Chain Story - Bathtubs and Broomsticks

I was listening to a History Hits podcast about Bond Girls and they talked about how red hair was reserved for villains.

It's a classic trope. Perhaps it's because redheads get so fed up of people teasing them, they just turn against society.

I'm not sure about how they cast the movies but in the books, yes odd physical characteristics were reserved for villains who were all ugly by the way. Fat, old/wrinkled, extra hairy. Also, often minorities, disabled, red-headed, black, Korean etc. They also could never win at cards or golf or stuff like that without cheating. That's how Fleming saw the world I guess.
I went to the chain stories category today to get the latest chapter, and my chapter 1 wasn't there. Anybody know why?
Never mind. I found it from the main page. When I went through my profile page it didn't show up. Thanks.
Document updated in blood red with the roughest of first drafts.

I can tell you right now I'm gonna need help de-Americanizing speech.

And I wrote it 99% on my phone, so there might be wrong words in addition to misspelled words.
Sorry it's taken so long, but I've been through part and added some comments. I'll try and do more later this week.
Hold off until the weekend. I should have the updated version up by then.
One thing that struck me when I was reading that there's an awful lot of exposition to begin with. Obviously readers will be more tolerant going into Chapter 5, but I'm wondering whether even a line or two of dialogue at the start might add a bit more life. Even just a simple one-two between Lucy and a random crew member.