Categories - Incest Readers Please Help Me Out Here

Open mouth, insert foot

Dear KM and Og,
Although I know this will piss you both off, I need to say it. You're both acting like 6th graders.
sharing the shoe

I must take back what I said about adult behavior. I was shocked to see the Ogg thread.

MG, you've got balls (good ones). Purd
Is it 5:00 yet?

MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, Ovaries, Dear. Ovaries. MG
Well, if you insist on precision then - little balls.

Ovaries, testes... hmmm, a new chain story thread.

Slaps hand! I need a support group, MG.

I am so ready to go home, just another half-hour.

hug, Perdita