Cabin in the woods: closed thread

She smiled silently, but appreciatively, at his crotch. "Thank you," She took it back, and sat with him thinking that maybe that's why Cheri had wanted to get in his pants. Philly didn't know if it was him or just what he was wearing 'showing off his assets', but he seemed well-endowed to say the least.

She smiled further as she thought about actually seeing it, but felt a small tug on the end of her line which banished the thought. She reeled and let it go over and over. Once when she reeled, she noticed it was light and groaned but finished reeling it in.

As she had thought, the fish had swallowed her tackle and there was nothing on the line.
Mark played his line but there were very few bites this afternoon, "We should have waited a couple more hours till dusk, or come back in the morning, they don't seem to be out now." he said observing her pull in her empty line. "You going to rebate it and put it back out? or did you want to just head back?"
"Nah, I'm gonna try one more." She went through the tackle box and pulled a small, green rubbery octopus-looking thing, "This one! This'll be the one, you watch." She baited her pole again and handed her the pole again, taking his and not caring if he kept the re-baited pole or not.
He obediently took the pull as she applied the bate to it. He stood again to cast over her head. The line sank into the water with a plop. Mark smiled at how far he'd cast the line. "Perfect, got it right over there near those lilly pads, fish should love it over there, right?" he half asked half stated.

He moved to sit down again, "Do you want this poll back?" he asked, "Since it has your lucky lure?"
"Keep it," She winked at him, "Who knows what it'll let you catch." She asked a little suggestively.

'Hold on, now,' She thought to herself, 'Did I just flirt with him?'

She blushed a little and turned back out to the water. Feeling as awkward and dorky as she always suspected her stepbrother and his friends of being, she took a deep breath and tried to not think of anything whatsoever.
"With my luck all I'll catch is cooties," he teased.

He closed his eyes and leaned back feeling the line waiting to see if he got a bite. He apparently had missed her innuendo.
She rolled her eyes at him when he closed his then turned to look back at the lines cast over the water.

They waited silently again, and then she saw it, that dip of the line. She pounced on Mark's fishing pole and reeled it in a little, and when she let go, sure enough a fish tried to get away.

She fought with it inattentive to the fact she had sat on Mark's right leg. She hadn't noticed, because she had claimed the first reel as hers, and that's all that had mattered to her. She bucked and backed into him, then pulled forward as the fish tried to get away again and she kept doing it always landing back on his leg.

"It's a big one, Mark. I may need your help!" She exclaimed.
Mark was startled out of his revery by Philly grabbing his poll and sitting on his leg to real in the fish. Without thinking Mark put an arm around her waist to steady her, unaware of his hand pressing to the warmth of her stomach just below her ribs.

"It is a big one, do you need help?" he asked as the boat rocked with her energetic movements trying to pull in the fish. Mark almost grabbed the line from her, but decided to let her do it. Slowly he watched as the fish was realed in inch by inch. "Don't let it get away." he advised quietly. He watched as her face was transformed by her excitement, he hadn't seen her so happy or excited all day.
"No, I think I'm ok." She said smiling. She continued to reel in the line and sure enough a fish was attached at the end of it. It was a 3 lbs 11 oz White Crappie.

"Holy shit! Lookit! It might be the biggest one I've seen!" She dropped him on the boat and let him flop there. "Ok, I'm done. I caught it, you clean it." She said, "Let's head back? I'm kinda hungry."
he looked at her and snorted, "Hell you caught it, you clean it." he grumped. That being said he pulled out a knife and began to clean the fish, starting by retrieving her hook.

"Well better bring in the other line as well." he commented placing the fish in a container before washing his hands off in the lake.

He then moved to the oars, "Good job catching that fish." he said, "Even if you're a girl about cleaning it." he teased.
She reeled the line in as he rowed back.

"Good job cleaning that fish," She said, "Even if you were a pest about it." She laughed at him, "Seriously, though, thanks. I've never been able to."

She watched him as he rowed back. She was fascinated at the just barely detailed muscles on his arms doing that kind of work.
He was built like a swimmer or a runner. He pulled the boat up alongside the dock, standing, he stepped onto the dock, working to tie the boat up. He offered her a hand to steady her to get out of the boat without a word.

"Lets hope they're not fucking on the kitchen table." he commented as he let his hand close over her delicate one.
"And so much for going fishing," She said as she took his hand, "Because I just lost my appetite." She laughed and didn't snatch her hand back from his, instead he let him take her by the hand thinking on how warm and soft it was.
He snorted a laugh, "You're funny." he said. He let her settle to the dock and when she had good footing on solid land seemed to realize he still held her hand and slowly started to let it go, a hint of pink coming to his cheeks, "Sorry. Was just trying to help you." he murmered.
"What?" She asked a little confused at first, "Oh, don't worry. It's fine. Why are you blushing?" She shook her head and smiled at him.
"I don't know." he said defensively, "Your hand just felt nice I guess, soft, yet strong." he blushed more, "Nevermind I sound silly. He pulled his hand fully away and turned his face away. What was wrong with him today, why was he thinking like that about her, of all people, gross, right? He was just lonely after Sarah dumped him, right?
"There is nothing wrong about holding hands," She placed her hand in his again, "Right?" She held on a little tightly and continued to walk with him towards the cabin.
he felt her take his hand, and this time felt her fingers lacing with his truly holding his hand more like a lover might. He cleared his throat, "You're right I suppose, it just didn't seem like a sibling thing to do, right?" he said sounding a bit uncertain. He wished he could just be quiet and accept this, this human connection that felt so good, he needed the contact he was finding, and he was finding that it did feel nice, especially this second time she took his hand, her directness, the way she held him without letting go. He knew if he pulled away this time hhe'd not let him go so easily and he'd make more of a scene than just going along with it, not that he wanted to let her go that is.
"Step-siblings." She corrected automatically, "Anyway, your hand feels nice. I like the contact, I think I needed it. It's seems like it's been a long time since anyone's touched me in a non-sexual way." She kept walking with him to the cabin, "How do you feel like eating that fish? I was thinking filleted and beer-battered, like fish and chips, or something?"
he gave her hand a squeaze. "Sarah wasn't much of a toucher, but holding hands was about as sexual as I got." he saiid trying not to sound bitter, "I mean I am attracted to hands, so it was always nice, but she always used to tease what she could do with those hands... never found out though..." He realized he was babbling annd closed his mouth.

He cleared his throat and jumped on the out she gave him, the fish. "Yeah that sounds good. you get to cook it, I cleaned it." he said volunteering her for cooking duty. "I suppose I could do the fries or something like that for you though." he offered after a moment, "Or help you...." he just didn't want her to think he was trying to use her to wait on his friends and him.

As they arrived at the small cabbin Mark gently pulled his hand almost reluctantly from hers as he reached for an armload of firewood. It might be warm out now, but he knew as well as her that the evenings could get quite cool, plus he wasn't sure if she wanted to use the modern kitchen to cook dinner, or cook the fist over the fire, so he made sure to grab plenty as they moved towards the cabbin door.
Philly smirked, "I'm sorry you went out with such a bitch, ok? But some more advice? Prospective girls don't want to hear about your ex, they wanna be the one and only at the moment, got it?" She saw him grab the wood, and plenty of it, "Good, you can take some up to our bedroom."
He looked at her, "Nice advice, but last time I checked you weren't a prospective girl, you're just my sister. But I'll keep it in mind encase I meet another real girl interested in me."

He carried the wood inside bellowing to "Put your pants back on." as he stepped into the cabbin. Mark dumped the wood by the fireplace and then took a few pieces to through into their bedroom. He was telling the truth to Don and Cheri that their room was on opposite sides of the house, at least the entrances to the rooms were. The entrance to the master bedroom was a flight of stairs leading upstairs, and then the master bedroom and larger bath took up the whole upstairs. He set the wood in the bucket next to the fireplace and looked around. He stood near the foot of the queen sized bed. Mark wished they had a king so there would be plenty of room for them, because he predicted with his broad shoulders and her full curves some touch would be unavoidable. That being said it was still going to be much better than if their parents were here and they would have to share the double bed that their parents had recently installed in the other room, forgoing the bunk beds they used to use when the entire family would come here. Mark ran his hand over the quilt of his parents bed, it was beautiful and hand made, one of his areat aunts had made it, at least he thought that was who'd made it. Mark had never slept in this bed, but knew he was allowed to. He was just fairly sure his mother and step father had never intended for him to share it with Phillomena.

Mark moved to leave the room but decided he wanted a shower, "I'm gonna shower, that ok with everyone?" he yelled down the stairs.
"Nice advice, but last time I checked you weren't a prospective girl, you're just my sister. But I'll keep it in mind encase I meet another real girl interested in me."

"God, sometimes you're an idiot! That's what I meant!" She whispered to herself then walked in after him.

She started to pull ingredients and pots and pans out of the cabinets. She went to the cooler that was still in the living room and passed by Cheri and Don, pants-less on the couch. She spoke as she went to retrieve three beers: one for the fish, one for herself and one Mark, "Look, you whores, either keep it in your pants until you're in your bedroom or I'm going to shoot you and bury you outback." She walked back to the kitchen and was about to start when she heard Mark's shout.

"I'm gonna shower, that ok with everyone?"

She shouted back, "I thought you were gonna help with dinner?"
"I'm sure you'll manage." Mark yelled back to Philly, "I said I was going to take a shower, not take a long soak in the tub, how long do you think I'll be? I'm done yelling down these stairs you wanna argue more come up here." That stated Mark turned and began to strip to get into the shower.

He sighed as he felt the warm water slide over his skin. He closed his eyes and stretched feeling it relax sore muscles from the long car trip.

Don gave Philly the bird, but obediently pulled his pants up, much to Cheri's dismay.

"I can help you cook." Don said slowly approaching Philly.
She looked at Don, "I'll be back, don't ruin anything." She ran nimbly and quietly upstairs. When she got to the bathroom she grabbed a towel and taking both ends she twisted it. Quickly opening the curtain and smacking him on the butt, she said, "Advice: Keep your promises! Just in general." She laughed.