Challenge: The Perfect Ten (v2.0)

Carolina pines
are yellow-green,
Washington pines blue.

I’m somber too.
I miss your scent
clinging to sheets
mussed from lovemaking


I miss your smile
shaming the stars
with it's brilliance


I miss what never was
you and I
possibly forever...

darkecstacy said:
Both of us silent
About the future

(ahh - did you hear the NPR report about those tribal folks, shit- i don't remember where they were from? their word for future is 'back' or behind them because they cannot 'see' it yet and past is what is ahead, before them, because they have viewed it already... they are losing their language now and their unique ideas about time and space...)

That said:

what lies before me past
feeling backward toward my future

interesting concept, yes? : )
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Huis clos

Count to three
....deaf to thought,
then snare me