Bunny's Stuffie Corner

Yesterday was rough.

My friend got fired. The manager called me to "reassure me my job wasn't in jeopardy." :rolleyes: Some dude told me I was terrible and a waste of money. Then, I found out via a Tumblr post that my former best friend had gotten engaged to her girlfriend.

I guess the good news is, in my despair, I messaged Daddy, and now we're talking again.
Yesterday was rough.
My friend got fired. The manager called me to "reassure me my job wasn't in jeopardy." :rolleyes:
Double the 🙄
Some dude told me I was terrible and a waste of money.
Then, I found out via a Tumblr post that my former best friend had gotten engaged to her girlfriend.

I guess the good news is, in my despair, I messaged Daddy, and now we're talking again.

Too many different things in this post for a single emoji.
Guard your heart with your daddy. Remember there was a reason you gave up on him. Maybe lean into him in friendship but leave other hopes off the table? Just sending you love and hugs. You're dealing with a lot rn.
Yesterday was rough.

My friend got fired. The manager called me to "reassure me my job wasn't in jeopardy." :rolleyes: Some dude told me I was terrible and a waste of money. Then, I found out via a Tumblr post that my former best friend had gotten engaged to her girlfriend.

I guess the good news is, in my despair, I messaged Daddy, and now we're talking again.
Ugh, what a day!
Take care.
I might actually get to see Daddy today. He said he had to take his best friend to the doctor (the friend lives about 5 minutes from me), and then, when they got back, he was coming over. They left the doctor's office about 30 minutes ago, and he hasn't backed out yet, so the idiot may actually be coming to visit today. 😯
I can't recall him ever coming to your place. How was your visit?

He has come here a few times. I go there more often, though.

It was actually nice. He's been really attentive and talkative and answering all my texts lately, which is great, but the bad part of me is like, "What does he want?" :rolleyes:

We'll see if he continues to act like a decent person AFTER he saw me today.
He has come here a few times. I go there more often, though.

It was actually nice. He's been really attentive and talkative and answering all my texts lately, which is great, but the bad part of me is like, "What does he want?" :rolleyes:

We'll see if he continues to act like a decent person AFTER he saw me today.
My unsolicited "two-cents worth".... Proceed With Caution.
I'll be careful, guys. I promise.

I'm conflicted about work and trying to make a (good) decision. There were aspects about it that already made me unhappy before they fired my friend. Now, I feel even more unhappy. But I make good money, and I'm scared of jumping out of the frying pan amd into the fire here.

But on the other hand, I dread the thought of having to go back to work tomorrow. I want to work on my personal work stuff, and I don't have the time or energy now. I would like to work fewer hours for someone else and do more of my own stuff. But I'm having the same problem I was having at the call center: not enough time and energy to work on my stuff. The only difference is, I'm making twice the money here.

I can technically change my schedule where I currently work in February to drop down to fewer hours a week. But mid-February is a while from now, and I already feel myself burning out. And then, just changing my hours doesn't solve the other problems I have with the place. And the owner is convinced she knows everything, so there's no hope of getting anything changed. If I'm gonna work there, I'm just gonna have to deal with the things I don't like, and that doesn't set well with me, either.

I know that no place is ideal. And unfortunately, as things are, I can't make enough money working solely independently to support myself. But there has to be something better than this, right? Or maybe I'm one of those people who's destined to never be satisfied with anything. I don't fucking know what to do, and it's frustrating.
I'll be careful, guys. I promise.

I'm conflicted about work and trying to make a (good) decision. There were aspects about it that already made me unhappy before they fired my friend. Now, I feel even more unhappy. But I make good money, and I'm scared of jumping out of the frying pan amd into the fire here.

But on the other hand, I dread the thought of having to go back to work tomorrow. I want to work on my personal work stuff, and I don't have the time or energy now. I would like to work fewer hours for someone else and do more of my own stuff. But I'm having the same problem I was having at the call center: not enough time and energy to work on my stuff. The only difference is, I'm making twice the money here.

I can technically change my schedule where I currently work in February to drop down to fewer hours a week. But mid-February is a while from now, and I already feel myself burning out. And then, just changing my hours doesn't solve the other problems I have with the place. And the owner is convinced she knows everything, so there's no hope of getting anything changed. If I'm gonna work there, I'm just gonna have to deal with the things I don't like, and that doesn't set well with me, either.

I know that no place is ideal. And unfortunately, as things are, I can't make enough money working solely independently to support myself. But there has to be something better than this, right? Or maybe I'm one of those people who's destined to never be satisfied with anything. I don't fucking know what to do, and it's frustrating.
I DO feel your pain... I wish I had the wisdom to offer a solution, but all I can do is share a story of similar circumstances...
I worked a boat company for 7 years.
When I started there, it was one of the best, then a psychotic nephew bought the company out for a half a billion dollars and turned it into the MOST HOSTILE place I've ever worked. It was the best paying company in the Gulf.
I socked back a bunch of cash before I told them F'k you and walked...
I was soooo burned out!
It took a 9 month sabbatical, before I even CONSIDERED setting foot on another boat.
They owe me three weekly paychecks as of now, due to the way they hold back payments. I'm SO tempted to walk now, start looking for something else and work on my personal stuff in the meantime, and hope somebody hires me in less than three weeks, lol.

I know that's not the best way to do it because it's much better to have something else lined up before you leave your current job. But dear God.
They owe me three weekly paychecks as of now, due to the way they hold back payments. I'm SO tempted to walk now, start looking for something else and work on my personal stuff in the meantime, and hope somebody hires me in less than three weeks, lol.

I know that's not the best way to do it because it's much better to have something else lined up before you leave your current job. But dear God.
The company I'm with now, is literally like family!
Lord willing, it'll be the last boat company I ever work for... that speaks volumes!
I definitely don't have enough information about your total picture to really have any business giving you advice, and toxic work environments that leave you feeling sapped totally suck ass (and not in a good way).

I hear your yearning to do more of your independent work and at least try to have that be half or so of your working time. I think that's a great goal.

Since the money is good where you are, can you think of that as an opportunity to squirrel money away so you are better set up for leaving/working more on your own? Can you think through how much money that should be and how many weeks you would need to work to clear that? Is there a way you can reward yourself for sticking with a job you know you don't want to stay at longer than you have to in order to make that time more tolerable?

Idk. I wish you so much success and happiness. You'll figure it out. But job searching while you still have a job is definitely a point of leverage and strength when interviewing. And it will let you be more choosey about where you jump to.

Good luck
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I definitely don't have enough information about your total picture to really have any business giving you advice, and toxic work environments that leave you feeling sapped totally such ass (and not in a good way).

I hear your yearning to do more of your independent work and at least try to have that be half or so of your working time. I think that's a great goal.

Since the money is good where you are, can you think of that as an opportunity to squirrel money away so your are better set up for leaving/working more on your own? Can you think through how much money that should be and how many weeks you would need to work to clear that? Is there a way you can reward yourself for sticking with a job you know you don't want to stay at longer than you have to in order to make that time more tolerable?

Idk. I wish you so much success and happiness. You'll figure it out. But job searching while you still have a job is definitely a point of leverage and strength when interviewing. And it will let you be more choosey about where you jump to.

Good luck
EXCELLENT analysis, as always!
You're a wise lady!
I probably shouldn't have, y'all, but I just quit this job.

Today, I will clean, write customer blogs, and apply at other places.
I probably shouldn't have, y'all, but I just quit this job.

Today, I will clean, write customer blogs, and apply at other places.
I commend you for your courage!
I've known too many people who stayed in a bad situation, due to being "job-scared!"
Kudos and Hat-Tip to ya!
Thank you to everyone for all your kind wishes. And thank you for not yelling at me about quitting before I had something else lined up. :rose:

Today, I have (finally) taken down my Christmas decorations and put them away, redone my altar completely in another room (so much better now!), done some blog customers' things, put in an application, done a yoga video, and am now logged into my indy stuff. I hate that the indy stuff is not enough to sustain me, but I've tried that several times, and it's just not there yet. Maybe one day.

It's supposed to snow up to 3 inches here tonight. There may also be some icing involved. Glad I don't have to go anywhere and can stay home tomorrow!
Thank you to everyone for all your kind wishes. And thank you for not yelling at me about quitting before I had something else lined up. :rose:

Love you Bunny. I just want and hope for the very best for you. I would never ever yell at you or say that your decisions about work, love or life are wrong. I worry for you sometimes, but you are the only one who has all the information to figure out what is best for you. And I trust you to figure that out and to make decisions that seem best/right to you.

When/if things don't go as hoped, me and a bunch of others will show up to help you up and dust you off so you can try again.

Thank you to everyone for all your kind wishes. And thank you for not yelling at me about quitting before I had something else lined up. :rose:

Today, I have (finally) taken down my Christmas decorations and put them away, redone my altar completely in another room (so much better now!), done some blog customers' things, put in an application, done a yoga video, and am now logged into my indy stuff. I hate that the indy stuff is not enough to sustain me, but I've tried that several times, and it's just not there yet. Maybe one day.

It's supposed to snow up to 3 inches here tonight. There may also be some icing involved. Glad I don't have to go anywhere and can stay home tomorrow!
Sounds very productive great job.
And thank you for not yelling at me about quitting before I had something else lined up. :rose:
While I’ve never quit a job without having a new one, I did quit a permanent position for another, even though the new place couldn’t promise to make it permanent.
We had two small children at the time and had recently bought a house, so there was a significant amount of opinions about that.

Mr Althea and my mother backed me up and so did a friend of mine.
He helped a lot when I questioned my sanity (as one does), by pointing out that I was done with the old place and that I was highly employable and would find something else if the new place didn’t work out.