along the lines of Cats and The Mutt's Denizens, there's a world of topics for your poetry, right there in Sahara's koi pond. ;)

Oh, I LOVE Mutt's Denizens, but my little stuff won't ever be that good. I thought at first they might be something for kids, but as I get to know them better, I'm thinking no, not kids' poems.

I am not sure about the Cats that you mention, though. Do you have a link? Or is it something I know but just can't grab hold of right now.

at any rate, thank you for your encouragement.


well, Annie!

Thank you for adding such an interesting character to the pond. I can see him now, in his little hideaway, I would imagine, he has a spot near the azaleas that have taken over, and invites his buddies for a toke, or two.

Funny thing, I see him with a hookah, like the characters in Alice in Wonderland.

If he has any friends, you want to invite, feel free! Always room at the pond.


You're reading mind I saw the hookah too!
Oh, I LOVE Mutt's Denizens, but my little stuff won't ever be that good. I thought at first they might be something for kids, but as I get to know them better, I'm thinking no, not kids' poems.

I am not sure about the Cats that you mention, though. Do you have a link? Or is it something I know but just can't grab hold of right now.

at any rate, thank you for your encouragement.


Hey baby... I just saw this request, and of course you'll know 'em as soon as I show 'em to you ...

TS Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats ...

My fave cat
Ron took me to see the musical Cats in London for my birthday one year it's great fun the 'cats' come out of all sorts of hidey holes amongst the audience
someone somewhere did not appreciate *Sahara* as a frog, and I didn't ask her first, so it has been deleted. I will ask the prospective "froggie" ahead of time, next time I feel so inspired.

But anon, I do take pleasure in the fact that you recognized who she was... other than that, you can bite me, hard.

Maybe you can email or pm it to me. I'm sorry I missed it. :)

Linder, the waxy monkey tree frog, found himself stranded, virtually abandoned by a family who tired of his presence. He spent everyday wishing and everyday loathing, the life that had left him alone. No mates not a single prospect because he was stranger in this odd and frightening land.

He knew nothing about life, not really, but he had pictures and memories floating about in his head. He had strange feelings that somehow he wasn't all right, that things were not going to be okay, that he was damaged and inferior, in some unexplainable way. Does a frog know the definition of love? Some might say that he is oblivious and most fortunate to never have those awkward feelings that humans must acknowledge then deal with.

Linder was different in a joyful way. He loved and he felt love and he was susceptible to pain and sorrow. He once was in love but now there was no one to love. With his loneliness he escaped to the middle of his sea, enormous to him but little more than a koi pond, in reality.

to be continued...
and what happens to the waxy monkey tree frog? does he ever meet up with a female waxy monkey or does he simply pine away, mired in loneliness thicker than molasses on a February morn? oh how sad, poor little guy.

NO! not at all, he swims to the middle of the pond, right? and meets up with this fabuloso fuchsia female, but of a different species, she is a water lily by the name of Spellbound, the fuchsia water lily lady, the only plant known to be able to converse with little frogs of a tree climbing nature. But little do all the other frogs and froglettes know, but she is a beautiful princess, turned into a flower by an evil vindictive witch...lol
I know some of you poets here had a page at EditRed and may not be aware that they have shut down show, with no notice to anyone who had not been on the site in less than a month. I only discovered this when I received an email about my most recent post, "Sophie's Eyes".

I sincerely hope that if you had a page, you had copies of your work there. I know at least 3 people who did not. The poem I had which won best monthly poem a while back, was lost in my laptop when it died after being exposed to FaceBook. I did find a copy cached on the web under the name of the poem, "A Pussy's Philosophy on War." I had so much fun with that poem, it received 161 comments, now that's feedback, but that was also the year that the admin on the site decided to screw ALL the monthly winners by not choosing a yearly winner....anyway, it was fun while it lasted. They say they will be back "with a showcase blah blah..." I don't take much stock in what "they" say as they have said things before and not done them. "They" were most excellent in the ability of charging that visa card per month.

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and what happens to the waxy monkey tree frog? does he ever meet up with a female waxy monkey or does he simply pine away, mired in loneliness thicker than molasses on a February morn? oh how sad, poor little guy.

NO! not at all, he swims to the middle of the pond, right? and meets up with this fabuloso fuchsia female, but of a different species, she is a water lily by the name of Spellbound, the fuchsia water lily lady, the only plant known to be able to converse with little frogs of a tree climbing nature. But little do all the other frogs and froglettes know, but she is a beautiful princess, turned into a flower by an evil vindictive witch...lol

There's a wonderful poem in this vignette, and you need to write it missy! :)
I know some of you poets here had a page at EditRed and may not be aware that they have shut down show, with no notice to anyone who had not been on the site in less than a month. I only discovered this when I received an email about my most recent post, "Sophie's Eyes".

I sincerely hope that if you had a page, you had copies of your work there. I know at least 3 people who did not. The poem I had which won best monthly poem a while back, was lost in my laptop when it died after being exposed to FaceBook. I did find a copy cached on the web under the name of the poem, "A Pussy's Philosophy on War." I had so much fun with that poem, it received 161 comments, now that's feedback, but that was also the year that the admin on the site decided to screw ALL the monthly winners by not choosing a yearly winner....anyway, it was fun while it lasted. They say they will be back "with a showcase blah blah..." I don't take much stock in what "they" say as they have said things before and not done them. "They" were most excellent in the ability of charging that visa card per month.


i got an e-mail from them about a month before they shut down, (having not been a poster there for over a year) allowing me plenty of time to delete all my work and profile. it used to be a wonderful site for poets, but after more than 2 years away from it (no net) i returned to find it populated by those i'd be hard pushed to name poets and no constructive critiques acceptable by the majority who only wanted their backs patted.
i got an e-mail from them about a month before they shut down, (having not been a poster there for over a year) allowing me plenty of time to delete all my work and profile. it used to be a wonderful site for poets, but after more than 2 years away from it (no net) i returned to find it populated by those i'd be hard pushed to name poets and no constructive critiques acceptable by the majority who only wanted their backs patted.

hmm, they had my email and I got nothing...I'm glad someone did. ty for the info. I agree with you there, that is why I left. I do not blindly praise crappy writing and would not want anyone to do that for me either. That's why I love ange and eve so much, they pushed me until I was almost readable.

Sophie's eyes was my first post in a couple of years, but I had maybe 10 poems there I assumed were safe, but lost in my laptop. I will never assume again. I know better.

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There's a wonderful poem in this vignette, and you need to write it missy! :)

I thought I did :D my goofy alts were gabbing back and forth. Remember Owera? Rybka's friend? she loved the prosey ones. I miss that woman. she was so freaking talented. If you hear from her, give her a hug for me, k? Oh yeah, ( eta) Spellbound was my Annie frog. I will look for Sahara, but I think she is lost in my laptop. I hate that you didn't see it, it was pretty good.
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hmm, they had my email and I got nothing...I'm glad someone did. ty for the info. I agree with you there, that is why I left. I do not blindly praise crappy writing and would not want anyone to do that for me either. That's why I love ange and eve so much, they pushed me until I was almost readable.

Sophie's eyes was my first post in a couple of years, but I had maybe 10 poems there I assumed were safe, but lost in my laptop. I will never assume again. I know better.


losing work is an entirely sucky experience. when my ex broke my pc, i lost about a year's worth of writing, maybe more, that i'd gotten too lazy to back up on floppy/disc or paper and existed only on my hard drive or on our website we'd run together; he took that down. that's one of the reasons i have my thread here: i store copies of all i write here, now, just in case.
I thought I did :D my goofy alts were gabbing back and forth. Remember Owera? Rybka's friend? she loved the prosey ones. I miss that woman. she was so freaking talented. If you hear from her, give her a hug for me, k? Oh yeah, ( eta) Spellbound was my Annie frog. I will look for Sahara, but I think she is lost in my laptop. I hate that you didn't see it, it was pretty good.

You know I tried to send you a pm yesterday, but I'll say what I had to say here: You have a talent that is rare and real. I read you when you first came here and felt that immediately. If you lose perspective on that you can reread this post because you know me and that I don't praise blindly. If I don't think someone has a gift I'll still find something nice to say; it just won't be "you have talent."

You need to recreate, as best you can, these pieces you lost. Maybe you're in a writer's blocky kind of time and don't feel that you can do it now, but you will write again. People who have your kind of passion for poetry can't stay away from it forever. I couldn't write for a year recently. I could force stuff but I wasn't feelin it. I was starting to despair even though I knew, intellectually, that the poems would come back. And they have; I can write with passion and inspiration again. So maybe you should start forcing yourself to write every day again. That's what I did. :)

Oh yes I remember Owera, a lovely person and good poet. Haven't seen her around for a few years now.
hey Sis

I thought I had my PM's turned on for buddies, but didn't, they are now. I appreciate all your help over the years. I won't give up,. and you are right, it's a writer's block thingie.

I've been writing, sort of, but not poetry, it's more like a journal about my life and really old memories and I have something planned, but not for Lit and it will piss my family off, but you might remember I said when my uncle passes I am writing about the tragedy with my Grandma and her family. That's what the project is. The rest of them will have to get over it, or sue me, lol.

love ya sweetie. thanks for all your support.

I cannot hear the river calling
out to her wingman, asking directions
Nor do I know the degree
of curve in the next bend
or how steep the waterfall may be
ahead, things rarely change
in a human life span, where water’s
flow and erosion are concerned

I could lie in wait and let her
traverse the forks of my body,
splayed. How she might laugh
at my flabby angles and fleshy curves
yet it is difficult to feel threatened
by one who cannot remain still
long enough to look you in the eye
one sun, one moon
two daughters
one spouse and I
wane into finality
until the end


in this poem "I write like" H.G.Wells, according to the site Ange posted.
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it is time
to fetch the skinny palm
and the lizards that live
among her fronds
into the new blue
dining room
antonymically incorrect

does not define lonely.

I have been lonely
among a group
of so-called friends

and lonely
does not always spend
her waking time within
herself, she knows

the true meaning
of friend and foe
and at times it is better
to be beached and alone

scattered among the high tide
treasures left by the morning
sea for tourists to gather
and carry home


according to the "I write like" site, this poem is written like Margaret Atwood. I guess now I need to read some of her work.
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Cosmos, at the end

They stand in mourning
stooped and bowing
faces framed in lavender

lean towards the earth
in search of reasons
for the falling, for the death

of shadows and birth of doubt.
They see tomorrow coming;
their mothers have seeded

and gone.
An Old Bird Contemplates November

The cold is coming and with it
occasion for breaking out
the carving knife and silver spoons.

What remains of my family descends
and they pluck memories and insults
like feathers from an unwilling bird.

Grandmother passed last January.
She left her platter to the bad sister
who never cared much

For her potato salad or peculiar smell—
a mixture of aged lady, tea rose
and musty newspapers.

I will never know the secret
ingredient in her creamed corn
and she never taught me

How to wring a hen's neck
but next year when the cold returns,
and it will return,

The one who loved her potato salad
and thought her scent intriguing
will be the one who remembers.


for my grandmother