Challenge: Grab a Partner

BooMerengue said:
But if someone wants to shoot me a line, I'll see if I can muster something. I need to get out of this slump, anyway.

I just thought it would be more fun and more instructive to make it a challenge. Someone mentioned the Same Title Challenges earlier tonight. This could be one of those. If I come up with a theme and/or style, who wants to play?

Sign up here... and we'll see.

Sign me up...if only to keep me writing something <g> Lately housework and/or kids seem to be draining the muse right out, so that when I manage to get online I just sort of stare at the screen and wind up going through forums <g>

Maybe I need to invest in a small tape recorder and take notes throughout the day as inspiration hits me.

Belegon!! Come look...

Hi BooMerengue and Belegon,

thank you for your submission. If you don't have anything against
it, we'd like to include it in one of our upcoming issues. Since we'll be
working on May, July and possibly even September issue at the same time it's
hard for us to tell you right now in which one we might feature your work.
But in the meantime we'd like you to send us some background information on
the two of you and on how you decided to collaborate. This can be
accompanied by any links you'd like to see along with your work. Only please
send everything to us by April, along with other poems you might
be working on. Around that time we'll be able to let you know in which
particular issue your work will appear. Once again, thanks for letting us
see your work. We enjoyed your poem and hope to see more.

All best,
for Admit Two
Natalija Grgorinic & Ognjen Raden

I'm 2 for 2 on the Partner poems, but without such great partners it couldn't have happened!!

Thanks, you guys!
Just a thought...

A line crossed my mind. If anyone wants to jump in with it, pm me.

It would be interesting to pass this one line to more than one person and work with each of them. I am crazy that way. Can't just leave well enough alone. My simple-writing ass, just can't do the challenge as it was given. I got to play and stretch the boundaries....

Instead of responding here, please pm me. If more than one person decides to work with the line, I would be challenged with what comes about, which would help me stretch my own poetic bounds.

Remec said:
Sign me up...if only to keep me writing something <g> Lately housework and/or kids seem to be draining the muse right out, so that when I manage to get online I just sort of stare at the screen and wind up going through forums <g>

Maybe I need to invest in a small tape recorder and take notes throughout the day as inspiration hits me.

I have that same problem... I am working two jobs and interviewing lol... so many things going on and the muse has flown the coop.. boo hoo.. I hate when I go thru this.. Art and I are working on ours and I can't come up with one stinking line lol... so I took today off to work at home.. clean the house (OMG its a mess and work on one line before I head off to job number two... which is a bundle of poems waiting to be written lol... (restaurants always are!) it is snowing today small tiny little flakes.. and they made me think...

We rush around making money etc.. or taking care of the house... and forget to take care of ourselves... how can we continue if our souls are dying? Our bodies need work and toning and our minds are in need of flexing the gray muscle. Invest in that small tape recorder.. I am although I may go really high tech so I can down load lol... Life is for living and living is for taking time for our selves..15 minutes... better all around ourselves, the children (in my case my dog and cat lol), our friends, partners, fellow workers.. the grocery store clerk.. etc..

Well I will release and let go now lol... clean the house only because it cleans my mind also.. and hope the muse will visit your home soon Remec !!!! When she comes send her my way okay!
Du Lac~ :catroar:
average gina said:
A line crossed my mind. If anyone wants to jump in with it, pm me.

It would be interesting to pass this one line to more than one person and work with each of them. I am crazy that way. Can't just leave well enough alone. My simple-writing ass, just can't do the challenge as it was given. I got to play and stretch the boundaries....

Instead of responding here, please pm me. If more than one person decides to work with the line, I would be challenged with what comes about, which would help me stretch my own poetic bounds.

Anyone else? I dare ya. :devil:
Well, lookie derr!

I was doing nothing when I forgot that Boo and I had collaborated before on Heating Up. Wow. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.
By the way... I noticed that the collaborations are longer... have the rules changed or has the 16-line rule been thrown out?
I'm pretty sure that, unless a challenge has been thrown down, it's a free for all here. Set your own rules. Have fun. Thats all. :rose:
A Partnership poem, untitled as yet...<g>

Here's something me and DeepAsleep came up with earlier this week. There's been no editing or even line breaks yet. We thought we'd let y'all see it as it finished up first and then we could look at making adjustments and revisions.


A subtle hint of perfume
smells a touch like death, tonight
but I breathe it in anyways
Wild eyed, tonight I am
ready for anything
and nothing is ready for me, I am
hungry and insatiable
I want to set my eyes on fire
anything to feel warm again
anything to feel necessary, again
The barest echo of a familiar song
stales the air I pass through
and the grave is reopened.
Here it is, starving nothing,
comsuming everything once more, until
like quiet night dies, I am gone.

""Watch out for this guy! He's slick! And dark... and mysterious... and maybe even a bit evil! But in a totally sexy way!" -- BooMerengue"

I told you...

Thats an eerie poem. I like it. Small things like take the s off anyway, and either add a bit more of the "I am" or don't use it. Not familiar with Deep's psyche, but I've had a glimpse of yours. lol

You know what they say about opinions... well, this is just mine.

I wish I could get it up to write something; my muse has deserted me.
Just curious... anyone doing this anymore? I'm working with someone and I have another one done to post here and I don't want to do it in vain...
average gina said:
Just curious... anyone doing this anymore? I'm working with someone and I have another one done to post here and I don't want to do it in vain...

Just a bump 'cause it was brought back to mind today, and to see if a certain someone has any thoughts on whether we should post up the two we came up with several weeks (months?) ago. Hmmm?
Remec said:
Just a bump 'cause it was brought back to mind today, and to see if a certain someone has any thoughts on whether we should post up the two we came up with several weeks (months?) ago. Hmmm?

Thanks for the Bump! Come on, post em!
Waking things up <g>

Alright this is the first of two poems I wrote with average gina (relooking at the PM) back in March ( :eek: ) just never seemed to remember to write her and ask when she wanted to go and post them


can't stand it anymore
the way you look at me
with private aspirations
but maintaining a public distance
your stare a million ice picks
stabbing into my very soul
so unnerving yet unforgiving
your silent accusations echo in my ears
a constant racing locomotion
that threatens to derail all I've achieved

can't take it anymore
the way I look at you
absorbing your driven fears
and releasing my carefree desires
resisting your sultry focus
even while my heart is ready to yield
so unnerving yet forgiving
of every fault except my own. I try
to love your soul with my mind
but can think of nothing but your eyes
searching my soul for unquestioned answers

can't bear it anymore
the way we are together
Waking things some more

And here is the other piece me and average gina wrote together a while back.


The sky, sprayed with paisley pink and periwinkle clouds,
seemed awash with cotton candy today;

Greens of hunter and kelly swayed beneath, regal
banners bearing beasts rampant and resplendent;

She lavished striations through oak and elm
ash and cedar and rowan down into rings of mushrooms;

When the man sat aside in his lofty darkening space
eating cheese and waiting for fullness to return;

His love for her amazing power burned his ebony soul
but he continued to chase after her blinding light;

A yearning unrequited as periwinkle blushes to lavender
the best he could hope for is seeing her beauty from afar;

She strolls peacefully and her glorious presence wanes
but even the chill of her absence cannot dim his love;

Again the midnight of his world blanketed the wood
in shadow, as violet deepens into nightshade;

As she floats forward with a grain of yearning
he follows behind, admiring her bright beauty;
average gina said:
Were we done with them? :D :rose: Thanks, Remec.

Weren't we? <smile> I think they came out quite nicely, for no polishing and/or rewriting, that is.

Anyone else out there wanting to dance?
I wrote this A to Z poem with eagleyez about two years ago.


because crescent doors
evolve forever
golden highways intersect jumpstreet
keeping lips mouthing neverending

platitudes quietly risking
seeing timberlines undulate
vexxing waves
xanadu yearns


I wanna write one with darkmaas, but he'd probably drive me insane arguing with me about it.
Angeline said:
I wrote this A to Z poem with eagleyez about two years ago.


because crescent doors
evolve forever
golden highways intersect jumpstreet
keeping lips mouthing neverending

platitudes quietly risking
seeing timberlines undulate
vexxing waves
xanadu yearns


I wanna write one with darkmaas, but he'd probably drive me insane arguing with me about it.
Do you pack sandwiches for a drive that long?
Giving this a bump whilst I think.

Does anyone feel like doing this again?

I'd be interested, but not sure how good I'd be at it. I've not exactly been inspired lately.
tolyk said:
I'd be interested, but not sure how good I'd be at it. I've not exactly been inspired lately.

Well, theres not too many rules- but I don't write Erotica. I'm a frigid bitch.

You just decide ahead of time what form, style, meter, etc, or free verse, and then there's NO editing. You send me a line- I send one back. And so on and so on. I think we stopped at 16 lines. So it has to be kinda tight! (smirk!) So? Go back and read the first couple posts here, and then let me know.

Do your hands sweat? I hate sweaty hands when I'm dancing. :cool: