Bunny's Stuffie Corner

I probably shouldn't have, y'all, but I just quit this job.

Today, I will clean, write customer blogs, and apply at other places.
I commend you for your courage!
I've known too many people who stayed in a bad situation, due to being "job-scared!"
Kudos and Hat-Tip to ya!
Thank you to everyone for all your kind wishes. And thank you for not yelling at me about quitting before I had something else lined up. :rose:

Today, I have (finally) taken down my Christmas decorations and put them away, redone my altar completely in another room (so much better now!), done some blog customers' things, put in an application, done a yoga video, and am now logged into my indy stuff. I hate that the indy stuff is not enough to sustain me, but I've tried that several times, and it's just not there yet. Maybe one day.

It's supposed to snow up to 3 inches here tonight. There may also be some icing involved. Glad I don't have to go anywhere and can stay home tomorrow!
Thank you to everyone for all your kind wishes. And thank you for not yelling at me about quitting before I had something else lined up. :rose:

Love you Bunny. I just want and hope for the very best for you. I would never ever yell at you or say that your decisions about work, love or life are wrong. I worry for you sometimes, but you are the only one who has all the information to figure out what is best for you. And I trust you to figure that out and to make decisions that seem best/right to you.

When/if things don't go as hoped, me and a bunch of others will show up to help you up and dust you off so you can try again.
