Bunny's Stuffie Corner

Hey, y'all, it did snow. I hate how I can rarely upload photos directly from my phone here because Lit says they're too big. I'm too lazy to upload them to my computer, then post them. Of course, I just took pics of the parking lot, so they're not anything special. We may have gotten two inches, maybe.

I asked Daddy for some attention last night, and he actually gave it to me. Who are you, and what have you done with my Daddy? 😯

Job hunt is on. I am owed enough from the company I just left that I should be able to pay rent for February and March. I may go ahead and do that so I'll have time to get a clientele built up wherever I land before April's is due.

It's a little nerve-wracking, but I cannot even begin to tell you the relief that I feel at not having to deal with those fuckers in that free chat anymore.
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Hey, y'all, it did snow. I hate how I can rarely upload photos directly from my phone here because Lit says they're too big. I'm too lazy to upload them to my computer, then post them. Of course, I just took pics of the parking lot, so they're not anything special. We may have gotten two inches, maybe.

I asked Daddy for some attention last night, and he actually gave it to me. Who are you, and what have you done with my Daddy? 😯

Job hunt is on. I am owed enough from the company I just left that I should be able to pay rent for February and March. I may go ahead and do that so I'll have time to get a clientele built up wherever I land before April's is due.

It's a little nerve-wracking, but I cannot even begin to tell you the relief that I feel at not having to deal with those fuckers in that Fred chat anymore.
On photos, if you have an app such as Telegram or Signal, you can share/Fwd pics to that, click "save" and the app will automatically "compress" them, then they should upload to Lit just fine... that's what works for me, anyway.
On photos, if you have an app such as Telegram or Signal, you can share/Fwd pics to that, click "save" and the app will automatically "compress" them, then they should upload to Lit just fine... that's what works for me, anyway.

I don't have either of those, but I may download one for ease of pic uploading. Thank you!
So I'm trying to not annoy Daddy to death by texting him constantly, since now he's actually answering me. But I get needy when I get sleepy, and I am very sleepy right now. I just wanna text my Daddy to be tucked in and given a forehead kiss and told good night. But I'm trying not to bother him. Ughhhhhh.

And honestly, he probably wouldn't even care if I texted him now (if he's even awake). It's just me making a mountain out of a molehill here.
So I'm trying to not annoy Daddy to death by texting him constantly, since now he's actually answering me. But I get needy when I get sleepy, and I am very sleepy right now. I just wanna text my Daddy to be tucked in and given a forehead kiss and told good night. But I'm trying not to bother him. Ughhhhhh.

And honestly, he probably wouldn't even care if I texted him now (if he's even awake). It's just me making a mountain out of a molehill here.
It's more important to me than you can imagine!
I try, even from 600 miles of land and 100+ miles of ocean, to tuck my Goddess in, via phone when possible, or text if the signal is weak.
It's gutwrenching to me when I can't.
I just want to reiterate how much I admire, love, respect and support your decision to "walk" from your previous job, prior to finding another one.
IMHO, despite any doubts/fears you might possibly have, what you did, is the TRUEST symbol of strength and fearlessness...
KUDOS and Hat-Tip to ya!
With your "drive" I know that you'll do well!!!

Thank youuuuuu!!!!
I just want to reiterate how much I admire, love, respect and support your decision to "walk" from your previous job, prior to finding another one.
IMHO, despite any doubts/fears you might possibly have, what you did, is the TRUEST symbol of strength and fearlessness...
KUDOS and Hat-Tip to ya!

At a certain point, fearlessness and stupidity probably look exactly alike. ;)

No, for real, though, thank you. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is just to set us on the right path. I think whatever the best thing for me is, that's what the Universe will allow to happen now. I understand that's not everyone's belief, and that's perfectly fine. But it's how I feel. :)
Thank youuuuuu!!!!

At a certain point, fearlessness and stupidity probably look exactly alike. ;)

No, for real, though, thank you. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is just to set us on the right path. I think whatever the best thing for me is, that's what the Universe will allow to happen now. I understand that's not everyone's belief, and that's perfectly fine. But it's how I feel. :)
I couldn't agree more!!!
Congratulstions Bunny!

Thank you! :rose: :heart:

I sent in my signed contract and copies of my driver's license and social security card earlier. The hiring manager just sent me some models to choose from for my first character, and I chose the one I liked best. Now, it's just a matter of writing the character a bio, setting up her social media accounts, and doing the training. Then, I can go to work. :)
Thank you! :rose: :heart:

I sent in my signed contract and copies of my driver's license and social security card earlier. The hiring manager just sent me some models to choose from for my first character, and I chose the one I liked best. Now, it's just a matter of writing the character a bio, setting up her social media accounts, and doing the training. Then, I can go to work. :)
I have set up everything for the new character, and the manager has already put my profile up. I also have access to the login page now. I emailed the trainer to set up my training date and time. Once that's done, the manager says she'll add me to the company Slack and send me pics of my character to use for blogging, and then I can log in. Hoping I can get going soon, and hoping I do a good job. I'm bad about underperforming because of the imposter syndrome thing. But I know now that I can make money. So hopefully, I can continue to do so in a more laid-back environment!