Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

I like the idea of a drone taking the pictures. Good thinking!

But it is actually much easier than that. 😄
Ceiling Fan

I place my phone on the fan blade with the lens shooting down at me. You need to use the timer function or have it record video and then capture a screenshot. You may also need to place an object for balance on the opposite side of your fan if the blades start spinning. It's actually pretty easy all in all. As long as you have a ceiling fan and it's easily reached. 🪭

I'm hear for all the pervy, picture taking tutorials. 📸 Just ask me and I'll help take your picture.
But are you here for it?
I don’t like to pre-pay. Never know when I’m going to be in the mood for it, so instead I just pay scalper prices at the last possible second.
This is going about it wrong. Avoid scalpers at all costs. Find a like-minded soul who was all set to begin their own existential crisis, but had something come up. You can take it off their hand, often for nothing.

I feel like at this point I'm being toyed with.
I’m not gonna lie, I do have my sassy pants on today.
Well… in the photo I didn’t 🤭
