Trolling Incest & Cuckold

My feeling on this is how is lit cool with the disgusting hatred spewed in the comments section on cuck stories? Talking about raping the wife, torturing the other man, all manner of slurs and just venomous spew. The site screens comments for spam, but they can see these things and they let them go, I imagine with the thought the author can remove if they choose.

So, if Lit is cool with having a category that thanks to certain factions has devolved into a cesspool of hatred against women, as well as a lot of racist remarks and general hate speech, then they can be cool with people deciding to piss off that type.
The LW audience in general doesn't hate women!

They hate cheaters! It's just that the majority of the cheating stories have the wife as the cheater.

My story "The Loving Wife" (rated 3.76) recently received the following comment from one of the dedicated LW haters:
by 26thNC îźľ on 02/07/2024

Lifestyle actually wrote a LW story?

But continue to post uninformed biased "facts".

I'm writing various scenarios to narrow down the categories of LW readers with a somewhat more objective approach. So far, they definitely HATE a manipulative, cheating wife trying to train her husband ("Pavlov's Dog", currently at 2.1 with 548 votes!)

EDIT: My MUCH longer story (at 22k words) "The Maneater" is currently at 3.49 in Loving Wives, and it's also about a manipulative wife, but the husband is also in an equal partnership relationship with her. They don''t like the consensual sharing part. But the fact she teases and controls other men seem more acceptable. (They don't generally HATE her, she just grates on their nerves.)
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My feeling on this is how is lit cool with the disgusting hatred spewed in the comments section on cuck stories? Talking about raping the wife, torturing the other man, all manner of slurs and just venomous spew. The site screens comments for spam, but they can see these things and they let them go, I imagine with the thought the author can remove if they choose.

So, if Lit is cool with having a category that thanks to certain factions has devolved into a cesspool of hatred against women, as well as a lot of racist remarks and general hate speech, then they can be cool with people deciding to piss off that type.

Because in the end what that group is doing is trying to bully people out of the category and control its content, and running from them is giving them what they want. Cheating wife stories fit the category description, the site, not them, has decided what fits where, and they don't like it. So, why should bullied get their way? Why should they be respected and not given a dose of their own crap?

And again, if the story fits there its not trolling, its placing a story in the category that works. But because of their man baby crap, its seen as trolling.

I write what I want, and will put it where I want (within lits parameters) and I'm not going to let a pack of jackals change that.

Understand, they don't have to read these stories, and many don't they just click and spew, they choose to so...fuck them.
It seems to me it's a matter of intent. What you're describing doesn't sound to me like trolling, whether or not the audience sees it as such. We should all write what we want to write, and put it where it makes the most sense to put it, whether or not it's what particular members of the audience want to read.

But when the writer sets out to troll the audience, that's something different. They're writing it and putting it there because it's not what the audience wants to read, just to see them react.
Fighting hate with hate just lumps the two of you together.
One way to see it.

The other is if you're going to run around slinging nastiness on people's stories-from the safety of the keyboard of course-then be prepared to have someone piss you off in return.

Regardless of differing viewpoints. Like you mentioned about your work, my stories do belong there, and I write them when I have a good idea. I don't sit down and say "what can I do to troll these shmucks." I happen to write things that go against their misogynistic incel 1950's real man mantras. I've written about strong free women for far longer than its been trendy to do so, tough shit if insecure men don't like it. They'd have a stroke if they ever read some of my femdom material.
So, if Lit is cool with having a category that thanks to certain factions has devolved into a cesspool of hatred against women, as well as a lot of racist remarks and general hate speech, then they can be cool with people deciding to piss off that type.

How can sex traffickers be cool with what their customers do to the women they deliver to them?

The answer is money. Plain and simple. Readers are Lit's customers, and if cuckolding stories make them turn to other sites that cater to their needs, Lit will make the economic decision to cater to their needs as well. Simple as that.

On the other hand, if the authors start mocking and trolling Lit's customers, that would be bad for Lit, so I expected Lit to have a problem with that.
I'm going to offer a definition:

Trolling is saying something you don't believe in specifically to laugh at the negative response you get in return.

Applying this to a story on Lit would get you:

Trolling is writing a story whose message and themes don't match your vision as an author specifically to enjoy the negative comments and downvotes.

I'm not really a fan, to be honest. If you don't like incest, by all means, write a story to decry it and say, through fiction, what you think is bad about it. If you genuinely want to write a story that doesn't match the usual tropes and likes of a particular group, go crazy. If you want to write satire or an indignant take down fine. If you just want to have a laugh, at least write something that at least some of your audience is going to laugh along with you at. And with LW specifically, there is a sizable number of people who actually enjoyes the cuckolding stories and it's perfectly fine to cater to them.

But trolling generally isn't something that makes a community better.
The LW audience in general doesn't hate women!
All of them, no. The faction I'm discussing, damn straight. I think when a category has a type of story called "Burn the bitch" its telling

Also, if the category doesn't hate women why are all the cheaters in the stories 95% women? Hmmm? Because many of the authors have just as low of an opinion of women as those readers.

In cuck stories, the husband generally is aware of the wife's affairs and approves/disapproves to whatever degree, it's not cheating if they're dealing with it. I get that, many others get that, 'real men' don't.

I'll bore you with I see cuckold as a version of submissive, and many submissives like being humiliated, some have a love hate fixation with the treatment that turns them on. I play to that angle in my work, husband knows, he's not happy, yet he's aroused at the same time. Its not cheating, its a situation with layers that the knuckle draggers can't understand because this is the same crowd that attacks femdon stories in BDSM because they think the entire category should be bitches getting theirs.

Let me ask you this. That whole February sucks crowd. If that story was spun the other way, cheating husband, wife takes him back. Are the LW authors so upset over it, they rewrite it with endless variations of the husband getting his?

No, they don't.

You and I don't see eye to eye on this. I'm glad for that.
One way to see it.

The other is if you're going to run around slinging nastiness on people's stories-from the safety of the keyboard of course-then be prepared to have someone piss you off in return.

Regardless of differing viewpoints. Like you mentioned about your work, my stories do belong there, and I write them when I have a good idea. I don't sit down and say "what can I do to troll these shmucks." I happen to write things that go against their misogynistic incel 1950's real man mantras. I've written about strong free women for far longer than its been trendy to do so, tough shit if insecure men don't like it. They'd have a stroke if they ever read some of my femdom material.
Maybe the difference is that I do my thing and then move on to the next without looking for the opportunity to fight with someone.
How can sex traffickers be cool with what their customers do to the women they deliver to them?

The answer is money. Plain and simple. Readers are Lit's customers, and if cuckolding stories make them turn to other sites that cater to their needs, Lit will make the economic decision to cater to their needs as well. Simple as that.

On the other hand, if the authors start mocking and trolling Lit's customers, that would be bad for Lit, so I expected Lit to have a problem with that.
I agree, but traffic is traffic, biz is biz

An author posts a story that pisses off the dog pound. They flood the story with crappy comments, and... often times some other readers who disagree comment about the comment, and all of this is... traffic and traffic is good for business.

Keep in mind this is a site that says they won't allow full out rape stories, but is littered with them. Both in NC and BDSM and the entire Mind control dynamic is non con. But they're here, why? People read them. So if the site is going to turn a blind eye to one of their stated rules, why are they going to start getting involved in stories that fan the fires of the deranged?

I'll say this one more time. The stories that upset these fools are 100% within the guide lines of the site's stated description of the category.

Do you have the right to walk into KFC and start screaming you hate chicken and they better stop serving it?

No one has to read or comment, they choose to.
Maybe the difference is that I do my thing and then move on to the next without looking for the opportunity to fight with someone.
We both know that's not true. I'm just in the open and you play passive aggressive.
We both know that's not true. I'm just in the open and you play passive aggressive.
There you go looking for a fight. Gotta get all that bile out of you. Sorry, I'm busy putting together the Grab Bag 31 anthology.
All of them, no. The faction I'm discussing, damn straight. I think when a category has a type of story called "Burn the bitch" its telling

Also, if the category doesn't hate women why are all the cheaters in the stories 95% women? Hmmm? Because many of the authors have just as low of an opinion of women as those readers.

In cuck stories, the husband generally is aware of the wife's affairs and approves/disapproves to whatever degree, it's not cheating if they're dealing with it. I get that, many others get that, 'real men' don't.

I'll bore you with I see cuckold as a version of submissive, and many submissives like being humiliated, some have a love hate fixation with the treatment that turns them on. I play to that angle in my work, husband knows, he's not happy, yet he's aroused at the same time. Its not cheating, its a situation with layers that the knuckle draggers can't understand because this is the same crowd that attacks femdon stories in BDSM because they think the entire category should be bitches getting theirs.

Let me ask you this. That whole February sucks crowd. If that story was spun the other way, cheating husband, wife takes him back. Are the LW authors so upset over it, they rewrite it with endless variations of the husband getting his?

No, they don't.

You and I don't see eye to eye on this. I'm glad for that.
Similar to "February Sucks..." stories are the "Just Once ... If You Don't Mind", where the wife runs off for a six week fling, leaving the unsuspecting husband in the dust. It's open-ended for other authors to finish.

I wrote my own "Just Once ... Damaging Choices", with five variations of epilogues (many hated that format of pick your own ending.)

But one comment struck home (I added bold for emphasis):
Anonymous about 1 year ago
I didn't like any of your endings, so I must not be among the "many you think would like". Let me offer you a different perspective. These stories are often hurtful, disturbing, and "angrafying". Why do you think they are popularly read? Not just to "stroke to". No, like Westerns, they are morality plays. The MC is wronged by an unfeeling force, and the reader is looking for some sense of justice and balance which they cannot find in their lives.

In many BTB stories, the woman is portrayed as an insensitive, unfeeling bitch. Try writing your own ending for "February Sucks" or "Just Once", to show us all how you think the innocent husband should react to an indifferent wife.
On the other hand, if the authors start mocking and trolling Lit's customers, that would be bad for Lit, so I expected Lit to have a problem with that.

I don't think there's any reason to believe this, or any evidence to support it.

The Loving Wives category has been the way it is for a long time, and it's going strong. Its stories create controversy but also get enormous numbers of views. I imagine the owners of Lit are sitting back and thinking that allowing the maximum possible diversity of viewpoints on these issues is the best way to maximize traffic.

After all, if you don't like the stories, you can always choose not to read them.
I agree that the way LW now is is good for Lit. business, so it's likely to say.

The other bottom line, I believe, is that if you troll the trolls you are equals.
It appears Incest and Cuckold are the topics that interest readers the most.
Has anybody posted stories in these categories just to troll them?
I've thought of writing some very short stories (750 words) and post them, just to see the reaction.
I once posted a hard cuckolding story called Thank You, Darling in LW to test the reaction. I can honestly say that I wrote the story for the fun of it and not to troll people, but you wouldn't know that from the furious reacton it got.
I once posted a hard cuckolding story called Thank You, Darling in LW to test the reaction. I can honestly say that I wrote the story for the fun of it and not to troll people, but you wouldn't know that from the furious reacton it got.
Your story was not just a "hard cuckolding" story. That wasn't written for the "fun" of it (unless your version of fun is like pulling the wings off flies.)

It was a humiliation, inter-racial, breeding, fetish story, with the husband forced to wear a cock cage and required to thank his wife for allowing him to watch.

What kind of reaction did you expect in Loving Wives?
I agree that the way LW now is is good for Lit. business, so it's likely to say.

The other bottom line, I believe, is that if you troll the trolls you are equals.

I think this is true as long as one is clear what one means by "trolling." If you drop a bomb in a comment thread just because you like to upset people, you are troll, whatever your perspective. I agree with that. If you write a story for no reason OTHER than that you want to trigger a class of people, I agree.

But I don't think people who write controversial and provocative stories are necessarily in the same class, just because they are aware that some people may react to their stories that way.

Nevertheless, I think an attitude of "author beware" is appropriate. I knew at the time I published them that my Loving Wives stories would provoke negative reactions, and I feel no sense of outrage that they did. I knew I had it coming, so to speak. I felt the pleasure of writing the story, and of getting the nice comments I did, made it worth it.
It is one thing to write the story you want to write and let the chips fall where they may. It is another entirely if the whole purpose of the story is to piss people off because you don't like their kinks and get your rocks off annoying them.

How about just ignoring the stories, kinks, and the communities you don't like and not spreading more unhappiness in the world?
I think this is true as long as one is clear what one means by "trolling." If you drop a bomb in a comment thread just because you like to upset people, you are troll, whatever your perspective. I agree with that. If you write a story for no reason OTHER than that you want to trigger a class of people, I agree.

But I don't think people who write controversial and provocative stories are necessarily in the same class, just because they are aware that some people may react to their stories that way.

Nevertheless, I think an attitude of "author beware" is appropriate. I knew at the time I published them that my Loving Wives stories would provoke negative reactions, and I feel no sense of outrage that they did. I knew I had it coming, so to speak. I felt the pleasure of writing the story, and of getting the nice comments I did, made it worth it.
In some cases, one person's troll is another one's hero.

I write my LW stories, not with an intent to make someone angry, but sometimes gauge the reactions. And I do have some appreciative followers.

"Pavlov's Dog" wasn't written to make LW readers angry, even though I expected it to receive a very low rating. That was written and added to the Pink Orchid event, hoping some female readers might appreciate it. I doubt there will be many of those Rink Orchid readers clicking on it, because, ... well,... it's written by me. But I threw it out there along with "The Maneater" for those who say they want a strong female character (be careful what you wish for.)
In some cases, one person's troll is another one's hero.

I write my LW stories, not with an intent to make someone angry, but sometimes gauge the reactions. And I do have some appreciative followers.

"Pavlov's Dog" wasn't written to make LW readers angry, even though I expected it to receive a very low rating. That was written and added to the Pink Orchid event, hoping some female readers might appreciate it. I doubt there will be many of those Rink Orchid readers clicking on it, because, ... well,... it's written by me. But I threw it out there along with "The Maneater" for those who say they want a strong female character (be careful what you wish for.)

The number one question is whether you like writing the stories you like. Plus, do you enjoy the positive feedback you get? I value positive feedback, and I pretty much ignore, or laugh at, feedback that is negative about the subject matter. I kind of feel like anybody who hates the subject matter but nevertheless finishes the story to completion deserves whatever displeasure that results. In my case, I can usually sniff out a story I'm not going to like in 5 paragraphs, so I have little sympathy for those who act unpleasantly surprised by the subject matter. "I had no idea she would get away with her cheating! Horrors!"
Thinking about it, I can't call what I contributed to I/T "trolling". More of a cautionary tale in opposition to the fantasy interpretation of the genre. Yes, almost everything on LitE is fantasy of one sort or another, but presenting incest in a desirable or even HEA light is so far removed from the reality there needs to be a countering POV.

Maybe it's just me. I have firsthand awareness of four incest situations IRL, and every single one resulted in destroyed families and emotionally irreparable adults.
The number one question is whether you like writing the stories you like. Plus, do you enjoy the positive feedback you get? I value positive feedback, and I pretty much ignore, or laugh at, feedback that is negative about the subject matter. I kind of feel like anybody who hates the subject matter but nevertheless finishes the story to completion deserves whatever displeasure that results. In my case, I can usually sniff out a story I'm not going to like in 5 paragraphs, so I have little sympathy for those who act unpleasantly surprised by the subject matter. "I had no idea she would get away with her cheating! Horrors!"
I take even the negative comments to learn what I might try to adjust to make the story a little more palatable to those readers. That's why I wrote "After the Party - 750 Words", to adjust from just a swinger story to a cheating wife with the husband getting back at her and her lovers. It's doing rather well (relatively) at 3.63, suggesting it did register with some of those looking for BTB type stories. And there's no volence!
In the process of writing an incest story (My Daughter The Nudist) for the Nude Day contest, I started to wonder; what if dad, who finds himself sexually attracted to his nudist daughter, doesn't actually fuck her? What if she's not trying to seduce him, just embracing a nudist lifestyle and trying to get her father to accept her?

I still posted it in Incest because it leans heavily on the theme (at one point Dad role plays with a sex worker who pretends to be his daughter,) but in the end there is no actual incest. Dad never lays a finger on her.

Most readers got it. A few didn't. I think the score suffered slightly from those expecting incest who were disappointed they didn't get it.

And that's fine. Kinda expected that. But it wasn't really me "trolling" the category or it's readers, just trying a different spin on it.
Your story was not just a "hard cuckolding" story. That wasn't written for the "fun" of it (unless your version of fun is like pulling the wings off flies.)

It was a humiliation, inter-racial, breeding, fetish story, with the husband forced to wear a cock cage and required to thank his wife for allowing him to watch.

What kind of reaction did you expect in Loving Wives?
I believe I dealt with this in another thread.
I severely troll the BTBers in my comments over on LV, and have received a number of PM's, both hating and supporting, over them.

Alas, my true trolling of the BTB haters, in my stories, have ended up in Essays as opposed to LW. I love the responses and saves. For background, I have never believed that marriage and monogamy are, and have never been, synonymous, since we came down out of the trees on the plains of Africa thousands of years ago, for either gender.