celebrity crush

Still Jensen Ackles
Ian Sommerhalder
Vin Diesel

No particular order :)
Okay, this is the quest.
What celebrity male or female, or maybe even cartoon do you have a crush on?????

I'll start......I have a HUGE crush on billy piper. The ultimate woman for me.
I also quite fancy Kate baxendale but I don't really know why........
Who is yours

He's been my #1 since I was 13, so yes it's been a feeeeeeeew years.
I wouldn't call it a crush (someone else told me it was) ... but Kelly Le Brock.

Sigh...Miss Julianne Moore

And for my man crush, it's a tie between Elvis Presley and Captain America
Lolita Davidovich
Julie Warner
Salma Hayek
Kelly Monico
.............tonight :)