Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress


You rang?
Thursday is color day? 🤔 I don't typically do colors so... filter it is!

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FEMME FATALE by Jeannine Hall

Even our names sound delicious: Pandora, Delilah, Bathsheba, Lola, Gilda

They speak of us in the language of pastries- cream puff, tart, cupcake

They drool over us, put their hands in our bodies
Oh honey, Oh sugar
As if plunging into layers of white meringues

We dissolve behind veils and trench coats Our faces soon dimming
The whiskey of their tongues already forgotten

Around us the scent of orchids and tobacco lowers bruised and senescent
blooms into the night air, thick with gunfire
Perfect colors, perfect words!
<Red Rum... I mean Nail>
Intellectually I knew that was your heel or calf in the upper right however my brain still made it someone's chin on first blush of the picture. Maybe next time.

Thank you for the flash AD. Of red I mean. Color pops are my second favorite kind of pop.

From another theme in chaos... Just in 🖤 and 🤍
Funny how draining the red out moves it from Valentines Day to Halloween. You were going for Sexy Florist, right?

♻️♻️ Just a few more days to celebrate recycling ♻️♻️
I'm suddenly feeling very ecologically minded and I want to race out and get involved with all sorts of green initiatives.