Challenge: Grab a Partner

I had some cool ideas for more of these challenges, but I have a real bad feeling right now. I voted a 5 for every single entry cuz no matter the content, they met or exceeded the challenge requirements. And how could the contemts be less than a 5 considering how these poems came about?

I don't get to comment on all I'd like to. I did when/where I could, and I'll continus as I'm able.

But I don't see a lot of others commenting either. And from what I've heard from some others most poems have gotten 3 to 6 votes. How many participated in this? There should be at least that many votes, comments or not.

If we don't support each other, who will support us? hmmm...???
Boo-- just read your post

I did not comment on any of them or vote yet. I just got back home and am starting to read them but I am exhausted and also having to catch up on this house, as it seems no one hired someone to take my place. Now I get to work triple time at home and work to catch up.

Coming back from vacation sucks.

anna submerged
BooMerengue said:
But I don't see a lot of others commenting either. And from what I've heard from some others most poems have gotten 3 to 6 votes. How many participated in this? There should be at least that many votes, comments or not.

If we don't support each other, who will support us? hmmm...???

That's a good point, Boo, and I'll admit I've been slack at doing so with some of the past Challenges. This one, however, I've been out of town for, so I will be reading and voting and (possibly) commenting on later today and throughout tomorrow...
I planned on reading through the poems that were used for the Thanksgiving challenge as well. I'm still waiting for The Mutt and my poem, "Teacher" to post to update the corrected results post and if anyone is continuing to do the challenge (I am with Liar--gosh, he is really challenging me so much my head hurts), then let me know.
average gina said:
(I am with Liar--gosh, he is really challenging me so much my head hurts)
Huh, look who's talking. You are serving me brilliant brain teasers with every line.

BooMerengue said:

But I don't see a lot of others commenting either. And from what I've heard from some others most poems have gotten 3 to 6 votes. How many participated in this? There should be at least that many votes, comments or not.

If we don't support each other, who will support us? hmmm...???

I'll be hitting them throughout this week while on vacation...this time of year is always busy, but I agree with the need to support each other...
I, too, have noticed fewer votes and reads on these challenge poems. Chalk it up to holidays and work for me...but I'm taking Friday off, so I'm hoping to read and comment on all of them!

PS...Garden of Evil needs two more votes to make it 'HOT'.

On the whole reading/voting thing, I got to a few before I had to give up for a while - been under the terrible spectre of morning sickness of late and just haven't been getting on the computer at all for a few days. I too will be getting to them, I promise! :)
Well, I'm glad to see this response. I still have a few to do since Gina has updated her list.

Irish and I are 'dancing' in pvt. Is anyone else? I think this is a good way to learn...

annaswirls said:

there is a site out there dedicated to collaborative writing.

Why not give it a shot?

Nothin' to lose...

admit 2

Here's the submissions guidelines page: (admit 2 guidelines). Would anyone like to collaborate with me on a piece and give it a go?
Re: takers?

foehn said:
Here's the submissions guidelines page: (admit 2 guidelines). Would anyone like to collaborate with me on a piece and give it a go?

Well... everyone knows
my genius goes
and comes upon a whim!

But if you're game
my rhythm you'll tame
... .... ..... .......

lol ran out of words!


And you can be a whore on this- if you want to do more than one its acceptable.
All right!

Ok, Boo and I are dancing!

This will take some PM's or something... I know I should lead, but at least name the dance, will ya?
Why are Foehn and I the only ones dancing? The dance floor is HUGE here! Come on, you guys. This time- no rules, no nuthin. Just dance and when we get a few finished we'll decide what to do with them!
BooMerengue said:
Why are Foehn and I the only ones dancing? The dance floor is HUGE here! Come on, you guys. This time- no rules, no nuthin. Just dance and when we get a few finished we'll decide what to do with them!

Sounds good to me...anyone have a free dance card? <g>
I am working on a project with a non-lit (as far asI know) poet. Here it is, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


It starts with animated optical effects
but results in supernatural affairs
and invitation.

"Come, walk the high wire,
feel the drag of invisible netting
that catches shark, dolphin and this
little squidy thing-
it must be extinct by now,
just look at it!"

Read as reminder,
keep things simple, light
although they rarely are.
Sometimes it is necessary to laugh
a path the ceiling, have some tea

or sketch a sidewalk,
ride down the pastel highway
falling blind into the belief
that we can still live the scenes.

Why not believe what
everyone knows to be the illusion?

Body bends over the gravity
of neo-platonic renaissance.
It unfolds the blurred interface
where consciousness and matter merge
into a single point of existence stretched
along the essential order of things.

Life maybe death
hangs suspended upon the wires,
one side of the balancing stick
studded with lead.

Shh don't tell me there is no wire!
Shear faith keeps me suspended

mid air

between two distant spaces,
one bright the other dim.
Eyes register the veiled silhouette
that strolls down a corridor

with form framed by rectangular topography
contrasting malleable curves
and muffled footsteps, soft against
harsh geometric starkness.

The shape, now asleep on high wire
with dolphin suckling a squid
wrapped in middle of balancing stick.

Illusions stud both ends
permanence is ephemeral,
shhh don’t tell me
the difference.
I think there are others dancing, just maybe not here, why not put em here, just for kicks. The folks at Admit 2 told me that suddenly the poetry submissions are picking up, and they are considering doing an all poetry issue!

I dont know if I was supposed to say that or not, but just wanted to inspire y'all to submit it if you got it and if its good and you know it.
Hey Anna...

I like this- it reminded me quickly of Mary (Poppins) and Bert jumping into the sidewalk together.

But... imho... it's too long.

We could make this a Partner Construction Zone. Maybe. I know MY partner is ready to shoot me cuz we danced along beautifully for 4 stanzas but now were each doing different steps. And were both a little stubborn. LOL

Partnerin' up is a lot of fun, though, and a great way to learn new technique. Maybe we could all submit to admit2 and see who gets picked? I'm game.

And I hadn't thought of submitting any of those we already wrote- if anyone I danced with is interested in submitting one of them, just let me know. But please don't submit and NOT let me know- some need editing.
a recorded dance...

Boo and I humbly submit the following for any reader's review. We are of the slightly less humble opinion that we rock, as dancers. Nothing's ever perfect, though, and we welcome comments, I think.

Side-note: I was never ready to shoot Boo, and I think we worked out our slight stumblings in admirable fashion. For tips and advice, send $2.00 to... oh never mind... here's the poem:

On the Way to the Sun

    — by BooMerengue & foehn   (©, 2005)

I walk west, eyes closed, along
the deserted road, to see if I can feel
the wash of sunset, with its pastel hues,
hear clouds laughing, their flat young bellies
tickled by glowing fingers.

My toes make tiny dust storms as I
meander here, and then there, the
air around me golden with the day's heat,
and somewhere, calling to me,
I hear the cooling song of the creek.

Eyes open now, I see crows are beginning
to roost. Into the lush, dark shadows
I follow the call. Evening has caught
her breath, and slowly down the slope
I answer with silent steps and secret smile.

Salmon silky water reflects the sun's descent
as I too go down to the moss softened bank,
my soul at ease as fish rise to feed
and the night music begins as
turtle doves take center stage.

My thoughts alight like weightless insects
with long skinny legs on the still water,
and rest there, dimpling the mirrored sky,
just long enough to touch heaven, soon to fly
away from the hungry depths that hold no stars…

like wishes stitched to fairies’ wings
their whispered laughter filling the night
and promising that with the dawn
my weary heart's delight awaits!
I walk west, eyes closed, again!
I had a lot of fun with foehn, tho he worries too much. Don't worry about the dress, dear... I just ripped it off and made a mini!

Anyone else out there dancing? Lets hear it!!

Kudos to foehn for his patience! :rose: :rose: :rose:
Re: a recorded dance...

foehn said:
Boo and I humbly submit the following for any reader's review. We are of the slightly less humble opinion that we rock, as dancers. Nothing's ever perfect, though, and we welcome comments, I think.

Side-note: I was never ready to shoot Boo, and I think we worked out our slight stumblings in admirable fashion. For tips and advice, send $2.00 to... oh never mind... here's the poem:

On the Way to the Sun

    — by BooMerengue & foehn   (©, 2005)

I walk west, eyes closed, along
the deserted road, to see if I can feel
the wash of sunset, with its pastel hues,
hear clouds laughing, their flat young bellies
tickled by glowing fingers.

My toes make tiny dust storms as I
meander here, and then there, the
air around me golden with the day's heat,
and somewhere, calling to me,
I hear the cooling song of the creek.

Eyes open now, I see crows are beginning
to roost. Into the lush, dark shadows
I follow the call. Evening has caught
her breath, and slowly down the slope
I answer with silent steps and secret smile.

Salmon silky water reflects the sun's descent
as I too go down to the moss softened bank,
my soul at ease as fish rise to feed
and the night music begins as
turtle doves take center stage.

My thoughts alight like weightless insects
with long skinny legs on the still water,
and rest there, dimpling the mirrored sky,
just long enough to touch heaven, soon to fly
away from the hungry depths that hold no stars…

like wishes stitched to fairies’ wings
their whispered laughter filling the night
and promising that with the dawn
my weary heart's delight awaits!
I walk west, eyes closed, again!

this is really good! Partners? Interesting!
Ninja? It IS fun... read from the beginning of this thread... well skim it... you'll see some neat stuff!

Then go find someone and try it!

annaswirls said:

there is a site out there dedicated to collaborative writing.

Why not give it a shot?

Nothin' to lose...

admit 2

The poem Boo and I wrote was just accepted for publication at Admit2. Thanks for the tip, Anna! :rose: