Chain Story - Bathtubs and Broomsticks

Sorry I've been MIA, but I've had to spend the day on a historical research project I'm involved with.

Yes, third person, and beta reading is a good idea for continuity and proofing.

I'm fond of the idea of ambiguity - the crew is just acting naturally, for them, but it does seem a tad vampirish to others, so maybe they are (just please don't let them sparkle in sunlight and display teen-age angst). Whether actual vampires or not, I think the film should be oriented towards being empathetic to Bathory, not that she was innocent, but justifying the deeds as actually good. I'm largely against mind control; it's far too convenient. Seduction and suggestion are far better in my telling of things, and would fit in with the theme of the film: here's another way to see/feel/do things, and isn't it good?

Enough rambling for now; I'm open to play whatever chapter I'm assigned by our esteemed leader.
Does everyone one use Google docs?
Does anyone want to go first/last?

I'm actually wondering if there can be two first chapters, one setting up Lucy and Mina and getting them to the castle, and one establishing Mariska (and Adimir) and getting her there.

Both chapters are innocence, motivation and foreshadowing, with potentially supernatural elements kept to dreams.

Chapter 3 can then be the confrontation with Bathory, by which I mean the vampire fantasy gets played out for the camera. Mariska must play sadistic and seductive, Lucy is pressured into acting, Mina is frustrated by the way Lucy reacts to Mariska-as-Bathory but still insists she's straight.

Chapter 4 sees the line between past and present blur. Mariska must bsthe in (fake) blood, Lucy is stripped and dressed in honey, exposing all to the camera - in an artfully tasteful way, naturally - and Mina herself falls under Mariska/Bathory's spell...

... but I'm just brainstorming. I don't yet know where this is going. Not it-was-all-a-dream or ahh-it-was-all-an-act, but maybe...
When Lucy awoke, it was to sunshine streaming past the edges of the curtains. She peeked out to see a skip full of the torn down remnants of the film set being lifted onto a truck. None of the cars or vans of the film crew were parked outside. Even Adimir's sleek Jaguar was gone.

It was over. As if it had all been a dream. Except it hadn't been. The scars were too deep. The bruises too visible. The hunger... undeniable. And it wasn't over. Not really.

She returned to bed, and kissed the woman sleeping there. "Wake up," she whispered, her fingers pressing between those smooth, beautiful thighs.
Does everyone one use Google docs?
Does anyone want to go first/last?

I use Google docs, will send you a pm with my email.
Chapter 4 sees the line between past and present blur. Mariska must bathe in (fake) blood, Lucy is stripped and dressed in honey, exposing all to the camera - in an artfully tasteful way, naturally - and Mina herself falls under Mariska/Bathory's spell...
This part speaks to me.
I'm actually wondering if there can be two first chapters, one setting up Lucy and Mina and getting them to the castle, and one establishing Mariska (and Adimir) and getting her there.
I would enjoy writing this one, I think.
I use Google docs. I’d rather not have a first part but other than that, I don’t know.
I use Google docs. I’d rather not have a first part but other than that, I don’t know.

Oh right, my strengths. Romance. Even when I write anal sex it comes out romantic. So whatever I write it’ll be sappy.

My weakness is that anything I write comes out sappy and romantic.

We need to bring Lucy and Mina together at the end somehow. A lesbian HEA in the wake of horror and eroticism. Although, the epilogue could be Mariska-as-vampire seducing some young innocent...
We need to bring Lucy and Mina together at the end somehow. A lesbian HEA in the wake of horror and eroticism. Although, the epilogue could be Mariska-as-vampire seducing some young innocent...
How about an intertwined, parallel conclusion, with Lucy and Mina finding each other and Mariska with the young innocent. She stands behind the youthful virgin in front of a mirror. Mariska is unseen. but felt, as the girl tilts her head to offer her neck to Mariska's sensuous, penetrating kiss.

And I am comfortable with Google Docs as well.
Does anyone want to go first/last?

I probably don't have the time to go first over the next couple of weeks as I'm up against the deadline for the Hammered event. I'm sure that I could go anywhere from second to last.

I'm actually wondering if there can be two first chapters, one setting up Lucy and Mina and getting them to the castle, and one establishing Mariska (and Adimir) and getting her there.

Perhaps, but then we only get six chapters total. If we use two for introductions and one will need to be the ending, we will only have three to plot with. That's not necessarily bad, but something that we should keep in mind.
Regardless of which chapter I get assigned, there's a strong chance it ends up in the 10-20k word range (particularly with vampire undertones and sensual, highly emotionally charged scenes). Three plot heavy chapters, two openings, and an end would only need one or two of those middle chapters to be given to those of us who cannot truncate their ideas and we will likely manage a chapter and a half worth of plot in one.

I promise I will try my damnedest to keep it on the 10k side!

Also... I kinda love that this group went all in on the idea and discussions are actually happening on building the story. I wonder if the final installment could link back to this thread and the previous thread in an end note to offer readers insight on the process we went through to make it happen? Might encourage some others to do chain stories if they see the breakdown of the process?
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Without an assignment as of yet, my mind's been wandering over beginnings, middles, ends, and epilogues. The two beginnings, of course, have to be entwined; that seems the crux of the story that increasingly wants to be written. My muse kicked me a little while ago and dropped this into my poor susceptible mind.
Adimir is not only a reclusive auteur; he is controversial. Many claim that his erotic horror flics are so realistic because they are real; real torture and real blood. The fact that his filming is always secret adds to this; no one ever knows where or what he's filming or who's in it. But this time a rail clerk, an amateur afficionado of the genre, realizes that some of the crates he's shipping are for Adimir's next project. The clerk sees an opportunity in it, and sells his tip to the editor of an offbeat film magazine. The editor realizes that he has to act fast, and all his writer/investigators are on other assignments. All he has to call on is Lucy, a new hire who's struggling to gain readership for her column. Reluctantly, but necessarily, he gives her the assignment.
And then there's Adimir himself, dark and sullen of mien, he's sitting at drinks with his loyal crew. There's a few moments of silence as they see the boss is deep in thought. He speaks. "Bathory. Erzebet Bathory." The process starts.

Just some thoughts . . .
The clerk sees an opportunity in it, and sells his tip to the editor of an offbeat film magazine. The editor realizes that he has to act fast, and all his writer/investigators are on other assignments. All he has to call on is Lucy, a new hire who's struggling to gain readership for her column. Reluctantly, but necessarily, he gives her the assignment.

Perhaps the clerk sells his tip to the film rag and the editor of the rag calls up Adimir and threatens to spill unless Adimir allows the rag first dibs exclusive. The editor agrees to keep it secret until post production is wrapped when he is allowed to publish the scoop on the week of the premiere. Of course this means that Lucy (and Mina) would be sequestered with the small trusted crew (small crew is easier to keep secret, a bigger crew would leak). Whether Lucy and/or Mina know that they will actually be sequestered for (2 or 3?) weeks is up for debate, but I think that Lucy does not know that she will be required to perform.

The crew (camera operators, lighting grips, sound recorder, set dec, hair/makeup, even catering are all trusted people that he has used before, some many times, and they eerily carry out his every command, despite the fact that he is slight and soft-spoken. He can be quite exacting.

What if Adimir was an albino?

there's a strong chance it ends up in the 10-20k word range

I don't have a problem with it and I doubt that RedChamber does either although you could ask him. 25k might be pushing it. One of us could even help you edit down if you are worried about it.
I don't have a problem with it and I doubt that RedChamber does either although you could ask him. 25k might be pushing it. One of us could even help you edit down if you are worried about it.

15k is my average run for a story. I'm figuring I'll end up in the 10-12k range and depending on where the story runs before I get to it, that could rise to 15-16k or drop to 8-9k. Everything is kinda dependent on what comes before me and what needs to happen after me.
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Perhaps the clerk sells his tip to the film rag and the editor of the rag calls up Adimir and threatens to spill unless Adimir allows the rag first dibs exclusive. The editor agrees to keep it secret until post production is wrapped when he is allowed to publish the scoop on the week of the premiere. Of course this means that Lucy (and Mina) would be sequestered with the small trusted crew (small crew is easier to keep secret, a bigger crew would leak). Whether Lucy and/or Mina know that they will actually be sequestered for (2 or 3?) weeks is up for debate, but I think that Lucy does not know that she will be required to perform.

The crew (camera operators, lighting grips, sound recorder, set dec, hair/makeup, even catering are all trusted people that he has used before, some many times, and they eerily carry out his every command, despite the fact that he is slight and soft-spoken. He can be quite exacting.

What if Adimir was an albino?

I don't have a problem with it and I doubt that RedChamber does either although you could ask him. 25k might be pushing it. One of us could even help you edit down if you are worried about it.
I don't mind him being an albino, but why?

I didn't have the editor call Adimir because Adinir is reclusive and secretive and nobody, least of all a flic rag editor would have his number. And if Adimir knew that he was filming there, he'd close down shop anyway rather than be blackmailed by some two bit follower. I think we'd have to have Lucy (and Mina) play it more undercover, or, if they are up front about what Lucy's there for, it would be good reason to make her part of the cast and gain control over the susceptible young woman.
I don't mind him being an albino, but why?

Just kinda makes him more unique and odd.

The other option would be to make him a brash loudmouth who berates his crew and cusses people out and super crazy demanding wild man. Both the soft=spoken exacting director and the brash crazy Phil Spector/Klaus Kinski madman type would work (and both very interesting to read about), but seeing as there's a lot of subtlety brewing in this story, I felt that a soft-spoken subtle Adimir would probably fit better. I could be wrong. It depends on how we write it.

I didn't have the editor call Adimir because Adinir is reclusive and secretive and nobody, least of all a flic rag editor would have his number. And if Adimir knew that he was filming there, he'd close down shop anyway rather than be blackmailed by some two bit follower. I think we'd have to have Lucy (and Mina) play it more undercover, or, if they are up front about what Lucy's there for, it would be good reason to make her part of the cast and gain control over the susceptible young woman.

All right, but I was just thinking that if he wanted to use Bathory's actual castle then he wouldn't have anywhere else to go if he shut down. if he really wants to make the picture in that castle, he'd deal. That was my angle, but we don't have to use it.
Looking further at Adimir and his use of Lucy, it could be that he does use local girls and guys and such as extras. They're sequestered until filming is finished. Some come along with him, and this helps fuel the rumors of actual torture and bloody execution.
Just kinda makes him more unique and odd.

All right, but I was just thinking that if he wanted to use Bathory's actual castle then he wouldn't have anywhere else to go if he shut down. if he really wants to make the picture in that castle, he'd deal. That was my angle, but we don't have to use it.
The actual castle is great, but he could use another; there are hundreds in the region. But given his nature, he'd probably abandon the project entirely rather than submit to extortion.
I don't mind him being an albino, but why?

I didn't have the editor call Adimir because Adinir is reclusive and secretive and nobody, least of all a flic rag editor would have his number. And if Adimir knew that he was filming there, he'd close down shop anyway rather than be blackmailed by some two bit follower. I think we'd have to have Lucy (and Mina) play it more undercover, or, if they are up front about what Lucy's there for, it would be good reason to make her part of the cast and gain control over the susceptible young woman.
Play up the "is he a vampire?" angle. Wear a black wig on set. No one knows he's actually albino, think it's an "image" and that plays into the "Is he a vampire?" thing.

Also would potentially let us play up Mariska as the real "bad" guy in the story while Adimir is just a poser ultimately.

Though, your second part is interesting. Undercover on the crew she would stand out if it's normally a close knit crew. Posing as a tourist interested in Bathory, though? Who "stumbles" on the filming and works up to getting an interview for her fan 'zine or the like, with her working on the film being used as a bartering device that looks like he's taking advantage of a fan?
Looking further at Adimir and his use of Lucy, it could be that he does use local girls and guys and such as extras. They're sequestered until filming is finished. Some come along with him, and this helps fuel the rumors of actual torture and bloody execution.
And disappearances...
Maybe Adimir has agreed to allow a photographer to do location shots, but not an interview. The editor has demanded that Lucy gets an interview also.
Perhaps, but then we only get six chapters total. If we use two for introductions and one will need to be the ending, we will only have three to plot with. That's not necessarily bad, but something that we should keep in mind.
The introduction chapters can begin to kick off the plot. Ch. 01: introduce Lucy and Mina, start the story. Ch. 02: continue the story, introduce Mariska and Adimir as a flashback or something like that.
Don't mind me, I'm just lurking... but this all sounds great. I'll be keen to read the instalments as they come out!
Basics on our vampire lore?

No sunlight? Dusk to dawn work schedule for filming?

Religious symbols?


Decapitation? Wooden stake to the heart?

Holy water? Running water?



Flying? Jumping? Super fast?

Even if we end on "not really vampires" we should keep the lore straight throughout to leave it all up in the air until the end and to give room to each other to sprinkle in hints around the possibility. And, I'd like to avoid mind control with the vampires. Seduction, yes, maybe a little coercion, but mindless thralls take the fun out of the chase.
Basics on our vampire lore?

No sunlight? Dusk to dawn work schedule for filming?

Religious symbols?


Decapitation? Wooden stake to the heart?

Holy water? Running water?



Flying? Jumping? Super fast?

Even if we end on "not really vampires" we should keep the lore straight throughout to leave it all up in the air until the end and to give room to each other to sprinkle in hints around the possibility. And, I'd like to avoid mind control with the vampires. Seduction, yes, maybe a little coercion, but mindless thralls take the fun out of the chase.
Just to confuse the issue, there are the vampire traits within the film being made, where sunlight, religious symbols, running water, silver and shapeshifting are suggested...

... and then there are the traits we imagine our real-world vampires have that can all be explained away, e.g., no real appetite for food, a dislike of sunlight; think Carmilla's languor, and maybe a fondness for hot chocolate? A coolness to the skin, a startling (but not obviously inhuman) strength and speed at times...

ETA: I'm not averse to a little mind control in the form of persuasiveness, but I agree that mindless thralls do nothing for me.